What if?

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This one is a product of the many what if's regarding TCK. I just hope no one would have my head for this. 

unedited and just for fun...

WARNING: Don't read this while drinking or eating. This would cause nausea or choking.

Valeriana entered the room beaming. She was really glad because of the good news related to her by Lord Aeron.

The other rankers noticed her unusual cheerfulness and was a bit puzzled by her behavior.

"Valeriana you seemed to be in good spirits today. Any good news?" Tamara asked as a smile made its way to her face. The fifth ranker's mood could be contagious at times.

Valeriana turned to the third ranker and without any ceremony hugged her and squealed. "Tamara, I am returning to Earth!"

The redhead stood in shock. But it was not only the third ranker who was in that state, almost all of the members of the Celestial Circle had several reactions. The twins stopped bickering. Charles almost choked on his tea. Keelan dropped the cookie that he was about to eat. The almost expressionless Brindon had his mouth hanging open. The rest of the circle stopped what they were doing as they were all trying to process what she had just said while Corvan remained silent as he watched the girl.

Valeriana knew that the news had certainly set off something among the Circle. She braced herself for the storm of questions that would be fired on her after she had revealed the good news.

"What?!" several voices asked. Then at the same time almost all of the rankers with the exception of Corvan began assaulting Valeriana with their questions.

"How come you are going to leave?" Tamara asked.

"Aren't you supposed to stay here for eight years?" Charles followed up.

Before she could answer, Keelan interrupted. He was close to tears. "Who will help Charles cook? Who will provide us with treats-oreo cookies?" He looked really sad thinking that Valeriana would not be there to cook for them or to share her "human" food to them.

"Who will let us watch those movies?" Aneeka asked.

"Who will entertain us? We would especially miss your bickering with Corvan". The twins said in chorus.

"Are you going to leave Zion?" Elfre asked.

"Elfre!" Valeriana frowned at their reactions especially the last one, but she chose to disregard them.

Then, in a soothing tone, she tried to pacify the Circle. "Guys, calm down. I won't go back there permanently. I would be spending a day or two on Earth for a little vacation."

Before any of the rankers could react, Lady Seraphina entered the room and gave the additional good news. "So Valeriana were you able to select the ones who will go with you?"

"Not yet Lady Seraphina. I had just told 'that' to them." Valeriana replied. "King Laedin granted me permission to go back to Earth for three days in maximum for a short break... Provided I will take two people with me. It is to make sure that I would be coming back here in Valemnia."

The room was thrown into chaos when Valeriana said such. Most of the rankers wanted to go and see the human realm because of the things Valeriana had told and shown them before. Keelan had different reason though, and as everyone had guessed-food.  

In order to help Valeriana decide on whoever she would be taking, the rankers made a lot of suggestions.

"Maybe you should take me first." Tamara suggested. "I can take care of you and won't let you fall into trouble."

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