Through the Snowstorm

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Before you read this part, I have to share something with my fellow TCK fans. They are just raws since I don't have time to polish them and make them into manga (comic strips) but I hope you'll like them. I will be adding more if I have time.

Here's the link.

Valeriana tried to steady herself with much effort. It was hard trudging on this almost hip high snow, and the snowstorm was not helping the situation.

Squinting her eyes, she tried to see the other rankers but failed to do so. The snowstorm was heavy and she could not see far over two meters ahead.

She tried listening to their voices but the only thing that she could hear was the howling wind. Not to mention her ears had seemed to be frozen. She just hoped that they would not leave her behind.

Hopelessness left her when finally she heard his voice called out.

"Valeriana hurry up!" Corvan shouted through the noise.

She could see the young lord's figure just a few meters ahead. Although, she felt really sick and tired, she forced herself to move towards him.

With difficulty she managed to make her way near Corvan, even though all she wanted was to rest, she had to move on and keep up with the others.

However, sheer determination and willpower were not enough to keep her going. Exhaustion and the extreme cold were overwhelming her frail body.

Her coat, though it can protect her marginally during cold days, was not giving her enough warmth in this snowstorm. She felt herself shaking to the bone for the material seemed to have been frozen as well.

"Valeriana! Keep up with us! What's taking you too long?" Corvan's annoyed voice rang. "We need to catch up and we are behind schedule!"

She wanted to shout back but was unable to. Her knees simply gave way and darkness had started to take over. With her fleeting half-conscious state, she could barely hear Corvan's frantic voice shaking her awake.

"Wake up! Don't sleep... you'll die!"

Then total darkness engulfed her.

Valeriana woke up feeling a bit cold. Since, it was still dark, she decided to go back to sleep and snuggled deeply in her bed.  

"Weird. My bed is hard and a bit cold. Feels like I am sleeping on the floor. " She thought as her hand grope for her pillow.  

When she found her pillow, she scooted over and hugged it. However, she stopped short when she realized that her "pillow" was a bit hard, larger than it was used to, warm and it had seemed to move. What's more the pillowcase was missing!

"what in the heaven's name is this?!" her eyes widened when she opened them and discovered that the "pillow" she was hugging was actually the young Arlandian lord.

The first ranker was sleeping soundly and was undoubtedly half naked!

Valeriana wanted to scream bloody murder but it seemed that the scream was caught on her throat when she noticed that she was wearing nothing but a button-down shirt, which was definitely not hers.

"Good grief! What in the world happened? Did something really happen? Did I lost something?" She paled considerably thinking all the what if's and other possibilities.

"Calm down Val! If something had happened between the two of you, you would know that, right? You would feel something different, right?"

She was about to move away and assess her self when Corvan's arms snaked their way around her and held her captive in his embrace.

"This is too much! Too close!"  

"Why didn't you tell me that you were not feeling well?" Corvan's voice filtered her ears.

She looked up and locked gazes with him. His emerald green orbs seemed to be boring right through her. A simple symptom that he was about to get angry.

Averting her eyes, the fifth ranker muttered. "I... I did not want to let the other rankers... to worry about me..."

"You should have at least told us! We would have done something!"Corvan's angry voice made her flinch.

"If I had told you, the others, you would have to go without me. Or worse you will have to abort this mission! I don't want that to happen. This is mission is important-"

Corvan seemed to get feed up. Instead of bickering with her, he silenced her with a kiss. At first Valeriana was not able to react but when the kiss began to deepen, she was brought back to her senses.

"Corvan stop!"she tried pushing him away.

"Valeriana, this mission is important but you have to bear in mind that the life and wellness of your comrade must come first." He seriously said before allowing her to move away from him.

 They were silent for awhile. Valeriana gathered her courage and asked, "did...did something happen earlier?" She glanced at Corvan nervously.

Corvan eyed the girl with mischief. "What do you think? We are wearing almost nothing and when we woke up we were sleeping together."

Valleriana just stared at him, eyes wide with shock.


I will be leaving the rest to your imagination for awhile... ;p

I might provide the other details next time.  Just give me a few feedbacks.

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