How to make Valeriana keep her mouth shut

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This is exclusively for Corvan's use only...

The first ranker and the male ranking members of the Celestial Circle were waiting in the receiving area, when Headmaster Kylon and Lord Aeron came. They knew that the two adults had come to fetch Valeriana, in order to meet His Majesty, King Laedin.

The boys welcomed the two adults and served them tea as they waited for the girls to finish preparing Valeriana for the said meeting.

Earlier, the female ranking members of the Celestial Twelve dragged the poor defenseless girl towards Tamara's room to be tormented-a.k.a. to get a makeover. It had been almost a few hours and still there was no sign of her.

Several minutes ago, Tamara left in order to check the preparation's progress but she did not come back.

Corvan was getting a bit edgy. He noticed that both Lord Aeron and Headmaster Kylon did not show any signs of impatience, since they were engrossed in their conversation with the remaining Celestial members. But he knew that he needed to do something-probably check on the girls, so that Valeriana, the headmaster and the court leader could go and meet the King.

Making up his mind, Corvan excused himself and headed towards the third ranker's room. He knocked before he opened the door. His eyes feed to several directions as he tried to locate the girl. Finally, he saw the female rankers crowding in one corner, fussing over something or someone.

Although, he was getting a bit annoyed with whatever they were doing, he kept his cool and called out.

"Where's Valeriana?" His voice echoed from the doorway. "Can you not be faster? Lord Aeron and Headmaster Kylon are waiting for you downstairs."

"Oh! Thank god!" he heard her say.

Then someone bolted towards him before shutting the door close behind her. He was caught off guard when she grabbed his wrist and started dragging him downstairs. Corvan was momentarily shocked; he couldn't seem to recognize the creature in front of him.

Once far away enough, they slowed down. Corvan barely noticed the glance she threw at him.

"Sorry. Got caught up in a moment there." She muttered an apology.

The first ranker didn't reply, so she turned her attention at him and they locked gazes. He had bewilderment written on his face while looking at her.

He could not help but think that she looked unbelievably stunning with the way she was dolled up tonight. The delicate curls that rested on top of her head, which were fixed on a stylish up-do, framed her beautiful face. The dangling earrings that hang on each side of her head added an air of charm around her, but still they would never rival the loveliness of their current wearer.

By wearing that exquisite sky-blue gown and undergoing major preparations, Valeriana seemed radiant. Corvan had to admit that he was quite impressed.

Gone was the plain-looking and not quite feminine human and in her place was a lovely lady, who looked awfully like the late Queen Ayslia of Valemnia. That thought alone left Corvan a bit speechless.

"What? Not having one of your smartass replies?" Valeriana asked while raising her brows.

For the oddest reasons, Corvan could feel his cheeks getting a bit hot, so he looked away to avoid her eyes. "Do you prefer that I speak?"

"No. It's just weird for you not to have that attitude of yours all of a sudden. I mean, I was expecting you to say 'How dare you drag me?' or 'You cannot just go off running!' or even 'Why are you not listening to anything I say, you goddamned stupid witch?' while you have this look on your face." She willfully contorted her expression into that of an angered frown which the first ranker usually had plastered on his face.

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