Chapter 6

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Avery's POV

Whilst Blaze and I sat underneath the large tree that was sheltering us from the sun, I thought about Jared. The mysterious boy that had appeared but then disappeared a while later.
Where was he?
One minute he was there, then, when I woke up, he was nowhere to be found!

Suddenly, a bunch of piercing howls filled the air. Wolves! My mind starting working overtime, thinking of all sorts of scenarios. They could kill me in a matter of minutes if they wanted to!

"Blaze..." I started. He looked up at me. He was worried. Those wolves were not on his side.

He swiftly got up and, before I could do anything, gently bit the end of my dress, pulling me alone. Me being the gullible kid I was, followed him like a little lost lamb. That wolf had my complete trust. Whether the wolves got me or not was completely in his hands... Well, paws!

Blaze quickly leant down. I realised what he wanted me to do...
He wanted me to ride him! Like a pony or something!

"Are you sure?" I asked, making sure he was fine with a worthless human like myself riding on his back. Surely this wolf was no normal wolf. Why would he let me ride him?

Blaze nodded at me and whined in impatience. Stunned, I climbed on a gripped his fur. I was terrified that I was going to fall off!

When I was riding on his back, I was a bird, soaring through the skies. At least, that's what I felt like when I was on Blaze's back. I felt like royalty. Having the honour of riding on him.

Reality hit me like a truck as Blaze skidded to a halt as a massive wolf stepped out in front of us. Both of them were around the same size. That didn't make me any calmer though.

The wolf standing before us was very dark grey. Almost black apart from the patch of white on his chest. His muzzle was pulled back in a hideous snarl as the hackles on his back rose in threat.

It was obvious Blaze was outnumbered. There were wolves waiting to attack all around us. All of them dark colours.

As quick as the wolves had surrounded us, they had disappeared. Standing in their places were a bunch of people. Most of them had menacing scowls on their faces as they stared at us.

Waiting. We were all waiting for the enemy to strike. No one dared make a move.

Instead, Blaze knelt down for me to get down. So that's what I did. His lovely fur was separated from my touch as he stepped away.

A second later, I turned to see Jared standing in his place. His face was a picture of seriousness and concern. Truth slapped me round the face as I realised what was happening.

Jared was Blaze.
Blaze was Jared.

They were werewolves! Real life werewolves! Standing right in front of me was what had filled my imagination after bedtime stories when I was really little. This time, it was real.

"Blaze... Jared..." I muttered, eyes wide in fear and shock. Jared saw that I was scared and tried taking a step forward.

As he moved forwards, I fell backwards and landed on my butt in the dirt. When I landed, I scooted backwards to escape.

Grubby hands grabbed my arms, holding me still. I gasped in shock as I realised it was the nasty wolves that had been chasing us. They were smirking down at me as they knew I couldn't put up much of a fight.

Don't cry. Don't cry! I shouted in my head. Tears still threatened to fall though.

"Get your dirty hands off her." Growled a familiar voice. Jared!
He was going to help me!

Rather than let me go, the man picked me up and put me over his shoulder. I tried kicking and punching to make him let me go but he just laughed.

"We're gonna keep this little one for now." Said a deep voice. It was forceful. There was no mistaking the malice in the tone.

I turned around a little to see Jared's eyes narrow.

Without warning, he was gone. Where he was standing, stood Blaze. But it was also Jared. He was still there too.

"What are you planning to do, little boy? You can't beat us."

Blaze snarled at the horrible man. We both didn't like him at all. Usually, I didn't like violence but I guess one time I could ignore that fact.

The tension in the air made me shiver. Someone would get seriously hurt and I didn't want it to be Blaze or Jared.

Instead of waiting for the inevitable, I quickly bit down as hard as I could on the man's arm.

"Ow! You little rat!" He yelled in pain. Before he could grab me again, I ran back to Blaze and cowered away from the man. Blaze hesitated for a minute, looking round to check if I was okay. Once he was satisfied he turned back to the man, glaring daggers at him.

"Jared," growled a voice from behind us, "what are you doing?"

Blaze froze. There was a sound of heavy footsteps behind us until someone grabbed my arm, turning me around to face them. The person huffed before letting go, making me stumble back a little.

"You're protecting a rogue?! I thought better of you, Jared Chase but obviously your standards are low."

Blaze turned back to Jared in a hurry and went to walk over to me. Before he could take another step, another man grabbed him and held him in place.

"Gregory, you want this rogue?" Questioned the voice, pronouncing Gregory's name with a nasty tone.

"Well that would be nice. Hand her over," the dirty man I had bitten replied. Well, he must have been Gregory then.

A pair of hands pushed me towards Gregory and he clenched my shoulder tightly. I was unable to move away from him.

"Let her go! Dad, bring her back!" Yelled Jared as the person holding him pulled him away. He was addressing the man who gave me over as "dad". His pleas were completely ignored and I tried to hold back the tears that were forming in my eyes.

"Jared! Help me!" I shouted but it was already too late.

So close yet so far.

I watched as he struggled desperately trying to get back to me. Harsh laughter sounded out before someone hit me, an eleven year old, in the head, making me black out. The last thing I heard was Jared's voice cry out in shock at what they'd done to me.

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