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Karen's POV

"Bitch, don't touch me." Hayley yelled. "Excuse you!" I glared at her.

"I want to run away!" Hayley whined, Daryl and I decided to foster a kid, but I guess this isn't Hayley wasn't the one.

"You're only 14 years old! How do you know about this stuff?" I said.

"Why are you so stupid?" Hayley groaned, face palming her face.

"No cussing!" I exclaimed, "go back to your room!" I added.

She ran to her room and slammed the door shut. I took my phone out and dialed Daryl. About 4 rings, he finally answered.


"Daryl, I don't want Hayley." I muttered. "Why not?" Daryl asked.

"I just don't like the way she acts. She stole 3 pairs of my earrings and she already broke 2 plates. She's also making a lot of mess." I explained.

"We'll bring her back later. I really need to go now, sweetheart." Daryl said, "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled.

I carefully took the broken plates that were on the ground and started putting them in a plastic bag. Suddenly, I heard a loud bang upstairs making me run up the stairs and went to my room, but no one was there.

I checked the other rooms and no one was there. I decided to check Hayley's room and it was locked.

"Shit. Shit. Shit" I said under my breath. I went back to my room and grabbed the keys for Hayley's room and made my way to her room.

I put the key in the door knob and turned it. The window was opened and no one was there.

"Hayley?!" I yelled. I looked through the window and I saw her running away with a backpack. "Hayley! Come back here!" I yelled.

Sally turned around and flipped me off. I shook my head and started dialed 911. They immediately answered, making me relieved.

"Hi. Uh m-my adopted kid ran away." I told them.

"When did he or she ran away?" They asked.

"Just about 2 minutes ago?" I answered, making my way way downstairs.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but we can't help you until the kid is gone for 24 hours." They replied.

"Please. Try to find her. Please! I am begging you!" I begged, putting the plastic bag full of the broken plates into the trash can.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but just please call us back after 24 hours." They explained, making me groan in annoyance. I hung up and made my way outside and went in the car and then I turned it on and I put the keys in the ignition and the car started and I started looking for Hayley.

I drove down a couple streets until I saw her sitting on the curb of the sidewalk.

"Hayley get in the car right now." I ordered. She looked up at me. There were tear stains on her cheeks and her mascara was smeared under her eyes.

"So what? So you can take me back to foster care?" She retorted, "I'm not going with you, I don't wanna go back."

"If you don't wanna go back I suggest you stop being a big brat and start listening to me and Daryl. Now get in the damn car already." I told her.

She stepped off the sidewalk and got in the car. "Thank you." I huffed.

I drove back to the house and saw that Daryl was home. He was sitting at the dining table holding a folder.

"Here's the papers to bring her back." He said, placing the folder on the table.

"See! What the fuck you liar!? You told me I wasn't going back!" Hayley shouted.

"N-No Hayley, calm down baby." I stuttered trying to hold her.

"No! Let go of me!" She ordered squirming out of my arms, "If you were going to bring me back you shouldn't have lied. I'm so sick of hearing lies. Damn fucking lies. 'Cmon Hayley I'm taking you out' they say then I end up at fucking foster care." Hayley said before stomping away.

"Daryl." I groaned slapping him on the arm, "What'd you do that for?"

"I'm sorry honey, I didn't know she was gonna do that." He said.

"Well, we're still taking her back." I said.

Daryl nodded, "Yeah. I can't deal with her anymore."

I took a pen out and started filling out the papers.


"Liar. Liar. You're such a fucking liar." Sally sing song on the back seat.

"Please stop." I groaned. Trust me, I'm usually nice to kids, but she's really getting on my nerves.

"Shut it." Daryl said to Hayley. I looked back and she was flipping him off. "With that attitude you're not getting anywhere, Hayley!" I explained.

"Stop telling me what to do! You're not my mom!" She yelled.

"Well stop acting like a brat!" Daryl yelled back. We arrived to the Foster care, making me sigh in relief.

"I'm sorry, Hayley." I muttered, opening the car door with the papers in my hand. I waited for Sally to get out, but she won't budge. I opened the door and she glared at me, unbuckling her seatbelt and making her way to inside the Foster care.

I followed her inside and made our way receptionist.

"Hi, um I'm here to give Hayley back." I awkwardly said to the lady typing on her computer.

"She is a bit of a handful isn't she?" The receptionist snickered, "I'm sorry she was such a bother." She said.

"I just feel bad for the next pair that chooses her." I joked, "But anyways, here are the papers and release forms and such." I said handing her the folder.

"Okay," She smiled, "Just make sure Hayley doesn't leave when you guys do."

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen." I laughed.

After leaving the receptionist's desk I walked over to Daryl and Hayley.

"I'm really sorry Hayley, but you've kinda been a pain in the ass." I said truthfully, "And in the future, I hope you realize being a rude brat won't get you anywhere in life so maybe you'll think about being nice to the people who are nice enough to consider having you as their own child okay?"

Hayley rolled her eyes, "Yeah. Okay."

"Let's go Daryl." I said walking out the doors, "Bye Hayley."


A/N: Hi guys! Here's ria && Jaylyn and here's another update! We hope you like it!

but, how do you like it so far?

Thanks for reading! Much love, ria and Jaylyn

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