Chapter 2

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What type of rags are these they have on me. What in the name of blooming strawberries is this crap? Americans have no sense of fashion. No offence, really, just really isn’t what I was hoping for to find in such a bragged about country. I mean, yeah we can blend colors together, but who in the world mixes blue with green or red with pink. I looked at myself and sighed. I just had to get over with this. Really I did. Oh, this was going to be a long stay. I touched the Jean material that was like pants. Do all Americans where rough stuff? What about the silk?  Silk is a wonderful fabric! It flows nicely against the skin, unlike jeans that grab your skin like its skin. I looked at my shirt with was a white shirt that says, 'Cool Chick'. This was the most horrifying, disgusting shirt I’ve ever seen. I mean, who really cares if you’re a ‘cool chick’. Are you trying to infer to yourself as chicken? Saying that about you would be very weird and downgrading. I grabbed the leather jacket they gave to me. I walked out the changing room with a big unhappy frown on my face.

"What is the jacket made of?" I asked

"It is made out of cotton." The lady said sarcastically. I never knew cotton came in this feel. Cotton is supposed to be soft and wonderful feeling. Like when you’re playing in a pile of pillows. Instead this feels tight.

She pressed a button and 3 workers came out and pushed me towards a chair. They spun me around and began tossing my hair.  Then I saw a scissors that made a disgusted look appeared on my already upset face. They were not going to cut my hair! Do you know how long it takes to grow two feet of wonderful and taken care of it (I wash mine with chicken fat) perfect.

“Are you guys, off your trolleys! Please! P-please!  Don't cut my hair. You can do whatever you want with my hair but don't cut it." I said panicking

An hour later they moved from my sight and let me looked through the mirror. Now, they can't dress good, but they do, do makeup and hair very well. I never wore as much as make up as other people before because I always say natural beauty is the best. I am naturally beautiful. I smiled at the person in the mirror, and they smiled back at me.

The lady pressed another button and Jack came in smiling at me. I gave him a weak smile that showed no emotion. He took my wrist and directed me out the building. He walked over to a black van. Wow, this is how cars in U.S. looked like. He unlocked the car, and I opened the door to the entrance of the back seat. The leather of the seat was really cold, but I didn’t want to express that to Jack. I sat down looking at the back of Jacks head. His head was shaped like a square. In a few spots a grey hair was hiding between the black hairs that was trying to oust blend it.  How was that possible, isn't everyone’s passenger seat on the left.  Jack started the engine and it startled my thoughts. I sat in the van quiet. Music filled my ears. I did recognize some of the songs, but however it did catch my interest and I found myself quietly tapping my hand against my knee.

A few moments after we appear in front of an old house that was painted blue, I was guessing this was Jack’s home. It looked really old like it was mad in the 1950’s. At that time Persusa, my wonderful country, was in war. He parked in the cemented driveway that led all the way up to the stair and the front door made out of a maple wood. He opened the door and got out, jingling the keys as he shuffled to make his way to his home. I opened the door and followed him out. He walked swiftly and ran up the steps that lead to the wooden and glass door.  He unlocked the door and walked in.

“Welcome to La Maison de James!" Jack said smiling at me in a kind manner. I smiled back at him to be nice and not come off as a rude person, because that is the person I wish not to be.

"Um, just because of foreign doesn't mean I speak French. I'm Persusian. Not French." I said correcting him. When many foreigner’s comes to my country they tend to speak English very slowly, like English isn’t my first language, which obviously it is.

"I know." he said smiling, “Just thought it sounded way cooler than The James House."

He walked around me and tapped the wall. Two teenagers came down the stairs. One boy and one girl appeared in front of me. The girl had similar resemblance of her brother. Of course she would, that is her brother. The girl smiled but her brother expression showed me that he had no interest that I was here. The boy had brown hair with brown eyes. The girl had the same features, but with pink highlights in her hair.

"Josh, Jamie, this is Elina." He said pointing towards me, “Elina, this is Josh and Jamie. They're twins, these are my children."

“Hi." I said shyly. Jamie waved at be, but however Josh just stood there eyeing me down.

"Now Josh and Jamie, Elina will be staying with us for about 6 months. Please be nice." He said directing the last part to Josh, “Elina is a….. princess."

"No way," Jamie expressed, "of what?"

"Persia." Jack said

"No, Persusa." I said correcting him. Persia and Persusa are two different countries on different continents…Persusa isn’t even on a continent it’s an Island.

"Yeah that." Jack said

“I never heard of that country." Josh said, “Must be so lame, they didn't include it in its map."

Jamie rolls her eyes and elbows her brother, “That’s cool. I think Ms. Pelsa, our teacher was telling us about the country. Should I bow or something?"

"No." I said giggled, “I hate when people do that."

"Hey dad," Josh said,” I got to go meet Matthew okay. We're going bowling."

"What's Bowling?" I asked keeping a straight face. I was serious. What was bowling? I seriously had no idea what bowling is. I could tell they thought I was crazy because everyone in the house looked at me that way.

“You have to be kidding me." Josh says annoyed, "I got to go." He said brushing pass me almost knocking me over.

“Sorry for his behavior, since forever, he's been acting like a Jerk." his sister Jamie says grabbing my wrist and leading me up the stairs,” C'mon, I'll tell you what bowling is."

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