Hello, are you okay?

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Hudson's POV

Friday morning

"Alright mom I'm heading out," I said as I slipped on my vans at my front door." Alright honey, have a good game tonight and don't forget your jacket. It's going to be raining all day," I walked out into the rainy morning fixing my jersey under my jacket.

 After shoving my bag into my back compartment, I lifted my leg over my motorcycle. Even though I have a car, I had finally got one when I convinced my mom I would be fine. I turned my key in the ignition and rushed off to school.

5 minutes later....

As I entered the gates, the parking lot was full with my teammates and the cheerleaders along with her. The one who made my heart stop beating. And as soon as she laid her eyes on me, she flashed that  gorgeous white smile of her's. My breath clumped up in my throat. Realizing I still had my helmet on, she probably didn't recognize me since I look like any other guy at this school. I have the same haircut as the guys here and I had a small chest because of my mom's genes. 

I saw the winks and smirking they sent at me through my helmet lens. But all that changed as soon I took my helmet off. Everyone realized it was me. Plain old Hudson. If you were wondering, they've always called me Hudson since my freshmen year.

I grabbed my bag from the back of my bike and headed to the library. Walking in, it was the usual seeing everyone reading and talking about irrelevant things. I walked over to the third section looking for a humorous book. Searching through the first shelf, I could hear things falling." Oh bagels," a quiet  innocent voice interrupted my search. I turned to see Emma, my best friend, struggling to lift up the huge books from the top self. I walked over silently and reached out to help her." Oh thank you, I guess chivalry isn't dead," she rubbed her bright pink cheeks while she looked down." It's Hudson, Emma," she looked up even more embarrassed. " Welp I guess chivalry is dead." She said making me hold in a laugh. "Can you help me with these please Hudson?" she asked cutely earning a yes from me.


Class had begun but as usual, our 1st period teacher was running late. Everyone was talking while I was busy admiring the angel sitting right in front of me. She was wearing a loose blue flannel with skinny blue jeans that complimented her curves. Although she's beautiful 24/7, she seemed a little upset which made me upset. I could hear people next to me talking about her. " I told you she was too good to be true. She isn't even a real girl." Suddenly, someone threw a crumpled paper at her back, everyone burst into laughter. I felt bad.

I gathered enough courage and tapped on her shoulder. She turned with tears ready to fall as she looked at me." Are you okay Joanna?" I asked pulling out a tissue from my bag and offering it. She suddenly stood up and ran out into the rain. It took me a second to realize I actually talked to her but I got up and went after her.

I couldn't see which way she had went but my gut told me to go left. When I reached the other side of the school, there was a crowd circling around something recording whatever it was. I squeezed my way through to see Joanna lying unconscious. I lowered myself and I wrapped my arms around her. I couldn't leave her here on the ground like this in the rain. I lifted her up and laid her head on my shoulder. People were gasping and gossiping but it didn't matter to me. As long as she was fine, I would be fine. I walked to the nearby nurse. I reached with a fist and knocked until Ms. Karen opened the door." Oh dear what happened?" She asked." She fainted." I answered." Well lets take a look sweetie," she started to examine her." She'll be fine but it's doesn't look too good," she said worriedly.

"Do you know anything about her family or her address?" I asked thinking I could take her home." Her folks are out of town till next Wednesday and she lives in the neighboring town," I frowned." Now Hudson I know that you're a great caretaker. I've heard a lot about you from your mom. So I trust you to take care of her and I know you like her." Embarrassment flooded over me. " Yea I've seen the way you look at her a few times here and there." I blushed even harder as it became more embarrassing for me." Well I'll take her to my loft and take care of her there. Who knows it could go good or bad." But I know it'll be terrifying.

" Do you have a wheel chair by chance?" I asked hoping for one. " No, we're trying to attain more since the last few are breaking." Guess I'll just have to carry her. I walked over to Joanna nervously and lifted her again. " You be careful now Hudson!" Ms. Karen shouted as I left with Joanna.

Walking into the parking lot, I barely realized my bike has only one seat. At times like this, I wish I had brought my car. With no other choice, I started walking down the street. My house was like what 5 minutes away. Seeing that the girl I've like since kindergarten was actually holding onto me, my heart began to pound in my chest. Just looking at her made me feel a lot better about this whole situation.

After 10 minutes of walking, I was finally near my house." Hudson don't you dare drop her, just one more house down and we're there." I repeated to myself. I finally walked up to my house and struggled to open the door but succeeded. Walking in, I quickly laid her down on my sofa. Rushing into my garage, I unhooked my keys from the hooks. I slowly took off the car cover, revealing my '69 Camaro Chevrolet and it's nice baby blue coat. After opening the garage, I hopped in and started her up. I slowly backed out, parking her right in front. I pushed down on my clicker closing it and ran back inside through the front

Noticing that Joanna's clothes were soaked from the rain, I slowly lifted her not to wake her but she was heavily shivering. I wrapped my arms around her, carrying her up to my room. I gently laid her down on my bed still trying not to wake her. I'm starting to worriedly think she might be dead. I lower myself down and put my ear over her mouth. Thank bagels, she's still breathing.

 From my closet, I quickly pulled out the first two sweaters and sweatpants I saw. I began to undress but I suddenly became nervous since I was literally right in front of her. Rushing to finish, I walked over and lowered my shaky hands to the buttons on her flannel. I slowly unbuttoned the first button. I gathered my thoughts and courage." We're both girls, this is nothing Mattie." I said to myself trying to calm my heart.

I delicately unbuttoned the rest of the buttons and whoa.... ah thank god there's a tank top. My heart was literally ready to jump out of my chest. It was pretty dry so I slipped a sweater over which looked nice. Well I mean she looks good in anything but that isn't the point, focus Mattie. As I reached for her button, I shakily unhooked it and slowly slid her jeans down until they came off revealing her black underwear. I shakily put one foot at a time through the sweats and slipped them up. I lifted her up again. Man its like today's a workout, my arms are dying. I think I'll reward myself by binge watching on netflix. I walked downstairs gently holding her tightly making sure she wasn't slipping. I'm actually starting to think she might dead this time since she hasn't woken up once. I locked door behind me. I opened her door and with my free hand I lowered the chair. I slipped her in and walked to the back in the house to get a comfy blanket. I came back and wrapped it around her.

I got in the driver's seat, starting the engine and slowly reversed. Hopefully during the 20 minute drive to my loft, I was praying she wouldn't wake up. It would be so awkward to try and explain to her what's happening.

About 10 minutes away, she started to stir around. I pressed a little harder on the gas." Please don't wake up Joanna." Arriving around the corner of my loft, we went down the hill and ended up at my loft which looked a little dirty. Finally parking the car, I looked over at Joanna and I just really hope this goes well. I went over and lifted Joanna back on me.

I walked through the back door because me being stupid I left it opened the last time I was here. I walked to the guest room on the first floor and laid her onto the bed. I carefully tucked her in under the blankets and it took me a while to leave. Her temperature was really heating up. I held my heart and rubbed it. Just looking at her made my heart all warm and fuzzy. I could tell she was going to wake up soon. I went into the bathroom and undressed quickly. I walked into shower turning on the warm water. I let it run over me while I thought what I was going to do when she wakes up.


I hoped you like the first chapter of my story. I planned this book for a while. Please tell me your thoughts and opinions on it. Also any ideas for later chapters :-)

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