Chapter 4

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Hey, this one is a little short but you get to know Sam and Alice together. I really like their friendship. Pretty please vote or comment or fan. Right now they are all zero and i wanna know if you like the story. Thanks for taking the time to read anyway :)


Chapter 4,

I stormed into my house leaving the door wide open behind me. I went into my kitchen and grabbed the one thing I knew would help me get out of my shit mood.


I unscrewed the cap and took a big swing. It burned my throat leaving it hot and itchy. My eyes watered but they were already full of tears. I hopped up on the granite counter and sat against the wall.

I took another swing. I knew this was going to go straight to my head. I haven't had anything to eat part from my smoothie-which I hardly touched. My throat was really dry but I took another swing. I pulled my legs up into my chest and but my head on my knees.

The tears started now. I couldn't believe it. I was just his slut on the side. I took a big gulp of vodka. And he had told Molly she doesn't have to sleep with her if she doesn't want too. Yeah, because he was happy after I slept with him twice over the weekend. Ugh and last night.

I hate him so much, I thought. I took another swing of vodka. I had drunk more than half the bottle. I could feel the alcohol buzzing through my system. I didn't care, I had just been trampled on.

The nerve of him. He was sitting there asking me questions he already knew the answers to. Now and then he would whisper something to Molly that would make her giggle. He even nibbled her ear and kissed her neck right in front of me. He did that to me the night before as well.

I was so drunk I was getting sleepy. It was already 10 o'clock when I got home. Molly wouldn't let me leave because she wanted her "two favourite people to get along." She didn't know the half of it. Poor Molly she has no idea. She is so in love with him and is always talking about him.

Who cared at least she had a boyfriend even if he had an affair. He better know it's over. My head was beginning to hurt. I still took another big swing though.

My dad never cared about me drinking. He bought me drinks for parties and everything. He wouldn't even notice the bottle was empty when he got back.

I took another big gulp. I was completely out of it now and knew I was gonna end up getting sick.

"Hey, Ali you in here? I saw you drive in and you looked pret - Holy shit Ali." Sam ran in just when I was taking another gulp. Before I knew it the bottle was out of my hands.

Sam held his hands on both sides of my face and looked me in the eye. His eyes were full of worry. He knew I didn't drink like this unless something was really wrong.

"What's wrong Ali? Did someone hurt you? Did you drink all of that?" He glanced over at the almost empty bottle.

"G-ggive me chottle ba." I pushed his hands away and slid to the end of the counter. He would have listened it I didn't slur my words.

"No way, what's wrong? What made you do that?"

I hopped off the counter - planning to land on my feet- but went flat on my face. I giggled but my rips were really sore.

"You'rer supp-pose cha catch me-eeee jackass." I looked up at his now really worried face.

Sam bent down and helped me up. He kept his hand around my waist and pulled my arm around his neck.

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