Make A Little Room

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When Lashia called me and told me she told Ty I was furious. I was on the verge of leaveing and vacationing somewhere eles. Then I thought of how good he makes me feel and how it feels to be wrapped up in his arms. So I caved and I stayed so that's how we end up here.

Ty had been here for two weeks and every night I found myself wrapped up in his arms but tonight I was beyond sad. We were going back home in the morning and everything will change. There will be no more layying up at all times of the night. Our time together will dwindle until its no more. 


Me and Ty had been back in New York for a month and have barely spent anytime together and I was beyond pissed. Though my spirits were lifted when my father promise to hold off all meetings for the next few days. Though I knew the days with Ty would draw to a end but I was elated. Days upon days of meetings was not exactly fun. So some time with Ty was exactly what I need for a little STRESS RELIEF.

We sat at the table at Ceramics. One of the best restaurants in N.Y. and Ty had rented it out just for us. I fidgeted with my fingers under the table. How was I supposed to tell him this. I mean I was beyong nervous and my stomach was doing little flips.

I exhaled softly"Ty I have something to tell you."

"Huh?" he said still eating his food


Anytime you can get it 

you can get it 

you can get  

you can get 

and I know just 

Know just 

know just 

know just what you want 

Poetic Justice put it in a song

My phone belted out Poetic Justice by Kendrick Lamar. I searched through my purse and pulled it out checking the message.


Bitch they trying to seize the throne.

The message was simple but it had a huge impact. We were going to war. 


I paced back and forth I hate when we went to war we put everything on the line inculding our lives and the ones around us. I looked up to see a worried expression on Tyrone's face (Picture of Ty on side).

"That Ruined the night."

"No doubt."

He sighed"Well Imma head off to bed."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." he kissed my forehead and was about to walk away but I wrapped my arms around him.

"Talk to me." I mumbled into his chest.

"I just had something planned tonight."

"I had something planned tonight too."

"Oh yeah? Like what."

"I'll tell if you do."

"Well I wanted you to move in with me."

"Awe." I said peppering his lips with light kisses

"What's yours?"

"Nope I'm not telling." 


We walked around the house. Well not house shit it was a CASTLE. I mean it was huge with some seven bedrooms, a indoor amd outdoor pool, workout room, and my personal favorite huge closets.

I tugged on Ty's arm "This one!"

"You sure?"

"Yeah I love it."

He nodded his head and walked over to the sells person they nodded there heads and shook hands. He walked back over to me and got on one knee, tears begin to grace my cheeks"Remeber i told you i had some thing planned? Laila Ann Belliane, Will you make me the luckiest man in the world and marry me?"

I shook head yes which only made him raise a eyebrow I smiled while laughing "Yes! "

He put the ring on my finger and hugged me lifting me off the floor amd twirling me around. He put me down but kept me in his embrace"I love you."

"I love you too. Even though you have yet to tell me what you had planned."

"Oh yeah that well babe you should know..." 


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