Chapter Four: Making a Fucking Friend (James)

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James tapped his right foot anxiously. Blake already shared the news with him and Mason about the newly discovered leaders...well, maybe they were leaders, but he didn't know for sure. "The plan has changed, that's for sure," he thought. "I just don't understand why it's my job to befriend one of them. After all, Blake and Mason should've figured out my personality for...what, ten years now? I don't like people, let alone, mutants. They are just disgusting imbeciles that are in the way; they should be annihilated! Then again, I am a mutant myself, but a high ranking one. I'm stronger, faster, meaner, way more handsome than those idiots, and did I mention evil?" James sighed. Why was anger his first thing to look to for aid? Why was he so different from all the others?

The bell rang for dismissal. "Oh joy, what a wonderful day I had!" he thought. James was already out the door, and his buddies were no where in sight. Aw well, it didn't matter anyways. He didn't need them to make him put on a happy face mask around a certain girl. What was her name? Jessica, right? "Ugh,, whatever. Sooooooo...where would I find some stupid Korean girl, who is definitely not worth my time, at this point in her life? Maybe a club, local strip joint, probably getting doped up. Who knows!" James had to release a grin on his last thought. Maybe being so mean and sarcastic all the time wasn't that bad.

Absently looking around, James searched for his little *cough cough* friend. He knew he couldn't just stand around forever on the school courtyard looking like a total retard while everyone else was rushing out the building and --

Wait, they were rushing towards a group of crowded people. "Maybe the bitch is over there," he thought. James practically grandma-speed-walked over there since his hopes were somewhat high at the moment. The circle formation of human and mutant bodies alike were all screaming, hollering, and shouting like normal idiots do. He didn't understand what was going on, and he wasn't really that tall to see what was occurring. I mean, it's not like he couldn't talk to anyone; he didn't have any "friends." James pushed some of the students out of the way gently and muttered some polite words to prevent from any fights breaking out between him and another unlucky fellow. "Dark honey blond hair, dark honey blond hair, dark honey blond hair...where is that god damn girl?" He had an annoyed look on his face. "How the hell am I supposed to find her when all these people are being --"

Out of nowhere, James saw the hair he's been looking for. Quickly making up a plan of action, James walked slowly until he stood next to her. He had a concerned expression and acted as if he was attempting to solve what was happening. James craned his neck everywhere as his eyebrows furrowed. "Come on biatch, fucking talk to me..."

As if Jessica read his mind, she tapped James on his shoulder. "You ok over there?" she asked.

James acted like he didn't know Jessica was talking to him. "Uh, oh....yeah." James coughed a little. "Say, do you know what's happening here?"

"Does it look like I know?" she snapped.

James was a tad bit thrown off by her sudden jab. "Hey, I was just asking a question. No need to be rude."

"First of all, I wasn't being rude. Second, I have no idea what is fucking going on, but I do know this: you're acting like a damn idiot and it's embarrassing me."

James tried not to laugh and let his tone turn sarcastic. "Really? Are you my long lost girlfriend or something?"

Jessica's medium brown eyes averted away from his own as she tried not to blush. Aware of her vulnerability, she quickly wiped off her shyness and met James' fierce eyes. "Just fuck off, why don't you?!"

He was supposed to make friends, not enemies..."I need to calm down," he thought. "This isn't a normal mission where I can easily just kill someone when they start to piss me off."

James calmed his voice down to a normal tone. "Look, let's just stop ok? I wasn't trying to piss you off or anything like that. I apologize for my offensive sarcasm, but I'm just used to always being like that."

Before James could finish what he was going to say, Jessica cut him off at the end of his sentence. "Apology accepted." She turned and walked away, leaving James speechless.

"Damn, maybe that's what it feels like to be turned down by a girl," he thought. "AH!!! God damnit, James!" He started to follow her, not too close, but close enough in visible range. At least he could just see where she would go. As just as he was picking up his speed, Jessica Jung turned around with a pissed off expression.

"Quit fucking following me!" she said and then, she vanished.

James was left standing there, wide eyed. Jessica was a mutant, and he may have just realized that his "almost becoming friends" friend may have similar traits to his own self.

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