Personal Liam Imagine for Alexis

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Liam: “Alexis! Let’s go!” my boyfriend Liam shouts. Apparently I’m taking too long to change. We’re going to the beach to celebrate our two-year anniversary. “I’m hurrying, babe,” I shout back, pulling my sandals on. I step out of the bathroom and see Liam standing there, looking very annoyed. “Lighten up Liam,” I giggle, punching him lightly in the arm. That gets a smile out of him. He grabs my hand and practically drags me to his car, nearly knocking me over. He looks at me apologetically. “I’m sorry, Alexis. I just want today to be perfect.”

     We drive for about 30 minutes before pulling up to a dock. “Why are we at a dock?” I question, “I thought we were going to the beach.” Liam just smiles and parks the car. He opens the passenger door for me and leads me towards a small boat, with a driver waiting for us. I think about asking what this is all about, but decide against it. Why not let him have his fun? Liam hands me a life vest and helps me into the boat. “Hold on, Alexis,” he smiles.

     After a boat ride that seemed to take forever we finally arrive. Somewhere. “Where are we?” I ask Liam, as he helps me out of the boat. He looks at me with a “really?” look on his face. “I told you we were going to the beach didn’t I?” “But, this is an island,” I continue, still not understanding. He just thanks the boat driver and grabs my hand, leading me inland.

     It really is a pretty island. Small, but large at the same time. It feels almost like a mini paradise, right here, with Liam. As we walk through some trees Liam stops, looking out onto a small beach. I look in the direction he is and see a little gazebo, with dinner set for two. I look at Liam with large eyes and take off at a dead sprint towards the gazebo.

     It has little paper lanterns all around the outside and candles inside. Hanging from the ceiling all around me are pictures. Pictures that Liam and I had taken over the past two years. Some are silly some are serious and some are just plain weird, but Liam has kept them all. I am completely stunned. I walk around looking at the different pictures, overwhelmed by the sudden feeling I have. I love him. Like, really, truly, love him. “Do you like it?” Liam asks from behind me. I don’t know if I can answer, because a lump is slowly forming in my throat. I try to stop them but tears start making wet tracks down my cheeks. “Oh, Alexis, I’m sorry, what did I do?” Liam asks, very concerned. He turns me around to face him and wraps his strong arms around me as I continue to cry. I’m not crying because I’m sad though. I’m crying because I could never have imagined anything like this.

     “Liam,” I mumble into his shirt. “Yes?” he asks, hesitantly. “This… This is amazing,” I whisper, hardly able to understand myself. “I mean, this is wonderful, beautiful, everything I could ever imagine and more!” I continue, more sure of myself. “I love you, Liam.” “I love you too, Alexis,” Liam whispers, leaning in for a kiss. This isn’t the first time we’ve kissed, but it feels like it. It isn’t the first time we’ve said those three sacred words, but it feels like it. Tonight I can feel the love. Tonight I am sure that I want to spend the rest of my given life with Liam. He pulls out of the kiss too soon and takes a step back. He looks nervous. “I need to ask you something,” he starts

     “Alexis, I love you. I have since the moment I first laid eyes on you at that signing. When you didn’t even like me I loved you. The day you said you would be my girlfriend was the happiest day of my life. Everyday I spend with you is better than the day before, and even though we’ve had our ups and down I still love you. So, I just want to know one thing,” he gets down on one knee and takes a small velvet box out of his pocket. “Will you be my wife?”


One year later:

     I am so nervous. Today is the day I become the woman I have been dreaming to be for three years. Mrs. Liam Payne. I check my hair one more time before my sister Hayleah ushers me out the door and to the entrance of the church. Breathe, Alexis, I command myself. Breathe.

     My bridesmaids walk down the aisle and before I know it its my turn. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” my father asks, taking my arm. I just nod, not trusting my voice. I hear the wedding march and the double doors swing open. There he is, the most amazing man in the entire world. He’s smiling at me, that amazing smile that reaches his beautiful brown eyes. It seems like it will take forever, but the next thing I know I’m standing next to him at the front of the church. The minister is going on and on about something, but I can’t focus. I’m just waiting for the end, when I will finally be married to Liam Payne.

     “Liam James Payne, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?” the man asks. “I do,” Liam smiles at me. “And do you, Alexis, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” “I do,” I whisper. “I now pronounce you man and wife. Liam, you may kiss your bride.” Liam takes my face in his hands ever so gently and whispers, “I love you Mrs. Payne,” before leaning in for a sweet and beautiful first kiss as a married couple. “I love you too, Liam.”

 Note: Ok so this is my personal for Alexis. I hope you like it! It started out really simple and kind of morphed into this :D

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