Personal Niall imagine for Lauren

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     I heard the front door slam shut and someone stomping up the stairs. I assumed it was Niall, I was right. He called my name, but I didn't answer him. I was angry that he'd ignored my recent Twitter hate and told me to "get over it". How was I supposed to do that? 

     I usually didn't get much hate, especially compared to the other 1D girlfriends, but lately it had been bad. I'd just asked Niall to maybe Tweet something to the haters that just said to stop, he refused. He told me I was a big girl and that I knew what I was getting myself into when I started dating him. Well, I was a big girl, and I was a strong girl, but lately the Tweets had gone a little too far. I knew I should just stop reading them, but I couldn't. I wasn't much of a crier, but lately I couldn't stop.

     "Lauren! Where are you? Why haven't you made dinner? I'm starving!" Niall shouted. I didn't answer, I couldn't. I dried my tears and looked at my reflection in the mirror, my eyes looked fine. I didn't think he'd know I'd been crying, that was good. "I'm sorry babe, I fell asleep," I lied. "I'll get to work on dinner right now." I opened the door to find a very angry Niall about to barge in. "Oh, I thought you weren't here," he said, his face immediately softening. "Well I am, so there."

     I got to work on dinner, chicken Alfredo and garlic bred, while Niall sat on the couch, being as un-helpful as usual. "Dinner's ready!" I shouted into the other room. Niall walked in with a "bout time too." I just ignored it though, I didn't want to get all worked up over this, I was worked up enough over Twitter hate. We ate in silence which was strange, we usually talked so much our food got cold before we could eat it. After we got done Niall said he was going to bed, I snapped. He wasn't going to help me clean up the dishes and he hadn't folded the laundry I'd told him to. Plus, he wouldn't defend me on Twitter.

     "What do you mean you're going to bed?" I screeched. "You should help me clean up the dishes! You never do anything I ask you to!" I continued. Niall looked shocked for a minute before he stood up, so fast he knocked his chair over backwards. He didn't seem to notice though, he was too busy yelling at me.

"What do you mean I don't help out? I do! All the time!"

"Really? Name a time?"

"I don't know, always!"

"Liar! You don't do anything!" 

"You want to see me doing nothing? I can sure do that!"

"You already do nothing! I just want you to maybe clean up the dishes once in a while, or listen when I ask you to do something, or defend me on Twitter when I get hate!"

"Oh, so you're still stuck on that Twitter hate crap? Is this what all this is about? Because I seem to remember you being the one who told me you could look out for yourself. One little string of hate and you sure do change your mind fast!" 

"One little string of hate? I get hate every day, just because some hormonal 12 year olds think they have some sort of 'Directioner' claim over you. I said I could handle it because I could, COULD, past tense! I just wanted a little support with the death threats, but no, you were too busy!"

I could feel the tears slowly rolling down my cheeks, I knew I wouldn't be able to stop them now. 

"I guess maybe if I weren't busy working to pay for this house that we both live in I might have more time huh? Is that what you want? Me to stop working? Because that sure isn't going to happen! Maybe we should break up! Maybe you can't handle being with me! Is that it? Because I'd be okay with that!" 

Niall hadn't even noticed I was crying, he was still yelling at me. I didn't have the strength to yell back though, I was too drained. 

"Well, if that's what you want, it's okay with me," I whispered. I turned around and started walking away. I could hear Niall mumbling something under his breath, but he sounded like he was calming down some. 

"Lauren! Wait, I'm sorry, don't go!" Niall grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. "I didn't mean it, I'm sorry." He really did look sorry, but I couldn't stay, not now. 

"I'm sorry too, Niall. I really am." 

And with that, I walked out of our, or now his, house. I didn't know if I'd ever be back, and at the time I really couldn't care less either way. 


     It's been a week since Niall and I had our big fight. I've been living with my best friend Roxane and it had been pretty boring. I'd cried a lot the first few days, but now I felt like I was a little over it. Roxane had been trying to convince me to talk to Niall, but I just couldn't. I felt so silly for being so angry over such a little thing, I was almost embarrassed. "Hey! Lauren! Get in here, quick!" I ran into Roxane's room and saw that she was watching TV. It was a One Direction interview on Good Morning America. 

"So, Niall. I've heard some rumors that Lauren and you broke up. Is that true?" The interviewer asked. I could see Niall get red before he answered in a somewhat calm voice. 

"I don't know really. I think maybe we did, but I hope not."

"What happened? I've heard too many rumors to make sense of anything." The interviewer continued.

"Well, basically it went like this. She was mad at me because I was being a really stupid jerk of a boyfriend and she called me out on it. I didn't want to hear it so I yelled at her and she left me. I haven't spoken to her in a while, but I want to. I just don't know how." 

The audience chorused ooo's and ohhh's before the interviewer continued her interrogation. 

"What exactly did you yell at her about? Maybe I could help."

"It was a lot of things, but basically," and he turned to the camera. "All my Twitter fans that hate on Lauren need to stop. I love her, and there isn't anything you can do about it. I don't really give a crap how you feel about her, I need her. I don't want to see any more hate messages on Lauren's Twitter, or I will be one very un-happy Irishman." I was shocked that he would say something like that on national television, he must really care. 

     Roxane and I watched the rest of the interview and then I told her I was going for a walk. It was mostly the truth. As I walked along her street, I pulled out my phone. I figured, because of the time difference, that Niall was probably back home, but I decided to call him anyway. I didn't want to just show up. 

     It didn't ring but 1 and 1/2 times before he answered, sounding very excited.

"Lauren? Hello?"

"Hey, Niall."

"Lauren! I'm so glad you called me!"

"I am too, Niall."

"So, what's going on?"

"Well, I just saw your interview on Good Morning America, and I forgive you. Thank you so much for telling your Twitter fans to back off on the hate, it meant so much to me." 

It was silent on the other end of the line, and I thought he'd hung up on me. 

"Hold on one sec babe."

I did, and when he got back on he just said to turn around. I did and standing there, in the middle of the street, was the most amazing boyfriend in the whole world. I ran to him, dropping my phone and purse on the ground. I jumped into his arms and held him close. "I'm so sorry, Lauren." He mumbled into my neck. "I'm sorry too, Niall. Let's not fight any more, okay?" "I'm good with that."

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