Niall one-shot

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Hello people! So a little while ago I wrote a personal Niall imagine for Aly_Lex_Ari. In that story I used a back-story that I have always liked. This one-shot is the potential first chapter for a Niall fanfic with that back-story. Please read it and vote and/or comment on whether or not you think I should continue it. I'll obviously continue writing my Zayn fanfic, but this Niall one would be very different. Please, please, please give me feedback. I can see that I have over 4,000 reads on this book, (which is flippin amazing!) but I have hardly any feedback. Please comment, or vote, or both and request! Personal or just an idea, please!! Thanks and enjoy! 

And one last note: I'm not yelling at you or anything, the bold type won't turn off.... idk why.

Niall's P.O.V

     Woah, look at that girl, she's beautiful. I wonder if she'd like to talk to me? I thought to myself. "What are you staring at?" Louis asked. I shoved him in the shoulder and blushed. "Oh, it's a girl isn't it?" Louis continued, scanning the crowd. "It's that one, in the pink and red, isn't it?" He was right. "Talk to her man," Louis pushed me in the direction of the girl, nodding in encouragement. Ok Niall, you can do this, it's just a girl.

     I walked up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey, my name's Niall, what's yours?" I asked, smooth start if I do say so myself. Simple, but affective. "I know who you are, everyone does." The girl said, turning back to the row of books she was looking at. Did I just get rejected? This was new. "Um, well, does that mean I can't get your name?" I asked, confused by her response. She looked over at me, as if she wasn't sure what to say. "Alyssa. My name is Alyssa."

Alyssa's P.O.V

     Why was he talking to me? And he introduced himself! As if I actually care. Obviously I knew who he was, everyone knew who he was. "Alyssa. My name is Alyssa," I finally told him. He seemed very pleased with himself, seeing as he now had my name. But he was distracting me. I didn't have very long to be in here and he was taking up my time. Niall hemmed and hawed for a fee minutes, still following me as I sifted through all sorts of books.

"So, could I have your number?" He finally asked.
"No, you can't."
"Why not?"
"Because I said so."
"That is not a very good reason."
"Too bad, that's my reason," I finished, walking to the checkout counter with my books.

     I didn't expect him to follow me, but he did. "Can't you come up with a better reason?" He asked. I just shrugged in reply, searching through my purse for my wallet. "I've got this," Niall said, swiping a credit card and punching some numbers on the keypad. "What did you do that for?" I shouted, getting glares from the sales clerk and other customers. I grabbed my bag of things and Niall's sleeve, pulling him out of the store and into a back alley. 

     "What is your problem?" I practically screamed. "I told you I didn't want to give you my number, get over it." He looked a little shocked, but seemed to brush it off. I didn't think he was the cocky one, wasn't that Zayn? "Look, I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to you. Here," He awkwardly placed something in my hand and walked away. What just happened? I looked down in my hand to see what he'd given me. It was two tickets to see his show tonight. Front row tickets. Holy crap, Niall Horan just gave me $150 tickets, after I yelled at him. What am I going to do?


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