Personal Liam imagine for Catherine

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   "Catherine!" Liam shouted. "I think we might have a bit of a problem," he continued. I sighed, getting out of my nice warm bubble bath to go check on Liam and Nathan, our three-month old son.

I walked into the living room to find Liam and Nathan on the couch watching some old Barney DVDs. "What seems to be the trouble?" I asked, exhausted from lack of sleep. "Well, I put this movie in and Nathan fell asleep." Liam told me, very matter-of-factly. I groaned inwardly, "Why exactly is that a problem?" He looked at me like I was some sort of crazy person. "Well, obviously I can't put him in his crib, I thought you could." He smiled. This seemed to be happening a lot lately. Liam would come up with one excuse or another not to have to take care of Nathan, and I was sick and tired of it.

     "I'm pretty sure that you have two legs and two arms and are perfectly capable of putting a three-month old in his crib. I may be the woman in this house but that does not mean that I have to do every little task that you don't want to do yourself. Whether it's taking care of OUR child or doing laundry, you have to pitch in if we want this to work. So I suggest you just take care of this yourself." I told him sternly. "While you do that, I'm going to get back in my bath, and I will be locking the door as I do not want to be disturbed."

With that I went upstairs to my bath, leaving behind a very confused Liam and now wide awake Nathan.

After very long and quite relaxing bath I walked into our bedroom to find a letter on the bed. It read:


I'm sorry that I haven't been the most helpful since Nathan. I just don't really know what to do with a baby or how to handle some situations, and I know you are better at parenting than I am. I want to make it up to you so I dropped Nathan off at Lou and Elle's so we could have a date night. Put on a dress and a cab will be here around 7:00.

Love you,


     Reading Liam's note made me feel very guilty. He didn't think he was a good father? I thought he was a wonderful father! I decided not to think about that while I looked for a dress to wear. I had finally lost all of my baby weight so I decided to wear something sexy. I finally settled on a deep purple strapless dress with studded black heels. I french braided my blonde hair around the back of my head and curled the ends, Liam loved my hair like that. After putting the finishing touches on my makeup I heard the cab pull up outside. Perfect timing.

     I expected to be going to a nice restaurant in town, so I was quite surprised when the driver pulled onto a side road and headed towards a clump of trees. We drove through the trees and finally ended up in front of a large mansion overlooking a lake. The cab driver opened the door for me and walked me up to the front door, where I was greeted by an elderly woman.

     The woman led me through to the back of the house and stopped at a set of double doors. I was left on my own and decided that there must be something behind those doors that was important, so I opened one. Opening the door revealed a balcony that had a beautiful view of the lake. On the balcony was a beautiful, candle-lit dinner for two. Liam was looking at the lake, he must not have heard me coming. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, holding him tight. He jumped a bit at my touch but soon turned around to hug me properly.

      "I'm sorry, Catherine," he mumbled into my hair. "I'm sorry too, Liam." We broke apart and Liam led me to the table that was set with my favorite meal, pasta alfredo with shrimp and honeyed rolls. He even had my favorite wine. "This is so beautiful," I gushed as Liam pulled my chair out for me. "I just wanted to do something special for my favorite girl," he answered, taking his seat.

     It was a wonderful dinner. Liam and I were able to talk and really catch up on what each of us had been doing since Nathan came along. Liam told me about the band's upcoming stadium tour and he had even worked out to be here for Nathan's first birthday and our anniversary. "It seems like you've thought of everything," I teased. "Well, it wouldn't be right for me to only think of myself would it? I have two very important people in my life that I do not want to disappoint or lose." I looked at Liam and saw how very much he loved me. "I love you, Liam," I whispered. "I love you too, Catherine."

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