Personal Zayn Imagine for Rhonda

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Rhonda's P.O.V

"Zayn's finishing tour today, Zayn's finishing  tour today," I sang as I searched for my cousin Jayden's left shoe. It was Thursday and I always watch my younger cousins on Thursdays. "You're really in love with him aren't you?" My other cousin Liza said from behind me. She's only nine, but she is wise beyond her years. "Yeah, Liza, I am," I smiled back at her, handing her a jacket. We were going to the park today and it was pretty chilly out.

Liza and Jayden held my hand as we crossed the street and made our way to the small park by my house. "If you and Zayn get married will you move away?" Liza asked, watching Jayden run to the swings. Even though Zayn and I had been dating for almost two years, I still lived in my hometown in the states. "Well Liza, I don't think Zayn and I will be getting married any time soon," I smiled down at her, taking a seat on a park bench. "But if we did, yeah I think I would move to England to be with him," I finished.

Liza thought about that for a moment before commenting, "I thought so. I'd really miss you if you left." She was such a sweet girl, I hated to think that I might have to leave her. But, like I told her, I don't think Zayn and I will be marrying anytime in the near future.

"Jayden! Let's go, I'm hungry," I shouted at the five-year-old. He ran over to me and the three of us walked back to my house to have some spaghetti. 

On the way back I couldn't help but think about what it would be like to marry Zayn. I know we're young, or at least I am. He's 22, I'm 19, but still, I know I love him. I just don't know if he is ready to make a commitment to someone like me. I'm no perfect model, I'm not famous, I'm not even pretty. When he first asked me out I thought he was joking. But since we've been together he's made me feel more special every time we were together.

Zayn's P.O.V

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, earth to Zayn," Niall said, waving his hand in front of my face. I'd been zoning out, thinking about Rhonda.

"Sorry man, I was just thinking," I mumbled."Thinking? About Rhonda again?" Liam asked, taking a seat next to me. I blushed a little but nodded. I heard Harry's laugh as he cam into the room too, "well of course, that's all he thinks about." 

"Thank you, Harry," I glared. It's not that I minded, it was true. She really was always on my mind.

"I was just thinking about how much it sucks that she lives in the states," I sighed. I knew she wouldn't move in with me, I'd asked. She didn't want to get hurt if I left, I understood that. Plus I was gone a lot, and asking her to stay in a strange city while I was away would be hard.

"I think I know how you could get her to move in with you," Niall butted into my thoughts yet again. I raised my eyebrow at him, waiting for his oh-so-insightful advice. "Just ask her to marry you," he said, as if it was that simple. I let out a chuckle and looked around at the other boys, seeing that Louis had finally joined us. They all looked completely serious. Did they agree with him? That was crazy.

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