Your rebellious teen is just like you 3/5

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Harry: "How many times do I have to tell you, you can't do whatever you want!" You came home from a long day at work to hear your husband yelling at your teenage daughter, Lissie. "You aren't in charge of me, dad!" "Melissa Anne Styles, get back in here." You shout, as you see your daughter bolting up the stairs to her room. She doesn't listen to you, and slams her door.


      You walk into the living room to find a very angry Harry holding your daughter's purse. "What was that all about?" Harry looks at you and just holds up what looks to be a fake ID. Upon further investigation, you discover that it in fact is a fake ID. "How did you know?" You question Harry. "She smelled like alcohol, I couldn't think of another reason." Harry marches up the stairs and bangs on your daughter's door, telling her to come out right now. "Harry, let it go," you say, pulling him back down the stairs. "Why would I let this go? She could get hurt!" "You seem to be forgetting something," you say back, trying to stay calm. "And what exactly is that?" he asks. "You seem to be forgetting that she is my daughter. She is exactly like I was at her age, rambunctious and rebellious. Don't you remember that time I had to sneak out to see you? I didn't even give it a second thought, but you did. You told my parents and got me grounded for a month." You chuckled at the memory. "I was so angry I wouldn't talk to you, but I came around. I turned out alright, and Melissa will too, just wait and see."


     Harry looked at you, remembering all the crazy things you used to do to see him. Things like sneaking onto the tour bus or spending your parent's money on plane tickets to see him. He sighed and turned to go find Melissa, but she was standing in the doorway. "Did you really do that mom?" You smiled, remembering how you'd driven your parents insane with your shenanigans. "Yes, Lissie. I really did do that, and more," you smiled. "Wow mom, never thought you'd be that type." Harry moved over on the couch to give Melissa room to sit between you. "I'm sorry mom and dad, I didn't really mean to make you angry at me. I just wanted to have some fun, it was a stupid idea." You pulled your daughter into a hug and  told her it was alright. "I still think I have to take your fake ID and ground you for a week though," Harry stated. "Fine." Melissa replied, hugging him too. "I guess I deserve it." As Melissa walked back up to her room you looked over at Harry. "I love you, Styles. Even though you got me in trouble." "Oh please, I didn't do any of that stuff. If anything, I helped calm down your rebellious side." You smiled, it was true. "Can't wait for Ava and Jason to be teens huh?" you giggle. "Ugh, don't remind me."

Liam: "I can't believe he would do something like this! He is usually so responsible! What has gotten into him?" You were sitting in your kitchen listening to your husband, Liam Payne, go on and on about your son not being back from his date with his girlfriend. His curfew was 11:00 pm, and it was nearing 1:00 am. The two of you had tried calling and texting him, but he hadn't answered anything. "I don't think we should be that worried about him, he's a good kid with a level head on his shoulders," you tried to reassure him. "Oh, yeah, right. Don't worry that our oldest and most responsible child is out two hours past his curfew!" Liam said, pacing around your living room. Ok, maybe you should try another tactic. "Look, Liam, he's just being him. I was like that too you know. It was half your fault though, keeping me out late. Plus, he is on a date with Jenny Malik, she's a total rebel."  Liam sighed and sat down next to you, putting his arm around you. "You're right, I shouldn't be flipping out like this." He leaned his head against your shoulder. 

     Around 2:00 am Justin finally came in, looking just a little wasted. "Where have you been?" Liam said, trying not to yell. "Out." Was Justin's curt reply. "No, not just out, it's three hours past your curfew, and I have a feeling you know that," You said, taking Liam's arm in your own in an attempt to keep him calm. "Ok, fine, I was out running around town like a maniac, does that make you feel any better?" Justin yelled. You simply nodded. You'd done the exact same thing when you were younger, more than once. You'd always cherished your freedom, no matter who took the fall. You were always up for a night on the town. "Go to your room, you're grounded for the next million years!" Liam shouted. You gave your son a sympathetic smile. "No, two weeks is enough, go to bed son." Justin gave you a kiss and stumbled up the stairs. You figured the hangover he'd have tomorrow would probably be enough punishment, but being grounded would be easier to remember. "Come on, let's go to bed, Liam. We can worry about him tomorrow."

Niall: Today was your daughter's senior prom, and she couldn't be happier. Niall on the other hand, couldn't be less happy. He didn't like your daughter's boyfriend, didn't like her high school, and overall didn't like prom. He remembered stories you'd told him about the three proms you went to, and that didn't make him feel any better. "Mom, I can't get the back of my hair to straighten! Help!" You daughter had gotten your insanely curly hair, straightening it was always a chore. "Go help her, sounds like a life-or-death situation," Niall mumbled, grabbing another beer from the fridge. You helped your daughter with her hair, and her makeup, and getting into her dress. Then her date showed up, just on time. 

     Niall met her date, Tanner, at the door. Bad planning on your part. 

"What do you plan on doing at this dance?" Niall quizzed

"Um, dancing," Tanner replied nervously.

"Just dancing?"

"Just dancing."

"No drinking?

"No drinking."

"No late night visits to hotels?"

"Oh, no sir, never."

"Alright, well here she is," Niall gestured to Gwendolyn who was coming down the stairs. "Wow, you look amazing," Tanner said. Gwendolyn blushed and gave her father a hug. "Were you being nice daddy?" She questioned. Niall grumbled some response that sounded something like 'stupid dances with stupid kids'. Gwen and Tanner left and you and Niall had a nice evening at home. 

     Around 3:00 am you heard a car pull up outside and someone knocking on the door. Niall rolled over, almost knocking you out of bed. "Whoozat? Watdozeywant?" He mumbled. He was always useless if you woke him up in the middle of the night. I went down stairs and opened the door to see Tanner carrying a soaking wet Gwen. "Oh my goodness! What happened to her?" "Well Mrs. Horan, a bunch of her friends were jumping in the pond out side the school, she joined. I don't think she's hurt, but she was awful cold and tired, so I brought her home. Looks like she fell asleep on the way," he finished, setting her down on the couch. 

     "I can't believe she would do something like that!" Niall was pacing around your bedroom, pretty much freaking out. You chuckled a little to yourself, thinking about all the things you did as a teen. You'd always been a bit of a goody-two-shoes, so something like jumping into a pond late at night was strange for you. "You do realize she's just like me?" You said to Niall. He sat down next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest. "I know, and she'll be fine. I'm just freaking out a little." "I know Niall, I know."

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