Chapter 12

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The last few classes of the day blew by with ease. Krystal and I we able to sit together in all of them which made me feel better, and I could tell she felt better about it to. I'm not gonna lie, I was nervous. I mean, Earth was so different from home. The teaching style, the things that they taught, it was all different. For one, we were in that class called Chemistry, and the things the teacher was talking about didn't make any sense. The idea about all the different...I think elements they are called, just seemed so crazy and just nothing seemed to add up. I wrote down nearly everything the teacher said in that class, and I decided that when I get back to John's house I'll have to do some research on what is going on in that class. At the end of the day, Krystal and I walked out of our last class with Chris, and made our way to the east side of the school. "Come on guys, Dad should be parked over here" Chris said as we walked down a sidewalk. As we were walking I looked down at Krystal. "You seem tense" I said to her. She shrugged, not looking at me. I sighed, 'We'll talk more later' I said to her telepathically, and we walked to the car in silence. Once John's beat up SUV came into view, Chris shouted "Shotgun" like he did this morning, and quickly got into the front seat. I looked at Krystal and we both shrugged. We walked to the car and got into the back seat. I sat down behind Chris, and Krystal took her seat behind John. Once we got into the car and John started the drive away from the school, he looked back at Krystal and I and asked, "So how was the first day of school?" I turned my gaze out the back window in the car, then softly said "We still have a lot to learn about Earth's ways before we are going to be able to fit in properly." I heard Chris chuckle softly from the front seat of the car. "I think that the understatement of the year" he said, a laugh still in his voice. "Well I mean, there is deferentially a lot we need to learn, but I think we are closer then you believe" Krystal said. I didn't even have to look at her to know that she was waving her hands about like she does when she gets annoyed with something. I turned my look back forward just in time to see John nod slowly. "I think you two have come a long way, and have made a lot of progress in your Earth knowledge. But, Chris does have a point. I'm thinking that we need to do extra work at home to learn more about what you will need here as apposed to the things you had to know back home." I heard Krystal groan, and I turned to look at her. She was slouching back in her seat, as well as crossing her arms across her chest. "I don't think we have time for anymore work then the school is already giving us. I mean, yeah we have the strength to hold out bags without any real problem, but that doesn't mean that the weight isn't still annoying." John let out a deep laugh of his own, that I was surprised was so close to Chris's. Chris then turned around in his seat and looked back at Krystal. "I doubt you guys are that strong, I mean I can lift over two hundred and my backpack is still a hassle." Krystal just shook her head, causing Chris to turn back forwards. "You know, I bet I can lift more then you" Krystal said looking out the window. Chris then let out a full out laugh, which I thought I had heard before. But there was a clear difference between this one and ones he has had before For some of reason, he seemed to find what Krystal had said absolutely hilarious. "There is no way that your pretty little arms can lift more then me" Chris said. Now I let out a short laugh, but quickly covered my mouth to silence it, because the second I made a sound Chris looked back at me with an annoyed glare in his eyes. "I'm sorry Chris, but I don't think you really understand our power. Krystal can deferentially lift more then you," I said, still trying to hold in my laughter. Chris just rolled his eyes and looked back forward. Krystal laughed again, "Fine, if you don't believe me we can see when we get back to the house." I could see Chris nod from the front seat, "Alright good, lets do that," he said. I shook my head and looked back out that window to the side of me. This was going to be interesting.

Immediately after we got back to John's house, Chris told Krystal to sit across from him at the dining room table. I walked into the room after them and leaned against the wall in a spot that let me see what was going to take place.  John walked into the living room and just sighed. He then said "Just don't break anything. And make sure that you start doing your homework after your done with what ever this is." He then walked out of the room and made his way towards the kitchen to start making the meal we were to eat for diner that night. Chris quickly took a seat, and Krystal sat down across form him. Chris stuck out his arm on the table, his elbow the only thing actually making contact with the table. He held out his hand almost as if it were a claw and waited. Krystal raised an eyebrow and gave him a confused look. Chris groaned, "Do you really not know what an arm wrestle is?" Krystal shook her head, then pointed at herself, "Alien, remember?" Chris just shook his head, "Do the same thing I'm doing with your other hand so its like we're holding hands." She then slowly reached out her arm and placed it on the table the same way Chris was, gently taking his large hand into her small one. "What now?" Krystal asked. Without even answering, Chris quickly slammed down Krystal's hand against the table. After he let go, she pulled back her hand and glared at Chris. "What the ginglot!" she shouted, and I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing. I felt bad cause she was my sister, but at the same time it's so funny hearing her high pitched voice curse when she's angry. "That's the point, you're supposed to keep me from pushing your hand down by trying to push mine down...Also, what is a ginglot?" Krystal just exhaled angrily, then put her arm back on the table. Chris did the same, and once again held on to her hand. I could already see the muscles in Krystal's arms start to tense and her eyes had that special glint in them that I've come to notice happens when she uses her abilities. I felt the corner of my mouth start to raise as I grinned, Chris was really in for it now. "Ready?" He asked, Krystal only nodded. I saw Chris start to move Krystal's arm once more, but he was quickly put down. With one quick sweep of her arm, she blasted Chris's arm down  into the table. I could hear a hollow cracking sound as the back of his hand hit the wooden table. I looked and saw a crack had developed right were Chris's hand was being held against the table. There was a look of pain all through Chris's face and he quickly pulled his arm away from Krystal. Krystal though, was grinning wildly. "Shit" Chris muttered, holding his hand. I got a better look at the crack on the table and realized just was large it was. I looked at Chris, and that's when I saw the blood that covered the back of his hand. I turned to Krystal and saw that the smile on her face had quickly vanished. She stood up and reached out towards Chris, "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it that hard" she said. I saw her eyes start to water and I could tell how sincerely she had meant what she said. Krystal reached out to grab his hand, but Chris swiftly pulled away from her grasp. "Stay away!" he shouted at her. Krystal pulled back her hands and covered her mouth, her eyes quickly filled with tears. Chris groaned again, then marched away into his room, slamming the door behind him. Krystal turned to me, tears already starting to slip from her eyes. "I-I didn't" she stammered, unable to make out full words. I put out my arms, and she quickly ran into them, crying heavily into my shoulder. "It's okay Krys"I said as I rubbed her back softly, "it's okay."

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