Chapter 15

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I didn't really care what John thought. It was hard enough trying to blend into this new world, let alone work on new things. I didn't understand Earth logic in the slightest, I was worried that I would start loosing feathers from all this stress. So, instead of doing my work, I decided I would just lay in bed and maybe try to fall asleep early. As I laid there in my bed I wished something for the first time in my life. I wished that I could be more like Kade. He was always the smart one who got all of his work done and actually understood all of the work we did. He understood all of this new Earth stuff, as well as all of the things we learned back home. I struggled enough with understanding things back on Slenos, and now I was being thrown into completely new territory here. I wished that there was some way for me to just get to the pentagon, fix this whole mess, and then just go back home...the only problem with that is that I would loose Chris... I mean there was no rule against him coming back to Slenos with us...right? And John could come too, I know that he is much more interested in our world than his own. I think they could fit in back home. Yeah they don't have powers or wings, but does that really matter? I sighed heavily and buried my face into my pillow. Then, just as I was starting to get comfortable, I heard a soft knock on the door. I lifted my head and groaned loudly. "Who is it?" I called out making sure the annoyance was thick in my voice. "It's Kade, can I come in?" I groaned loudly, then sat up in bed, turning so I was facing the door. "Whatever" I mumbled loud enough so he could hear. The door was then slowly pushed open, and Kade hesitantly walked in. He softly closed the door behind him, then stepped towards the bed. He pointed towards a spot on the end of the bed as if he was asking if he could sit. I just rolled my eyes, which he took as a yes. He sat down, then sighed. "I figured you wouldn't actually be doing your work" he said softly. I just looked to the side, ignoring him. He shook his head, and looked down into his lap. "You're impossible Krys" he mumbled. "Krystal" I snapped, looking over and glaring at him. "Why do you insist on calling me Krys!" His eyes widened, and he shook his head. "Because you've always been only stopped letting me call you that a year ago" he mumbled. I sighed softly, then pulled my knees up against my chest and hugged them tightly. I buried my face into my knees, and began to cry softly. He stood, and moved to my side. I felt his arms wrap around me and I buried my face into his chest. "I wanna go home" I sobbed as I gripped his shirt tightly. "Everything is just so stressful and I can't handle this!" I cried. He kept his arms around me, holding onto me tightly. "It's okay Krystal" he whispered. "Kade I...I don't want to rule Slenos...I-I'm not fit to save a whole planet, I can't even keep a pet alive!" He gently rubbed my back, not commenting on anything I was saying. As he held me, I felt my eyes begin to swell as they always did when I cried, and my cheeks grow red. "Rest" he whispered. "Rest" he repeated softly. I sighed, staying in his arms. I shut my eyes gently and rested my head on his chest. I listened to his hearts beating, both of them thumping at different rates. I sighed shakily, slowly drifting off to sleep in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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