Chapter 2

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        Krystal quickly walks out the front door, leaving me completely clueless and confused on our couch. I quickly get up and walk towards the door that Krystal left wide open. "Krys hold on!" I shouted as I shut the door and ran off our front porch. Krystal slows down but doesn't completely stop. I jog to catch up to with her. Once I'm by her side, she finally stops and stretches out her wings. "Wait we're flying there?" I ask. We all have wings but most of us don't actually fly unless it's an emergency. "I told you Kade, we need to get there quick" she says and looks at me with a half scowl. I sigh then stretch out my own set of wings. We both look at each other, nod, then give our wings one good flap to lift ourselves off the ground. Once air born, we have to flap a few more times so we can fly above the trees. Once we're finally moving towards Stilorous's palace I finaly ask her what this is all about. Krystal then goes into explaining about the pentagon shaped building and the conversation she heard. When she was telling me about the pictures the man in the white coat had, she started freaking out a little bit and stuttering. "Woah calm down Krys. What where these pictures of?" I ask. She takes a deep breath then says "Seven pictures of just random Slenion's with their wings showing. One picture of some man holding a ball of fire. And stop calling me that." It takes me a minute to take this all in, but once I have, I ask "How did they get those pictures?" "I DON'T KNOW KADE!!" Krystal shouts as a few tears slip from her eyes. I flip over and fly with my face towards the sky then move so I am underneath Krystal. I reach up and wipe a tear off her cheek. "Krys, calm down. It's okay, Stilorous will figure this out." Krystal then sighs heavily and says "I hope your right."

        Once we got to the palace we just flew right into the window that leads to the main room. Stilorous was in the middle of a meeting with other important figures when we came through the window. Everyone in the room looked our way and they either had shocked looks or angry looks on their faces. "What is the meaning of this!" Stilorous shouted at us. We both slowly closed our wings and looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry to disturb you sir, but there is a matter of great importance." Krystal said to the council. A manstood up from his chair and walked towards Krystal and I. "What is your name young child?" the man asked Krystal. Krystal then looked up to meet his eyes. "My name is Krystal sir" she said hesitently. The man then stiffened, turned around, and looked at Stilorous. "This is Krystal?" he asked. Stilorous nodded his head slowly. The man then turned back around and looked at me. "So you must be Kade" he said to me, "Yes sir I am" I replied. The man then bowed at Krystal and I. "It is an honor to finally meet you two. My name is Datlon. I am the Inforcer in the Hention sector of Slenos." I returned a bow and said "We are planning a trip to the Hention sector within the month, it will be nice to know we will be in good hands." "So what is this important news you have Krystal?" Stilorous asked. "I came accross some important information that needs to be attended to imediatly." she said. "It would be easier for me to show you then explain." Krystal then reached out and touched Stilorous's forhead. Krystal's and Stilorous's eyes then turned completely white. Everyone else in the room released a large gasp, everyone except me. I knew exactally what she was doing, she was showing Stilorous her memory of the event, showing it to him like a movie. So for the ten minutes this was happening, everyone just sat silently and watched. After the memory was finally complete, Krystal released Stilorous and the orange in his eyes returned. It took Krystal a little longer for her eyes to return to their normal purple, but evetually they got there and I walked over to her. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder for support. Showing someone a memory is very exsausting for the deliverer. "We need to take action immediatly" Stilorous said. "How so sir? I asked. He thought about this for a minute then looked at the two of us. "Someone needs to go and erase all of there evidence of us." Stilorous said. "But who would make such a risky journey?" Krystal asked. "You two" Stilorous said. Both me and Krystal gasped and started simultaneously protesting in random ways. Stilorous then lifted his right hand motioning for us to silence our nonsince. "You two are the perfect candidats. You have the abilities to protect yourselves and you are the only two who know exactally where these wingless people are" Stilorous said with a tone of both anger and leadership. Krystal and I both sigh. "Yes sir" she says quietly.

        Because our trip back home isn't as urgent, Krystal and i decide we are just going to walk home. As we start walking I notice that Krystal hasn't taken her eyes off her feet. "Hey you okay?" I ask her. She lifts her head and looks at me. "No Kade, I don't think I am" she says slowly. I speed up a little and stand infront of her and stop. She stops and gives me a mean look. "Get out of my way" she says sternly. "No Krys, your gonna tell me whats wrong" I said. Krystal then crossed her arms and stuck out her left hip. "For one, I don't have to tell you anything. Secondly I told you not to call me Krys!" She shouted then threw her hands down in anger. She then tried to walk around me to which I just grabbed her arm. After I did this Krystal quickly threw an energy ball at me. I caught the ball in my hand before it could make contact with my face. I then closed my fist causing the ball to vanish. "UGH" Krystal grunted then snatched her arm out of my hand. "Krys come on! We can't be fighting like this if we have to rule together! Just tell me whats wrong!" I yell. Krystal made a large fire ball in her palm and said "I don't have to tell you anything. AND STOP CALLING ME KRYS!" She then threw the fire ball at me. I quickly reacted and threw an ice ball at the fire. "Krystal stop this!" I yelled. Instead she just reved up prepairing to throw another fire ball. I quickly dove and tackled her. Locking her in a bear hug. I then let out a wave of power canceling energy so she couldn't attack. "KRYSTAL STOP!" I shout and bring her down to the ground. Now im sitting on the ground and Krystal is in my lap trying to escape. Eventually she gives up trying and just sits there. After a while, she starts crying. "I'm sorry Kade, I'm so sorry" she keeps repeating. So there we just sit on the ground holding each other. "It's okay sis, it's okay."

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