Chapter 4

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        After I finish all the dishes, I walk up the stairs to my room and start packing some pants into my dark green suitcase. I look back into my closet and see my blue hoodie hanging. I think about it for a minute then walk out of my room. "Hey Krys!" I shout from the hallway. Her bedroom door quickly springs open and her head pops out from the little crack she made. "What have I told you about calling me Krys?" she says quickly. I sigh heavily and say "Sorry, Hey Krystal?" She rolls her eyes and asks "What?" "Do you have any hoodies?" I ask her. She thinks about this for a second then says "Hold on" and retreats back into her room. After about a minute, she sticks her head back out and says "Yeah I got two, why?" "Welll they cover our wings and I imagine it gets cold on the blue planet so we could bring them." She nods her head, says "Good idea" then closes her door. I stand in the hallway confused for a second, but then I go back into my room to pack. All I really have to pack is my pants, my hoodie, hygene supplies, socks, and my one pair of shoes. I then wonder, how on Slenos are we gonna get to the blue planet? So after my suit case is completely packed and zipped, I quickly write a note to Stilorous. The note simply asks about our trasportation to the blue planet and if we will have room for out bags. I then set the note on fire and the smoke and ashes floats out my window into the direction of Stilorous's palace. While I waited for a reply, I sat on my bed and started reading my book. I had only started this book earlier today and I planned  on reading it non stop, but because of the information that Krys came across, I had to stop. So after about five minutes, a trail of smoke and ash started to enter my bedroom. It started to slowly form back into a sheet of paper that I grabbed out of the air. The note said that they would be sending Krystal and I in a small ship that ad enough room for only us two and a bag each. This was perfect. Just enough room for what we had. I exited my room and walked down the hallway back towards Krystals room. That was when I noticed that there was writing on the back of the paper. It said that they made contact with someone on the planet who said they would meet us and take care of us on the blue planet. It also said that they found out the name of this planet. Earth.What a strange name. I folded up the paper and put it in my back pocket. Then I knocked on Krystals door and she opened it and stricktly said "What?" "I sent a message to Stilorous and he said that the ship had enought room each of us and one bag." After I said this, Krys's eyes got huge and worry some. "You did only pack one bag, right?" I asked her. "Weeelllllll" She said, stretching out the word nerviously. I pushed her door open more and saw three bags full of cloths, paper, pens, and one bag just full of makeup. "Really Krys?" I asked her annoyed. "I'm sure they have this stuf on Earth." With the mention of the word Earth she got confused. "Here" I said as I handing her the note from Stilorous. She tentatively unfolded it and read the contents. "Wait, we have a human escort? how do we know there not spies?" She asked me. I honestly had no idea, but I knew we had to trust Stilorous, which is exactly what I told her. She just shrugged and said "Okay. Time to reorganize so I only have one bag" Then she shut her door. I walked back to my room and read.

        The next morning dad came into my room and woke me up. "Get up Kade, Stilorous is here" he said. I groaned but eventually pulled my self out of bed. "Hurry up son, you can sleep on the trip." I stood up and stretched. I looked down and realized that I had fallen asleep in my jeans. I slowly moseied on over to my closet and threw on my coat. I slipped into my shoes then exited my room. I looked over and saw that mom was struggling to get Krystal moving as well. Mom finally got her out and Krys was wearing a night gown and a coat along with some shoes. Her hair was a huge brown tangled mess. Mom was trailing behind her holding her suit case. When Krystal walked past me I said "Nice hair." She mummbled somthing about me being a blangthorp but kept walking. I turned around to see dad holding my suit case with an annoyed look on his face. I quickly turned back around and followed mom into the living room. Sitting on our couch with two gaurds at each side was Stilorous. Once he saw us he squickly stood up. "Are you ready?" He asked us. Krystal and I both slowly nodded. "Well then," he said, "say your goodbyes. I'll be outside" and with that he headed out our front door. there was an awkword  silence in the house then, but son we were all hugging and mumbling goodbye. After about five minutes, Krys and I are heading out the door. In our front yard we see a ship. It's not the largest of buildings but I have never seen a ship before so this is huge. It was made of a silver material and shined like a diolen. There was one large window that looking through revealed to black chairs. Stilorous pushed a button on the side of the vessel that caused a door to open and stairs to fall. He then pulled a small lever that opened a compartment. "This is where your bags will go. You only brought one right?" he asked. I nodded my head but then said "Can I hold this where we are sitting?" I lifted up the book that I had been reading. Stilorous nodded his head. He made a hand motion telling his gaurds to come take our bags and put them in the compartment. Once they were secured, one of the gaurds shut the compartment door. "Now, once you get inside there is nothing you will need to do. The ship is already programed to drop you off in an abondoned field where your escort will meet you. Then. once you are ready to return home just simply press the blue button" Stilorous informed us. "Am  I clear?" he asked. "Sir yes sir" Krys and I said in unison. Stilorous then pointed his arm in the direction of the ship, telling us to get on. Krystal got on first and I followed. Once inside, the stairs retracted and the door slammed shut. I then heard the reasuring click of a large lock closing into place. Krys and I both buckled ourselves in. I then heard Stilrous's voice in my mind asking me if we were ready. "Are you ready?" I asked Krys. "As ready as I'll ever be" she replied. I sent Stilorous a message back saying yes. Soon after that the ship started shaking. Krys reached over and grabbed my hand tightly. The ship was shaking more vigerously now and soon we were rising into the air.

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