Chapter 5

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       Hey guys I'm back!!!! Sorry I've been on vaction so I hadn't had a chance to get on :(
Please enjoy this chapter and I will try to also update my other books which I suggest you also read :D



        The ship started rising into the air. It was shaking so vigorously that I had to hold tightly to the arm rests on my seat. I looked over at Kade with a look of absolute terror. "It's okay" I heard him say in my mind. I nodded my head and mouthed "Okay". I looked out the window and saw our parents waving. Then when I looked back forward we were flying straight up. It was a strang feeling, flying without wings. There was suddenly a large pressure inside the ship and I had to sqeeze my eyes shut. When I finally opened them we were surrounded by just darkness. The ship stopped shaking but we were still moving at a pretty good speed. I looked over at Kade and he was just sitting there reading his book. I rolled my eyes at him and looked forward. All I could see was our large yellow ranlo and these bright white dots.
       "Kade what are those things?" I ask. He dramatically looks up from his book and shifts his gaze onto me.
        "What are what my dearist sister?" He says with an almost sarcasmic voice. I roll my eyes and point out to all of the dots.
        "What are those" I say emphasizing the word 'those'. Kade then looks forward concentrates on the dots.
        "You don't pay much attention in class do you?" He asks me. I give him a confused look and he sighs heavily. "The are stars Krys. We learned that in astronomy. They are like mini ronlo's. Most of them are actually gone, what we see is almost like a memory of them. Because they are so far away it takes time for the light to travel and for us to actually see them gone." The whole time Kade is talking, I'm in complete shock. Sometimes I forget how smart he is. He has always been smarter then me. Always been in the smarter classes. Always figuring out how to use his abilities before I did. Always always always! I remember when I was younger I used to hate him for it. He would alwasy get better grades then me then our parents would praise him and I would just get to sit in my room and draw. That's when I relized I had something he didn't. He was smart and I could draw. Since then, me and Kade have just been closer then ever. He helped tutor me and I gave him art lessons. It all worked out. I looked back over at Kade and he gave me a weird look. "Why are you staring at me?" He asked.
        "Just having a flashback" I said calmly and looked back at the stars. "Can you tell me more about the stars?" I asked excitedly. He nodded then launched into his smartness. Telling me all about what stars were made out of and how they were made. And the whole time, I sat and listened. I have always been comforted by Kade's voice. It caused me to slowly drift to sleep.

        "Krys wake up" I heard while I was being shaken. I quickly opened my eyes and looked over at Kade with eyes half open.
        "What is it?"  I asked with sleep still in my voice. He pointed out towards the window and said "Look". I turned my head forward to see a large blue and green circle. "Is that?"
        "Yes. That is Earth." Kade said, his own face showing astonishment. The planet was absolutally beautiful. With more natural colors then Slenos which was more of purples and reds from space. While we sat there in shock staring at the beautiful planet, the ship started shaking again. This time worse then the first. "Wh-wh-wh-whats hap-p-p-p-p-pin-ing-g-g-g-g" I said through the vibrations.
        "We'r-r-re lan-n-n-n-ding-g-g-g-g" Kade replied just as shakey. The closer we got to Earth, the more we shook. Soon, there was fire lining the front of the ship and it was getting hotter by the second. I was scared. I wasn't sure if the ship was strong enough to handle all this force. We were getting closer and closer to Earth and I was scared that we would get right to the border then simply explode. Kade and I could breath underwater but was that the same as being in space? Ugh why didn't I pay more attention in class! We were getting closer and closer when suddenly there was a loud bang and the whole ship shook more violently. Then the fire stopped and the shaking lessened. I looked over at Kade, hoping he would know what just happened.
       "We made it through the atmosphere. We should be fine from here on out." He said a little breathless. guess he was just as scared as I was. And he was right. It took us about another twenty minutes, but then we landed in a empty field on the same block of land the pentagon building was on. Sadly we were quite far away from it. One the ship powered down, the door opened and the stairs fell down to the ground. We slowly exited the ship to find nothing for miles. Nothing that is except for a beat up red truck. It was similar to the ones on Slenos but the headlights were circles instead of triangles. Slowly, the door to the truck opened and an older man stepped out. After he shut his door, the other door opened and another man walked out. This man was much younger than the older fellow. You could tell they were related though. They both had white blond hair and dark blue eyes. The younger boy was staring at Kade and I with wide eyes and his mouth gaping open. The older man walked towards us and held out his hand. Kade and I both jumped back at his gesture, scared he might try and harm, us. He raised one eyebrow but moved his hand back to his side.
        "I'm John, that over there is my son Chris." The man said pointing over to the young man still in shock. Kade slowly stepped forward.
        "I'm Kade, this is my sister Krys."
        "Krystal" I said angerly through gritted teeth. This caused John to laugh.
        "You to are defentally siblings, twins if I remember correctly." Kade smiled slightly but quickly hid in out of nerves.
       "Yes sir we are. I'm guessing you are the man who will be taking us in?" Kade asked in as polite of a voice as he could muster up.
       "That would be me. You leader found me somehow and just knew that I was into aliens. It's quite creepy actually..." John trailed off. Kade looked over at me and shrugged his sholders. Stilorous did have a way of just knowing things. Throughout our whole conversation, Chris had finally managed to close his mouth. You could still read the shock on his face. Like an open book.
        "I didn't think you were serious dad" Chris gaped.
        "Did I tell you, or did I tell you" John replied. He looked back over at Kade and I. "Let's walk back to the house and I can show you where you will be staying." And we started walking towards the house.
        "WAIT" Kade shouted. He jogged back to the ship and pressed a small button on the side. A compartment opened up and he grabbed our bags. "Almost forgot these" he said. I ran over to him and took my bag. We jogged back over to John and Chris and walked towards the house. It took me a second to actually see the house in the distance. From where we were it was a very small white shape.
        "Hope you guys like it here. Oh, and welcome to Earth."

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