Chapter 13

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With my face buried deep into Kade's chest, I cried heavily. I couldn't stop thinking about Chris's bloody and beaten hand...I truly hadn't meant to hurt Chris. I never really realized how much strength I had. Strength is one of the most common powers developed on Slenos, so I'm used to being around other strong beings. I guess humans are just a lot weaker then I originally thought... After a few minutes, I slowly pulled away from my brother. I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie and looked up at him. " you think I should try to go talk to Chris?" I asked him, my voice soft and hesitant from so much crying. I could tell that Kade was thinking of a response, I guess he didn't know either. He looked down at me and said "Maybe you should clean yourself up a little bit first" he said gently. I stiffed, and gave him a confused look by tilting my head to the side slightly. Kade reached up a hand to his own face and pointed to his eyes. I groaned, completely forgetting the fact that I was wearing makeup. I looked at Kade's chest, and laughed softly. "What?" he questioned. I pointed towards his chest, where in the middle were splotches of black makeup staining hoodie. He groaned even louder then I did, then looked down the hall to where his room was. Which also was were Chris was. "Guess I'll have to deal with it" he muttered under his breath. I playfully punched his arm, "You know you love me" I said trying to lighten the mood. Kade just rolled his eyes at me, "Go wash your face" he said with a laugh. I turned around and made my way towards the bathroom. I walked into the room and flicked the light switch, and had to cover my mouth to keep from  screeching. I had never seen anything like it before. From the bottom of my eyes about until about half way down my cheeks were completely stained black. I reached up a hand to try to wipe it away, but it only seemed to make it worse. I sighed heavily, and then I remembered something. I left the bathroom and quickly made my way to my room. I started digging through my makeup bag for what I was looking for. "Yes!' I whisper yelled to my self as I pulled out a small bag of  wipes, the bag said 'Makeup Removing Wipes'. I hoped that this would work. I grabbed the bag and made my way back into the bathroom. I turned the light back on and started to wipe down my face with the small white wipes. I was surprised by how well they worked, I only needed three to completely remove any trace of the black product. I threw away the wipes I had used, and returned the bag to my room. Now, for the hard part. I walked into the living room, and then stared into the hallway that Chris's room was . I took a deep breath, and slowly started walking towards his door. Once I was standing in front of his door, I couldn't bring my self to knock. I was to scared he would still be angry with me...well, I pretty much knew he would be. I 'exhaled a breath I didn't realize I was holding in, then slowly reached up my hand and knocked softly. "Who is it and what do you want?" Chris shouted harshly from inside the room. I hesitated, easily telling that he is still agitated. "I-It's Krystal" I said slowly. Then, there was a silence. I debated whether or not to walk away, when I heard a heavy sigh. "Come on in" he said reluctantly. I reached for the door handle and slowly opened the door. I walked into the room and softly shut the door behind me. Chris was sitting on his bed, staring at the TV. His hand was bound tightly with what looked like a ripped shirt. The wrap that was around the back of his hand was tinged a red color. I could tell that even now his hand was still bleeding. I slowly walked towards Chris, and pointed at his hand. "Can...can I see your hand?" I asked softly, still making sure to keep a distance from him. He turned his head slightly and glared at me, then looked away. I sighed once again and walked up to him, and slowly sat down next to him. "I'm really sorry" I muttered, I could feel my eyes start to water once again. Chris took a deep breath, then held his wounded hand out in front of me. I was surprised by his gesture, but I gently reached out and held his hand. "This might hurt a bit" I informed him, then started unwrapping his hand. As I got closer to his skin, I could hear Chris trying to hold in winces. "Sorry" I said, and quickly removed the rest of the make shift bandage. I turned my head to look at Chris, and saw that he was looking right at me. I felt my cheeks grow hot, and I quickly looked back down at his hand. I gently ran my fingers across the span of the wound. "Ow" Chris muttered softly, I mumbled an apology. I then closed my eyes, and concentrated on his hand. I then softly  blew , my breath covering the surface of the wound. When I opened my eyes, I could see the gash on Chris's hand slowly start to close. I turned my gaze towards Chris, and his eyes were wide and in mouth was open slightly. I released his hand and he slowly pulled it back towards himself, touching the top f his hand to see if it really was healed. "How did you-" he started to ask, but I cut him off my saying "Alien remember?" He chuckled softly then turned to look at me. We sat there, simply staring into each others eyes. Chris then started to slowly lean in towards me, and did something that I never thought he would do. He leaned all the way towards me and kissed me softly on the lips. Then, I did something I never thought that I would do... I kissed him back. It started slow but quickly escalated into something deeper, something more passionate. I suddenly pulled away and looked at the ground so Chris couldn't see me blushing deeply. "Sorry...I-I shouldn't have done that" He stuttered, I could tell he was blushing also. "It's okay," I said softly, "I mean...It was nice." Chris chuckled softly, " was." I slowly lifted my head and looked at him. "You know...we can't tell anyone that happened. especially not my brother because-" "He might quite literally kill me. I already got the speech from him cause he caught me looking at you." I giggled softly at what he said, "Yeah." I stood up and brushed my palms against my jeans. "Well, I should go before anyone notices how long I've been in here." Chris nodded, "Yeah..." I started making my way towards the door, when I was suddenly grabbed by the shoulder and turned around. Chris quickly kissed me once more , then looked down at me. " you think we can do this again?" I blushed and bit my lower lip softly. "I...I would love to...but we're supposed to be cousins and if anyone catches us-" "-But what if they don't?" he said,  raising one eyebrow. I sighed, "True... we... just have to play it safe okay?" Chris smiled and nodded happily, "Great." He let me go, and I walked out of the room with a smile on my face.

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