Chapter 7

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Dedicated to the amazing AzaHarris for making me this great book cover!!!!! Isn't it just FANTASTIC GUYS!!!!!!!


        So maybe I'm a liar, maybe not. Either way this Krino... wait bed? I don't know, but its so uncomfortable! I look over at the small table next to me and look at the clock. Luckily enough, time on Earth is the same as time back home. The clock read 3:00am. Maybe Kade is still up reading. I quietly got off of the rock considered a bed and walked over to the bedroom door. When I slowly opened the door a creak echoed through the house. I silently prayed that it wouldn't wake up John as I slipped out the small crack. I tip toed down that hallway that Chris and Kade were sleeping in and stopped at the first door. I used one of powers and stuck my head right through the door to see if this was the room. Instead of seeing a bedroom I saw a bathroom. I removed my head and moved to the next room. When I stuck my head through this time I saw a large bed with a blond lump on it. On the floor was another bump with shaggy brown hair. I was wrong about Kade reading. He was fast asleep, as was Chris.
        "Psst Kade" I whispered. He rustled slightly but didn't wake. "Kade" I whispered slightly louder. He moves some more then slowly said "Whadouwankrs."
        "What?" I asked. He groaned then sat up. His hair in a matted mess.
        "I said, 'what do you want Krys''" he said.
        "I'm not sure... I didn't really think I would get this far" I said quietly.
        "Well when you figure it out tell me, I'm going back to sle-"
        "Wait" I whisper shouted.
        "What is it Krys!" Kade said in a loud whisper.
        "Shut up Kade" Chris said from his bed half asleep. Kade glared at me with a snarl on his face. I stuck my hand through the door and gave him a 'come here' motion with my finger. He shook his head no and I put my hands together and shook them. Kade sighed then got up. I removed my self from the door and waited in the hallway. After about thirty second Kade walked through the door and looked at me. I looked up at him to meet his eyes (he's been taller than me since we were 14 and I hate it). He just looked annoyed.
        "What is it Krys?" he said angerly.
        "It's Krystal and I can't sleep" I replied with a twinge of anger.
        "Well KRYS," he said accsenting the word Krys, "as you could see I was sleeping."
        "Well sorry! My bed is super uncomfortable and I have been up all night counting the bumps in the ceiling!"
        "Yeah well... you counted the bumps on the ceiling?" He quesitoned.
        "How many were there?" A new voice asked from behind me. I slowly turned around to see a tired and annoyed looked John staring at Kade and I.
        "Ummm 3,497 sir" I said nerviously. John crossed his arms and looked at me.
        "Well, thats fascinating Krystal but its 3:25 in the morning and you guys have to wake up early to go shopping. So you should get back to bed."
        "Gladly" Kade mumbled and walked through the door back into Chris and his room. I started to turn around when John said my name. I quickly stopped and turned back around.
        "Yes sir?" I said, my voice quavering like a small scared child.
        "Call me John, and if you thought the bed was uncomfortable you could have just told me." He said sincerely. I looked down at my foot and awkwardly figited my hands.
        "Sorry, I just thought that would be rude" I said quietly.
        "If you want to you can sleep on the couch tonight" John offered.
        "Okay" I said and starting to turn around. "Hey John?" I said.
        "Yes Krystal?"
        "How early is early?"
      "I'd say about 8:30." I nodded then walked towards the couch. I was asleep before my head even hit the cushion.

        I felt something firm and soft hit me in the face and I woke up in a shock. I opened my eyes to see Kade standing next to the couch laughing so hard.
        "What the flangtion Kade!" I shouted at him. I picked up the pillow he threw at me and threw it back, using all of my strength. This caused Kade to fall back on the ground holding the pillow against his chest.
        "What the hell Krystal!! I threw it at you normally! That was so unnecessary!" He shouted at me quickly.
        "You know not to mess with me in the morning Kade!" I shouted back, my voice echoing off the rooms walls.
        "Well I figured you would want to go shopping considering you tried to pack 4 bags!"
        "It was only 3!"
        "No, there was 4 Krys, 3 clothes bags and a make up one. Remember?!?"
      "Woah guys calm down" John said while walking into the room stopping our argument. Kade looked at me and glared.
        "Just get ready Krys." He got up and walked towards the room he was sharing with Chris.
        "What was that about?" John asked me.
     "Kade woke me up by throwing a pillow at me so I threw it back at him." John gave me a confused look.
        "You just threw a pillow at him?" he asked.
        "Then how was he on the floor?"
        "Oh, that. I used my super strength" I said plainly. This caused John to nod.
        "Sorry Krystal but I'm on his side. You did over react a little." I sighed.
        "I know.... I just hate when he wakes me up like that."
        "He's done it before?" John asked. I nodded my head. John patted my shoulder and said "You should get ready. My friend will be here at any minute to take you shopping."
        "Your friend?" I questioned.
        "Well I figured you wouldn't want me to take you shopping for....girl clothes, so I asked my friend if she would take you. Rememeber, she thinks your my niece so you have to act like it." I nodded my head then walked back towards my room. I threw on a hoodie and a pair of jeans and ran a brush through my ratted hair. By the time my hair was fully brushed, Kade and Chris were ready to go. They were sitting on the couch talking about some this called football which just sounded like a bunch of guys hitting each other and running around. Kade seemed to enjoy the idea though. I'll leave the football to the guys I guess. I sat down in a chair next to the couch and listened to the boys conversation.

        After about ten minutes, I was releaved to hear the door bell ring. John went over to the door and opened it. Standing in the doorway was a tall slender women with auburn hair. She was wearing a black pant suit. She was quite beautiful.
        "Olivia you're here!"  Johns proclamed. He gave Olivia a quick hug then gave her a motion to come into the house. "How have you been?"
        "I've been quite well. So is this Krystal?" She asked while pointing at me.
        "Yes, this is my niece. Krystal, Olivia" John said. I waved slightly and whisper hi.
        "Nice to meet you Krystal. So I guess I'm taking you shopping?" I could only manage to nod my head. I don't know why but I was suddenly over flowing with nerves. "Well, lets get going then."

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