Chapter 1

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        It's undescribable. Feeling the air beneath your wings. It's just amazing. Here, we all have wings. We also all have powers. Most of us only have two or three. My brother and I though, we're, what our leader calls, miranos. Which roughly translates to special in English. We are miranos for mulitiple reasons. For one, Kade and I are the first set of twins for over two thousand years. Also, most of us don't develop our first power until we are at least thirteen, almost like a puberty thing. Kade and I's first power appeared at age four. Since then, we have develoed a new ability at least every six months, sometimes more. So at age sixteen, we both had about twenty six powers each. Thats more powers then Stilorous, our ruler. He says that when we come of age, we will become the new leaders of Slenos. Stelorous is hopeing that Kade and I will be able to save Slenos. You see, our planet is dieing. Stilorous says that if Kade and I combine our abilities, we can save Slenos. I just hope he's right. I mean, we're strong, but I don't know how i feel about having that huge resposibility resting on our sholders. Kade, on the other hand, is in love with the idea. The thought of ruling Slenos just makes him shoot sparks. I mean literally, he'll shoot tiny sparks out of his finger tips.  
        So because of all of our powers, and the fact that we are going to rule in less then two years, Kade and I get special training with our powers. Most Slenion children just inherate their parents powers, so they just train them. But, because of out special case, our parents could only help with about three of our abilities. So Stilorous contacted Slenions from all over to find trainers for each new ability we developed. The problem with this appeared when we turned nine and Kade and I developed a power that had never been seen before. One we had to figure out ourselves. We were suddenly able to... well the best way i can think of describing  this is that we can see other worlds. We could roam other planets, inhabited or not. It was actually boring at first, but then Kade found the blue planet. After he told me about it, he helped me find it. Ever since I've been watching it whenever I got the chance. I kept this activity a secret because obsessions with other worlds is very looked down on. That was until i found out that the blue planet knew about us.
        A few days ago I was watching the blue planet while waiting for Kade to get back home from his friends house. I was roaming a large patch of land when I came across a huge building shaped like a pentagon. This place peaked my intrest so I decided to explore the inside. Going inside of a building always takes more concentration then watching from outside, so it took me a minute to be able to slip through the roof of the building. Once inside, I started walking around. It wasn't that special of a building really. Just lots of wingless people working on large screens that showed pictures. I was just about to leave when I saw a door. On the door there was a sign that said Authorized Personal Only. So of course, I go through the door. This side of the door was a little more interesting. For one, everyone was wearing these strange outfits made out of diffrent shades of green. Also, no one was ever slouching. Everyone was always as straight as an arrow. In here, everyone looked much more serious, like they were always dealing with things that were life or death. Not a smile to be seen.
        As I was walking down a hall, I over heard a conversation. "-And all of them have wings." I heard a man say. I immediatly stop dead in my tracks and look towards the door I heard this from. I slip through the door and see two men standing in an otherwise empty room. One man is in one of those weird green outfits with stars on the shoulders, and the other man is wearing a long thin white coat. "Im telling you General! There are things living on this other planet! They all have wings and some of theme have powers! You need to fund this trip!" The man in the white coat is yelling at the man in green (Gerneral?). "I said no Professer Violi! There is no such planet and I will not stand for your disrespect!" The General said then he started to leave the room. "I CAN PROVE IT!!" Professor Violi shouts. This outburst causes the General to stop and turn around. "Fine, if you can prove it, I will give full funding for the rover, BUT, if you fail to convince me, you fired. Deal?" The General exctends his right arm towards the Professer. "Deal" the Professer said and shook the General's hand. The Professer then walked over to a small screen and started typing on these buttons that had diffrent symbols on them. He clicked a couple of keys, then a picture popped up o the screen. This picture was of a round shape with twists of different purples and reds on it. It took me a minute but then I relized that this was a picture of Slenos. The Professor showed the screen to the General then crossed his arms confedently. "See? I call it Avaiarian" the Professor said. "All I see, Violi, is a circle that any child could have drawn with markers. This proves nothing." The General then pushed the device away from him. The Professor sighed then typed some more. The picture then started zooming into the circle, coming more into focus. As this was happining, the General started leaning in closer to the screen. Once he was done zooming you could faintly see our buildings and homes on the surface of Slenos. The General gasped in shock. "Are those-" "Yes they are sir, yes they are. And this in't even the best of it." The Professor then went back to tying and pulled up seven other pictures. Each picture was diffrent close ups of Slenions. The only thing that I could think about is how he got these pictures. "See what I mean General? Winged creatures. Oh and look at this one" the Professor says as he pulls up one more picture. This one was of a man holding a ball of fire. This caused the Generals eyes to grow to the size of konlos berries. "So will you fund the rover?" The Professor asked. The General could only nod.

        I quickly left the blue planet and ran out of my room. I found Kade sitting on our couch reading a book. When i ran into the room he looked up from his book. "Hey Krystal, I checked your room but saw that you were roaming so I-" "We need to see Stilorous now" I said interupting Kade. He gave me a strange look then shut his book. "Krystal what is it?" he asked. "I'll tell you on the way, we need to go now." I said while I was walking towards the door. I opened the door and stepped out. At this point I didn't really care if Kade was there or not, I needed to tell Stilorous about this, and quick.

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