Phase 6: Want

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THE NEXT DAY, Saturday.

"Why can't we have kids?" Clint asks out of the blue, while we laid on the bed half awake. This wasn't the first time he had asked me this.

I roll my eyes at the question. "Because I'm only twenty five."

"And I'm thirty. I'm already at the stage to have kids." He sighs.

"I'm not ready to have kids yet. We've already spoken about this before." I frown, sitting up from the bed.

"Why not? You have a stable job, hell you even finished your career early." Clint kept insisting and I started to become annoyed.

"I'm not ready okay!" I shout storming out of the bed. "Quit pretending like nothing happened last night!" I walk out the bedroom, rushing into the bathroom.

I wasn't sure about having kids with Clint, not anymore. Not after yesterday. What happened that day wasn't like him.

I pat my face dry and brushed my teeth. I change my clothes into gym clothing, running out of the house. I jog around the neighborhood, while Clint stayed home.

I took a third set around the neighborhood. I see Blake get in my way, standing in front of me. Beginning to slow down, I walk towards him.

I breathed heavily, sweat ran down my forehead. "What's wrong Blake?" I ask, reminding myself not to call him by his last name.

"I'm worried about you." He whispers looking around us. I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"Why?" I crack a smile, trying to figure out what he meant.

"Your husband, the way he acted was threatening." Blake points at my home.

"Listen, I'm sorry about last night. I don't know what came over him." I look at my house and squint seeing a figure standing by the living room window.

It was Clint.

My heart began to fastened with worry. I look back at Blake and smile. "Sorry, I have to go." I begin to jog, suddenly Blake grabs me by the arm, tight enough for me to stop and turn back.

"You need to be careful." Blake says, letting my arm go. I only nod running as fast as I could into my home. Clint was standing in front of me with his arms crossed.

"Why don't you shut the door." He gives me an uncomfortable stare that sent goosebumps up my spine. I shut the door behind me and look up at him.

Clint walks up to me and passes by locking the door. "Clint.... What's wrong?" I could feel my voice shake a bit.

"What's wrong? Nothing's wrong." He forcefully grabs my arms, slamming me against the front door.

My eyes widen at his actions, struggling to break free.

"Clint, you're hurting me!" I whimper.

"Good! That's what you get for disobeying me!" He shakes me continuously.

"Stop!" I kick him in the crouch making him yelp and cringe from the pain. He began to breathe heavily. "You-" Clint was cut off by an unexpected knock on the door.

"F.B.I." I hear a rough tone shout. I immediately become nervous. I could feel my heart sink into my stomach, feeling the pain inside me.

It's about Erving. What do I do? What do I say?

I ignore Clint, unlocking the door and opening it. "Yes?" Were the only words that could come out of my mouth.

"Hello Mrs. Walten, I'm here to speak with you about Erving Brown. He's gone missing. The police down at the station said they saw you last speaking to him." The detective firmly says. He takes out his I.D, showing me it as I let him into the house.

"What's a F.B.I doing here?" Clint questions, patting his crouch. I only shrug and lead the man into the kitchen. We sit down on the dinning chairs.

"What were you talking about with Erving?" The man with dark, olive toned skinned asks.

"We...were talking about a stalker of mine, he was asking me for a description of him." I try not to show any signs of nervousness or fidgetiness.

"And?" He frowns.

"That's it. I couldn't give him a description because I didn't see the stalker's face. After that, I went back home." I look at the coffee machine and point at it. "Coffee?"

The man sighs in frustration, shaking his head. "Listen Mrs. Walten, this is out of line from my profession, but Erving is my brother. This is more of a personal matter." He thumps his fingers on the table.

I felt a knot in my throat, once he said those words. Erving was his brother and now he's dealing with his killer. Fuck! I'm so fucked!

"I understand, but I assure you that's all we spoke about. After that, we never saw each other again." I got up from my seat and got a mug.

"This stalker of yours did he stop or is it still ongoing?" He looks at Clint, then at me.

"Yes, he stopped. Maybe I frightened him by going to the police." I pour coffee into my mug trying to hide my shakiness.

"Alright thank you for your time." He nods, walking back to the front door and exits. I take a sip from my mug and sit on the chair again.

Clint sighs heavily and stares at me. "I'm having the cameras installed later on today. Be ready when they come."

I only nod.

"I'm going out." He simply says walking of the house. I sniff in the smell of the warm coffee. The scent of brewed coffee beans made me feel relaxed. I exhale, feeling the knot in my throat, feeling guilty.

I stood in the house for the rest of the day. The cameras were installed and set.

The clock reaches Ten PM, and Clint still hadn't come home. I take a long hot bath. noticing that the killer hadn't called me for the whole day. I couldn't help but wonder why. I exit the shower, walking into the dark bedroom with a towel wrapped around me.

I hear the door shut behind me. I quickly jump from the scare, looking back seeing my husband's tall figure. Oh my god Clint, you scared me." I exhale in relief.

He walks towards me, grabbing my hand, kissing it without a word.
"I didn't hear you come in." I turn my head to the side, trying to look for the lamp.

Clint pushes me to the bed making me fall on it. He starts to take off his shirt, unzipping his pants.

It had been three weeks since Clint and I had sex, now that I think of it, it has been a while since we enjoyed our lust for each other.

I immediately become aroused by the thought of what was going to happen next. I bit my lip, taking off my towel revealing my body. I heard him let out groan as he gets on top of me. He kisses my lips, I could smell his Ralph Lauren cologne coming from his neck.

I pull him closer to me, kissing and nibbling his neck as another groan escapes his lips. I felt himself push on me, feeling his bulge. I couldn't help but moan from anticipation.

He desperately takes off his pants along with his boxers, and without warning he enters me roughly causing me to wince and moan at the same time. He held me close, feeling his breathe on my forehead. He kisses it making me feel wanted, like never before as I dig my nails into his back.


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