Phase 22: Sweeping off Old Dust

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I run into the hospital bathroom rushing into the nearest stall holding my hand up to my mouth. I manage to reach the toilet just in time to puke.

"Can you behave for once?!" I whisper to the new life growing inside me, pointing at my own round stomach as I wipe my mouth with the other. I flush the toilet walking out of the stall, washing my mouth and hands.

Blake and I have been visiting James for these past two months hoping he would wake up from his coma.

The police didn't let us leave the state of Oklahoma. We had to stay in town because we were suspects for the murder of Mandy Pekkins and we needed James to put us in the clear.

I walk out of the women's bathroom walking back to my seat where Blake was. "Don't even ask how it went." I frown, looking away from him. Blake scrunches up his face and scoffs.

It had been awkward talking about the pregnancy with Blake. Let's face it, I was having his baby and it wasn't planned. The man practically raped me.

How could I be happy about the pregnancy?

Sometimes, I had tingling feelings in my heart that made me caress my stomach and start singing lullabies like my mother had done to me. I tell myself everyday that it's not the baby's fault and that I shouldn't blame it for what happened.

I could only wait until the time is up and see the new born in my arms, maybe then I would learn to love it.

I see the doctor walking towards us through the white hallway. "He's finally awake." The bald headed man with a white lab coat says in a smile. We jump up and rush into James' room.

I spot James wincing from the lighting in the room, groaning at the pain he felt in his stomach. "Water." He whispers lowly making me get a plastic cup from the table, grabbing the pitcher pouring the fresh water into the cup walking towards him, helping him grab the cup as his hands shook.

He chugs down the cup of water wincing at me from head to toe. "What the hell?" He manages to say staring down at my stomach. "Last time I checked you weren't pregnant." His eyes widen a bit making sure he wasn't seeing things.

The doctor walks up to James with a clipboard. "Can you tell me your name?" he snaps the end of the pen.

James hesitates for a moment and looks up the the doctor. "It's James...Carder."

"Date of birth?" The doctor continues.

"March 21, 1980." James looks down at his stomach sighing as if he remembered what happened.

"How long have I been out?" He asks shutting his eyes.

"You've been in a coma for two months." The doctor continues to write on the clipboard.

"Oh thank God." James sighs in relief. "If you were going to say a year I would pass out."

"Do you remember what happened to you?" The doctor looks at the monitor.

"I got shot by a psychotic killer who head shot my half sister before me. Yeah, pretty difficult to forget about that."  James says in a sarcastic tone.

"The bullet hit a vital organ, your stomach. You're very lucky to be alive Mr. Carder." The doctor smiles walking to the door. "I'll run some tests and if everything goes smoothly we'll put you right into physical therapy." He says leaving the room.

"What are you two doing here?" James asks in a frown.

"The police has us as suspects." Blake sighs laying the doorway of the room.

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