Phase 26: Goodbye

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Ian Somerhalder portrays Blake Scoffield. (Picture on the top. I know it's fake, but one can only dream, right? Lol.)


Beep, beep.

Beep, beep.

Beep, beep.

I groaned from the annoying sound of my phone ringing. I slouched up from the bed and reached for my phone on the nightstand.

"Hello?" I muffled a yawn trying to stay awake.

"You are being contacted from Langton maximum prison by inmate 00471. To accept the collect call press 1 to decline press 2." The robotic female voice says.

A call from prison. It must be Clint tying to contact me, but why now? Why wait two years?

I look over at Blake who was still snoring. I slowly get off the bed and tip toe my way out of the bedroom to the bathroom locking it.

I press the number one key and wait for the call to process. "Yurisa?" I hear his muffled tone against the phone sounding like he was pressing it on his mouth.

"Clint." I frown sitting on the end of the bathtub. "Why are you calling?"

"I need to see you. I need you to visit me." His voice became helpless it almost made me feel bad for him.

"Why?"I ask.

"I need to get things off my chest, please I want to tell you everything."Clint's voice became shaky as if he was going to start to cry.

I had forgiven him already for everything that was done to me, but it was still difficult for me to move past it all.

Maybe I should go, visit him, and listen to what he has to say, maybe then I can fully let all this go.

"Fine." My voice became stern.

"Thank you so much." Clint scoffs in relief. "My calls are timed I have to go." He muffles hanging up.

I lowered my phone to my thighs sitting on the edge of the bathtub thinking about the past making me sigh heavily.


I started to make waffles, mixing the batter while Blake scrambles the eggs and cooks the bacon. "You're awfully quiet this morning." Blake glances at me raising an eyebrow.

"I got a call.." I say before thinking of my proper sentence.

"Oh?" Blake frowns. "Who was it?"

"Clint." I choked up right after ending my word.

Blake puts the scrambled eggs on two of the plates and faces me. "After all these years why now?"

"I don't know, but I'm about to find out. He wants me to visit him." I say watching him come closer to me cupping my chin.

"You mean we." He smiles.

"No I mean me only. Your brother doesn't know we're officially dating, just imagine when you show up with me he's going to go crazy." I place my hands on his waist.

"You aren't going by yourself and that's that." Blake's tone becomes firm placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.
"When are we leaving?" I feel his warm breathe against my forehead.

"Today." I lay the side of my head on his sturdy chest as he pulls my body into a loving hug.

After breakfast we got into Blake's silver Mercedes- Benz and drove back into Oklahoma which took us a day to reach.

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