Bonus Chapter

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"Blake, Blake wake up!" I whisper loudly pulling on his arm.

Blake groans moving forward from the pull. "Blake! The baby is coming!" I shout in pain.

Blake immediately looks back in a squint. "What did you say?"

The baby is coming!" I shout again grabbing onto the edge of the bed to help myself up.

"A-are you sure?" Blake's eyes widen hurrying out of bed getting putting on his pants.

"Of course!" I yell in a groan. "Wake up Laiza!" I demand walking slowly to the door.

Blake helps me walk down the stairs entering the car. "I'll be right back." He says shutting the passenger door.

He runs upstairs into Laiza's room. "Laiza, wake up." Blake whispers loudly patting her arm, but she was too deep in her sleep to wake up.

"Fuck it." Blake says picking her up from the bed running back down the stairs into the garage. He puts her on the back seat buckling her seat belt.

"Hurry up!" I yell in a cry feeling my pants become wet. "My water broke!" I huff and puff heavily gripping onto the seatbelt around me looking at my wedding ring.

Blake begins to drive out of the garage into the street, driving as fast as he can to the nearest hospital.


"Help! My wife is giving birth!" Blake runs to the nurses outside the emergency room with Laiza in his arms.

"Get the wheelchair!" The nurse shouts running to the car getting me out.

"I can't hold on much longer!" I begin to sweat gripping on the nurses shirt.

The man comes out with a wheelchair running towards me placing me on it. They take me straight into the emergency room.

"Daddy.." Laiza groans starting to wake up from her sleep.

"It's okay baby." Blake pats her back locking the doors to the car running into the emergency room.

"I want you to push, then breath." The doctor says. I scream feeling the baby drop.

Another pant and scream comes out as I feel the head coming out slowly.

Sweat dripped down my forehead to my lips. "Push!" The doctor shouts again as I breath heavily, pushing again.

It takes ten minutes for the baby to come out making me pant in tiresome.  "It's a boy." The doctor says. I can hear the baby cries in a distance as they clean him up." Hold it! We have one more!" The doctor shouts.

"What?!" I shout in a pant.

"I want you to push, Mrs. Scoffield push!" The doctor demands.

I scream as loud as I can feeling the head come out of me tearing me once again, but this time there were no cries. It was silent and I could only hear my screams of agonizing pain.

"What's wrong?!" I shout panting, becoming dizzy.

I hear the doctor smack the baby's butt firmly causing it to faintly cry. "Congratulations Mrs. Scoffield, you have two healthy boys." The doctor nods in a smile.

I sigh in relief, laughing in enjoyment. "Thank god." I wipe the sweat off my forehead as the nurse let's Blake in with Laiza.

"Two boys." I pant in a smile.

"W- What?" Blake's eyes widen in shock.

Two nurses brings over my baby boys placing them on each of my arms. "My baby boys." I smile placing a kiss on each of their foreheads.

"Kids, get ready for school!" I walk into their rooms opening the blinds.

"Five more minutes." Michael says pulling a the covers to his face while the other wipes his face clean putting on his glasses.

"Come on, your brother is already up." I frown walking out of the room.

"Last one to the breakfast table is dog poop!" The brunette, Allen shouts running down the stairs in his dinosaur pajamas.

The dirty blonde haired boy sits up from the bed and jumps off the bed running after his brother.

"Are the kids up?" Blake kisses my forehead.

"Yup." I sigh placing the plate of waffles on the table.

"I don't want kids." Laiza rolls her eyes taking a piece of waffle, stuffing it into her mouth. "They're annoying."

The brothers run down the stairs, sitting on their chairs. "I win!" Allen shouts raising his arms up in victory.

"Not fair!" Michael shouts in a frown.

"Laiza, take them to school today. We're running late already." I say placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Fineeee-ugh." Laiza rolls her eyes.

Blake and I walk out of the two floored apartment getting into the elevator. "Finally." Both of us exhale heavily in a smile.

"No more kids." Blake shakes his head.

"Agreed." I nod as we both begin to laugh, walking out of the elevator into the parking lot. We enter the car starting to drive into the city streets of New York City.

"I love you." Blake smiles placing his hand on my lap.

"I love you too." I smile.

It was finally normal, a normal family, a normal home. Everything was looking up and my family was enjoying it. It's the only thing that mattered to me now and I m glad it is all over.

"Have a good day at work." Blake drives me to my job, stopping right in front of the psychiatric hospital.

"You too, hun." I say placing a kiss on his lips getting out of the car. "Don't forget to pick me up later." I remind him.

"Never." Blake smiles waving at me as I enter the hospital.

Alrighty, this is the last chapter of the book. Thanks for all those who stuck around! :)

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