Phase 15: The test

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The girl in the picture is Laiza.

The officers look down at the trunk to find it empty; it was spotless. "See, there's nothing in there." Clint points at the trunk. Theofficers close the trunk and nod.

"Thank you for your time." The cop with the scar says as they both walk out of the garage getting inside their police car driving away. Clint exhales in relief. "That was too close." He walks back inside the house  into the basement where Mandy had stayed sobbing in silence.

"Ain't I smart?" Clint chuckles walking to the container where he left his bloody shirt in. He opens the container and looks inside. "Luckily, dear old Devon here was already chopped up into pieces to fit in here or I'd be screwed." He grins down at the container filled with body parts and blood that started to perceive an unpleasant smell.

Mandy looks at Clint in horror sitting on the basement steps. "W-what are you going to do with him now?" She trembles.

"You?" Clint chuckles. "You mean, WE." He points at her and himself grabbing the container, walking back upstairs. "Come here Mandy!" He shouts making her yelp and run up the stairs.

"We're going to burn him." Clint walks out of the house putting the black container in the trunk, while Mandy follows him into the car sitting on the passenger seat.

Clint enters the driver's seat and starts the car with a smile and drives out of the garage into the street.

An hour later, they are surrounded by trees and bushes. "Start to dig a hole." Clint instructs grabbing a shovel from the trunk and throws it at her.

Mandy catches it and begins to shove the shovel into the soil. Clint takes out the container and waits for Mandy to finish the deep hole to put the body parts in.

It took an hour and a half to dig a deep enough hole. Mandy was covered in dirt and sweat. She wipes the dirt off her face exhaling heavily looking at the container.

Clint takes out a pair of leather gloves putting them on, opening the container letting out a foul stench of dead carcass. He starts to dump the arms and feet first.

Mandy starts to gag looking at the horrible sight putting her hand over her mouth.

"Ho hey, ho hey!" Clint sings dumping out the limbs causing Mandy to lose her control and vomit in the pit.

"Don't worry, you'll get use to it." He says dumping the rest of the body parts. "Ho hey, ho hey!" Clint chuckles taking out Devon's decapitated head throwing it into the pit.

Mandy begins to sob looking away. "Now where talkin'!" Clint loudly says walking to car taking out oil from the back seat. "Mandy dear, do you have the matches?"

Mandy takes out the matches from the back of her jean pocket. Excellent!" He smiles walking back covering the remains in oil. Mandy gives the matches to him as he lights five matches, throwing them into the pit watching the remains burn to ashes.

"Mmmm. You smell that?" Clint grins. "It smells like freshly cooked meat." He licks his lips in satisfaction.

I wake up in the same bed Blake had left me in. I didn't even realize I fell asleep. I look around to find nobody I decide to get up from the bed, use the bathroom and walk downstairs.

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