Phase 14: In too Deep

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Blake carries me into the bathroom of the cabin. My clothes were ripped from the various slashes, from the sharp edged knife. My wrists remain purple with the marking of the tight rope around them. Blake's eyes stare at me with sympathy sitting me on the toilet, filling up the tub with warm water.

I feel the acid in my stomach causing me to feel nauseous making me lean forward. I could feel the acid travel up my throat. I start to gag, trying to hold in my vomit hoping I wouldn't.

Blake turns around, looking at me he leans forward. He takes steps to the side of the sink giving me enough space, he knew what was going to happen and didn't say a word.

Seconds later I couldn't hold it in anymore, I vomit on the white squared floor. I start to pant in exhaustion, breathing in the acidic smell. I only look up at Blake apologetically. "I'll clean it." I say trying to get up from the toilet, grabbing the wall for balance.

"No." Blake shook his head in disagreement. "I'll do it." He leaves the bathroom going into the kitchen. Now, I wasn't only bloody, I smelled horrible too. I couldn't resist feeling embarrassed.

I wait for Blake to return, staring at the water pouring out of the faucet.

Minutes passed, Blake returns with gloves on his hands and many paper towels with Clorox. He crouches down and starts to wipe off the vomit, throwing the dirty paper towels in the garbage.

"You're probably very stressed out, that's why you puked." He takes off his dirty gloves, dropping them in the garbage bin and walks towards me. "I need to take off your clothes to get in the tub." Blake raises a brow at me deliberately.

I wasn't sure what to answer him. I didn't want him looking at my naked body, let alone touch me.

He may have saved me, but it doesn't mean I have to let my guard down. I shake my head moving back from him.

"You can't bathe yourself. Just look at you, you can't even walk." Blake turns off the faucet.

He was right I couldn't bathe myself, my whole body ached from any movement what so ever.

"Fine." I pout watching him come closer pulling down my bloody ripped jeans from my legs carefully. I only wince holding back my cries. He lifts up my grey top and unstraps my bra, I look away in embarrassment as my face flushes red.

"He's going to pay for this." I hear him whisper. He starts to pull down my underwear. I quickly close my legs making the pain worse, Blake picks me up, laying me on the tub making some cuts sting just from the touch of water.

"I'm going to scrub the blood off." He says grabbing the yellow sponge from the water. He gently places it on my arms, scrubbing.

"I need to know something." I whisper looking down at my legs in the water. Blake stays silent waiting for me to finish my sentence. "Was that you who...had sex with me in the dark?" I shut my eyes.

"No, that was Seth. He made me do it." Blake's voice quivers placing the sponge back in the water.

"Who's Seth?" I ask in a frown.

"He made me take those pictures of you in the shower too." Blake lowers his head as if he was just scolded.

"Who is he?!" I shout in demand.

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