Phase 18: The Man in a Suit

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The house phone starts to ring. It had been ringing for three days now, Blake instructed me not to answer the phone no matter how much or how long it rang.

But the sound was driving me crazy. It kept ringing and ringing every three hours. I walk slowly towards the phone that was attached to the wall.

I stand in front of it, looking around to find myself alone in the kitchen. I pick it up making the phone stop the annoying tone.

"Hello?" I whisper.

"You finally pick up, my love." The familiar voice whispers.

I frown at the voice feeling the rage boil up inside me. "I'm not your love you piece of shit!" I  look around hoping nobody could hear me.

"Where's Blake or are you alone?" Clint's voice darkens.

"It doesn't matter. What do you want?!" I grip on the phone tightly as I turn my other hand into a balled up fist.

"Well, I want my wife back of course. Have you forgotten we're still married by law?" He chuckles.

"I'm not your wife, so you can go screw yourself." I hiss.

"Hmm, you've gotten a little feisty. Do I sense hatred in your words?" Clint starts to chew on a piece of gum.

I ignore his question and stay silent for a while. "Is it true that you killed my parents?" I wait for a reply looking at the rectangular screen seeing no caller ID. I feel the palms of my hands become sweaty.

"No." Clint replies in simplicity. "I see that kid is brain washing you." I hear him ruffle through papers.

"You're lying!" I shout, punching the wall in front of me.

"Why would I kill your parents? They were good folks." Clint says calmly. "But I didn't call to speak about your parents. I called because I want you to know I'm coming for you."

"Fuck you!" I shout slamming the phone into it's place. I feel a bothersome pain on my knuckles. I take a look seeing peeled off skin, blood trickling to my fingers.

"You picked up the phone didn't you." I hear Blake behind me. I quickly turn around holding onto my scraped knuckles.

Blake looks down at it and sighs heavily. "I told you not to pick up, I knew it was him!" He pulls my arm towards him as we walk towards the sink rinsing off the blood from my knuckles.

"He said he's coming for me." I shriek airing out my injured hand.

Blake scoffs. "We have to move out of here then. He already has our address." He hurries upstairs as I follow behind him.

He begins to pack his clothing into a duffle bag. "We need to get out of here, fast." He takes out another duffle bag and throws it to me. "Start packing."

I begin to pack the little bit of clothing I have and wait for Blake to finish.

Twenty minutes pass and we get into the car. Blake holds the bridge of his nose and sighs. "Next time listen to me." He starts the car putting on his seatbelt as I do the same.

He starts to drive in the darkness of night only lamp posts and the car's headlights light up the road.

"Where are we going?" I ask looking up at him seeing his worried expression.

"To a motel until I find us a more permanent place." He squints looking at the road signs.

It takes us an hour to get to the next town. Blake parks the car in the lot as we walk into the motel.

"Room for two." Blake demands taking out his wallet.

"Make that two separate beds." I say smiling at the person attending us.

"Why does a married couple need two separate beds?" The elderly women giggles.

W-what? Married?" I scowl at her as she looks down at me ring finger. I follow her gaze noticing I still had on my wedding ring. I stay silent unable to say anything further.

"She's mad at me is all." Blake smiles at the grey haired woman. "She has me on time out, if you know what I mean."

The woman only giggles nodding. "I understand now." She looks at me with a smile trying to hold back her giggles.
I turn to Blake slapping his arm in displeasure.

Blake pays the woman giving us the keys to the room. We walk back outside looking for our room number.

"B13." Blake opens the door letting me inside first.

"That wasn't cool what you said back there." I frown plopping on the second bed.

Blake grins not saying a word. "Get comfortable, we'll be staying here for a while." He unzips his duffle bag taking out a fresh T- shirt.

I sigh looking down at the wedding ring and take it off putting it inside my jean'a front pocket.


I wake up the the scent of french toast. I gladly take a huge whiff and sit up slowly looking at the plate next to me. I look around noticing I was the only one in the room. I get off the bed and walk into the bathroom taking a shower.

Thirty minutes pass as I get dressed with fresh clothes and start to eat. Blake was taking longer than usual leaving me alone. I took the chance to sneak out and look for the nearest jewelry store.

It took me an hour to get the right directions to the store. I walk inside looking at the people around me in fancy suits and sparkling dresses. I looked like the outcast dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans.

"May I help you?" A woman walks towards me.

"Yes, I'm here to sell this ring." I take it out from my pocket and hand it to her as she walks to the glass table examining it thoroughly.

"This ring cost you $5,000, correct?" She looks at me through her thick glasses. I nod my head hoping she would make a good deal.

"Well, since it's used. I'll give you no more than $2,500." She puts the ring on the table.

"That's it?" I raise an eyebrow. "The ring cost $5,000 and you're only going to give me $2,500?!" I shout as I look around seeing everyone's eyes on me.

"Take it or leave it." The woman frowns.

I take the ring. "Screw you, old hag." I hiss turning around bumping into a man in an all grey suit.

"My, don't you have a potty mouth." He smirks looking down at the ring.

I scowl at him walking away as I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Mind if I see the ring? I'm sure I can offer more than what the store does." The man outstretched his arm.

I turn around looking at his empty hand. I dig into my pocket and raise the ring up to him. He raises an eyebrow about to grab it as I pull it back to me. "Don't touch it."

"Why not? I have to see how much I'm willing to pay." He smiles.

"And you can do that just by seeing it." I frown.

"Fine." He chuckles examining it with his grey eyes. "I'll give you $3,700 for it." His eyes wander to me.

My eyes brighten at the reasonable amount. "Deal." I quickly say.

"Not so fast." The man starts to fix his tie. "First, let's go get some lunch." He starts to walk towards the exit leaving the shop. I see my only opportunity to getting fast cash leave through those glass doors.

"Wait up!" I shout pacing myself out of the shop along with him.

Blake enters the room putting down various papers on his bed. "Yurisa?" He shouts, but there was no word.

"Shit!" Blake shouts kicking the bed storming out of the motel room.

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