Phase 23: Change of Heart

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We need to kill him.

If we don't kill him, he will kill us!

He has it all planned out already.

Stealing Yurisa away from us. Leaving us to rot under the dirt while he plows the shit out of her!


Do you want that?


Do you?!!

Our precious Laiza will be in an orphanage and we will never see her again!

"Stop it Seth!" Blake grabs onto his head tightly lying on the wall. "I want to get better! Just stop!" He shouts to himself slamming his head on the wall. "Why can't you just leave me alone?!"

You want to get rid of me?



I am all you ever had! You wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for me!

You piece of shit!

That's all you ever were!

A piece of fucking shit!

"Stop!" Blake shuts his eyes tightly feeling blood trickle down the bridge of his nose to the tip of it.

"Daddy?" A tiny voice echoes behind him.

Blake snaps out of his trance and widens his eyes, staring at the wall that had become bloody from slamming his head on it. He quickly wipes off the blood from his forehead with his black T-shirt. "Uh.. I'll be right there, sweetie." His voice quivers from the pain.

"Daddy, I want Mr. Snuggles!" Laiza pouts hearing her stomp her foot.

"Okay, okay." Blake whispers. "Go upstairs and I'll look for him, alright?" He breathes heavily waiting for Laiza to leave the living room, preventing her from seeing him in his condition.

Laiza sighs heavily hearing her feet jump up the steps of the staircase
, while she huffed and puffed under her breath pouting to herself.

Blake looks up seeing his daughter walk into her room. He walks into the new bathroom in the hallway turning on the faucet from the sink. The hot water started to run down the drain. He rinsed his face until the blood was gone.

"You're going to get out of my head. Whether you like it or not." Blake whispers to himself looking into the mirror.

You're nothing without me.

We will always be one!

Blake punches the mirror, shattering it to pieces making small shards cut his knuckles.


I hear noises coming from the bathroom. I walk towards the noise knocking on the door. "Is everything alright in there?" I question putting my ear on the door.

"I'm fine." I hear Blake say, but I knew he wasn't.

It's been a week since we moved into a new house just outside of Oklahoma, where the houses were huge and old. Blake has been acting more strange lately, it made me uneasy especially with a child involved and a newborn on the way.

"I'm coming in." I say opening the door seeing shattered glass on the floor.

"I said I was fine." Blake frowns rinsing off his hands.

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