Chapter 32

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I quickly change into dry clothes and put the other clothes in my hamper. I lay down on my bed and grabbed my phone and went on Twitter. I opened up a new tweet and typed: just finished filming TWO new videos! one video features two people you all know well Then I went onto Instagram. I haven't done a like spree in a bit, so why not do one now. I sat up and took a picture of my camera and computer, but you couldn't see what was on the computer screen. I filtered it to match my theme then I went on Instagram and posted it with the caption: just finished filming TWO new videos! can you guess what they are? Then I posted it and went on snapchat. I made the camera face me and I looked really awkward. So I put my hair up into a messy bun and tried to clean my face up a bit then I went back to snapchat. I held out my phone and started recording, "Hi snapchat! I just posted a photo on Instagram. Go give it a like and comment this emoji below and I'll spam a bunch of you for the rest of the day! Bye love you!" I blew a kiss to the camera. I type: emoji: 💖 ig: molliegordy then I add it to my story and go on Instagram waiting. A second later I'm being spammed with the heart emoji, woah. I went on my post and went to the first heart comment and clicked on their profile I spammed them then moved on to many others. Every so often I'd check to see if the video was done updating and it was the one time I checked. So I grabbed my phone and went to my desk and started editing the room tour. I looked for a mashup or remix or something to put over the video while I was showing my room. I found one video called 'Drag Me Down and She's Kinda Hot mashup'. I clicked on it and listened to it. Speaking of 5SOS, I haven't talked them in awhile. This mashup is actually pretty cool, I'm using it. After everything is edited, I put the mashup over the room tour and I had to put the volume down as it was needed cause that's when my face came back. Once that was good, I played the whole thing and it was good. "YES. One down one to go." I say to myself.

I made sure the room tour was saved, the cover was good, then moved on to the bean boozled challenge. I cut, edit and all the video stuff around for at least an hour, adding my normal background music, zooming in on certain faces when they talk to the camera (Mo) or when they make funny faces (Sky) and all that stuff. Once everything was done, it was 5pm and we were going to have dinner soon. I decided to shower so I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a shirt with undergarments and headed the bathroom to shower.

After I was free of the smell of chlorine and knotty hair, I went into my room, put those clothes in the hamper then laid on my bed and went back to Instagram and got more comments so I spammed more people. One comment caught my eye: hey mollie idk if you remember me but it's Frankie💖 OH MY GOSH. FRANKIE. I HAVEN'T TALKED TO HER SINCE I MET HER AT MAGCON I FEEL BAD. It wasn't even a week ago but I don't want her to think it was meet and forget. I went on Twitter and looked through all the DMs and looked for Frankie. I clicked on our DMs and read them all since the day I met her. I quickly DMed her and told her that I was sorry I haven't talked to her, with the moving and Magcon separating and everything. I hope she understands.


Me- Hey Frankie! Of course I remember you, how could I forget you? I'm sorry I haven't talked to you, it's been a bit crazy with Magcon ending and then moving into a new house. Anyways, how have you been?

Frankie- oh my gosh, you didn't forget me! It's fine it's fine I understand, it's probably a big change for both things. I've been good, how about you? I saw you filmed and edited two videos today, that's insane!!!

Me- it is. I'm pretty good. Yeah it was crazy. Wanna know what videos I filmed? Only if you don't tell anyoneee

Frankie- OMG YES. I won't tell anyone I promise

Me- a room tour because everyone asked and the Bean Boozled challenge with Mo and Sky. Idk which one to post tomorrow though, thoughts??

Frankie- OOOH I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THEM!!! And maybe post the Bean Boozled tomorrow and then next week post the room tour or if you film another video this week for next week, just use the room tour as a backup or just post it randomly as a little surprise!

Me- good idea! I'll do that. Thank you luvvvv♡♡ I gtg eat dinner but I'll talk to you later. Byeee!

I turned off my phone as I heard my mom call everyone down for dinner. I opened the door and went downstairs, skipping the last stair and successfully doing so. As I entered the kitchen I smelled something delicious.

"Mmmmm what smells so good?" I ask, looking around.

"You'll see, just go set the table please," mom says.



After dinner, which was so good, I went back upstairs and it was around 6pm now. I grabbed my phone and saw I had a message from Hayes.

Hayes- Skylynn wants to FaceTime you before she goes to bed. Are you free to?

Me- of course! Right now is fine

After the message delivered, my phone starting ringing and I accepted the FaceTime call. Skylynn's face popped up on the screen.

"Mollie! Hiiiii!" She says.

"Hi Skylynn!"

"Why aren't you here? I miss playing horsies with you." She makes a sad face.

"Because I'm in California with my family in our new house now." I make the same face she does.

"Wellll, your new house should be here so we can play horsies again." And there's the sass I know.

"My new house is already here! But I promise you we're going to play horsies really soon!!"

"Okay," she yawns, "Goodnight Mollie."

"Goodnight Skylynn." I wave.

Before I can even hang up someone said, "Wait don't end the call!!" Hayes.

"Okay I won't." I laughed.

Skylynn left the camera, probably heading to her room and Hayes' face popped up.


"Hiii." I say.

"I was wondering if you were up for some Xbox?" Hayes smirks.

"I'm always up for some Xbox," I return his smirk, "I thought you knew me better." I fake gasp and put my hand on my chest, which makes him laugh.

"Alright let's go." He says and I start heading downstairs. Once I get to the TV where my Xbox is set up, I grabbed my bean bag chair and put in front of the TV and put my phone leaning against the TV stand so me and Hayes could still see each other. I grabbed my remote, turned on the TV and Xbox, then plopped down, on my stomach, onto the bean bag. I clicked black ops 2 and it started loading. I saw Hayes had done the same thing.

Once it loaded Hayes invited me to a game and we played many, many, many games of 1v1 before I fell asleep.


Hi guys! Wow it's been a month, today since I updated. That's better then like 5 months but I should update more I know, I know. I've been so freaking busy it's insane but it's all good.

Anyways, I have some books you should check out!

Anorexia by 5minofwinter , she's my bff and she just started her book so you guys should go check it out!! You could even be one of 5sos' girlfriends in the story!

Also check out her other books: Expiration Date and I Exist!! They're all really good books <333

Oh and if you want, just look around on my profile you can find my other books too!

Bye Hallie crew, ily!
xoxo - mollie

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