Chapter 45

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"That shit is nasty." He mutters to himself, settling back down in his spot. He scans the room, with a smirk I might add. "Mahogany." Her face drops. "Truth or dare?"

"Guys the countdown is starting!!" Jenna randomly yells out. We all stop and turn up the tv and turn our attention to it.

"20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2..."

"..1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We all count down and scream. We all hug and some kiss (Jenna and Brendon). Steph grabs her phone and I grab my phone and we take videos on snapchat. Then I see Carlos walk over to Mahogany. He's getting really close to her. AND HE KISSES HER OH MY GOD. I run over and take a photo (that is good quality). I save it and add the time filter, then save it again. They look at each other, then at me, then at each other again.

 They look at each other, then at me, then at each other again

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Carlos starts talking to Mahogany, "That.. um, that kiss was because I like you Mahogany, like I-have-a-huge-crush-on-you kind of like." He says, scratching the back of his head. He looks back at her. "Mahogany, will you be my girlfriend?"

She looks so happy and shocked, "yes!" He picks her up, hugs her, and spins her around. And the room is filled with applause. He puts her down and they blush and look around at us.

"It's about time!" Marco and I say not purposely in unison. We look at each other surprised and high five.

"Do you guys all wanna just stay over because it's late and no one probably wants to drive right now?" Mahogany asks.

"Good with me."

"Sure." The room was filled with some yeses and yeahs and so on.

Everyone just kind of chilled for a bit, laying down or sitting in the living room. I was watching snapchat stories when I came across Hayes'. It looks like they're having quite the party too. There's some people I can't recognize so I guess they're Hayes' friends from home. I got to the last part of the snapchat story and I dropped my phone. No no no no no. Not again. I picked up my phone and rewatched it to make sure I just saw it wrong, but I didn't. It was Hayes and a girl going '3. 2. 1.' And kissing after one. I ran out of the room, up the stairs and into my bedroom. Crashing down on my bed. Tears were already flowing down my face.

Why does he have to do this?
Am I just not enough for him?
Maybe it's the distance but he couldn't at least break up with me first?

This are a mix of sad and angry tears. I hear everyone talking  and moving downstairs. I don't care. I just ball my eyes out and punch the bed over and over again.

What did I ever do wrong?
Why didn't he just break up with me the first time?
Why did he have to do this again?

I curl up in a ball, on my bed, tears falling. By now someone is up the stairs, heading my way. My eyes were too blurry to see who it was but they came over and sat next to me.

"Come here, sweetie," it was Colette. I moved and hugged her. "Shhh, it's okay, he's just an asshole. Listen here, I haven't know Mahogany that long but she's told me a lot about you. I know that you're a strong, beautiful girl and that you got through this once, and I know you'll get through it now. But right now I need you to try to stop crying, okay?" I nod and attempt to stop crying. I got to a point where only random, loose tears slid down my face without me knowing. We sat across from each other and she started to talk, "Downstairs, a lot is going on. Mahogany is very mad and upset, and she's trying to get a hold of Hayes or Nash, Carlos and Marco, are also mad but they need to take care of Mahogany before they can deal with their anger. Karina, is upset because she knows how it feels, Brandon and Evan are with her, they're upset too. As for your friends, Steph is about to fly to North Carolina and kick his ass." I cracked a small smile there. "Jake and Lance are holding her down. And Jenna is upset because she's afraid Brendon will do that to her, but he obviously won't so he's supporting her. We're all feeling the same way as you right now, maybe we're not showing it, but what everyone needs to know is if you're okay. I don't mean go down there all happy like you're perfectly fine, because we know you aren't. We just don't want last time to happen again, that's all." She says, sighing from talking a lot.

"Okay." I nod.

"Do you wanna talk about it before we go down?" She asks.

"I guess. I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong. There's obviously something if he does this a second time." I say, sniffling at the end.

"That's the thing, girls blame theirselves when they did nothing wrong. Boys just have to be assholes and get what they want when they want it. I swear sometimes it seems like they're on their man period." I laugh this time. "Let's go downstairs, and for Hayes, block him out of your life. But first," she hands me my phone. "End it." She gives me a serious look.

I shakily take my phone and unlock it, click on messages, then my conversation with Hayes. I typed it letter by letter. Two words, eight letters.

We're done.

And I hit send.


Hi guys! I just wrote two chapters within a few hours! And this one is long. So what do you think about this? I know I might of broken your Hallie hearts (I'm sorry), but I've had this plan for a little bit.

Guys, I've decided something that either you guys will love or hate. This book is ending soon. At chapter 50. Then there will be an Epilogue and that's the end of LLS.

Thank for 87.8k reads, 2.16k votes, and 649 comments!

ily guys (can't ship Hallie atm sorry),,
xo ~BandsAndYoutuberz

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