Chapter 4

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Hi guys! Fridays update here. Hope you all like it!


Mollie's Point Of View:

"Alright. I think it's time to tell you more about hate and everything like that." Lox says. I sigh and nod. "Okay so all that hate online. Those people are no life losers who try to make their life better by making other people's life miserable. Does it help them? No. They also are most likely jealous of you, that's the main seed of hate. Online hate is a really stupid thing because it really doesn't benefit anyone. You already experienced that before and your perfectly fine, right?" I nod. "As for the hate you just experienced, those girls right there speaking, not to you but around you. Now that feels more real than online hate since they're physically there. I'm not saying hate is fake, I'm just saying it hurts more when the hater is physically there. Once again they are jealous of you and want to try to make your wonderful life miserable to make their's better, which doesn't work. As you saw, by them hating on you, they got me mad at them. So if they wanted to do anything with me, they won't get to now. Online hate you can always ignore it, unlike physical hate. Here, let me show you a vine a friend of mine made." Lox says typing on her phone. Soon enough she hands me her phone with a video on it. I hit play. A boy shook his head, making his beanie fall over his eyes. Then he says ' Can't see da haters '. I smile. I hand the phone to Lox and she continues. "I know that was your first time dealing with hate, and you acted well. You didn't cry, cause you're a strong girl, and hate won't make you weak. So whenever you have to deal with it again remember the main points that I told you."

I smile and hug her, "Thank you Lox, for everything."

"Welcome Mol." Lox says. "So what should we do now?"

"Hmmm... it's 7:34pm so.. I don't know where I'm going with this." I laugh. After a few minutes of silent thinking, I shout, "Cookies!" Lox looks at me like I've gone crazy. "Let's bake cookies!" This time she looks at me normally, and nods.

"Okay... where did you get that idea anyway?" she asks.

"I kept thinking of food, and fun, then, BOOM! Cookie dough appeared in my mind." I say and she laughs.

"Okie leggo get started. But first put your hair and let's get aprons." she says, I say okay and do as told. I put my hair into a messy bun as Lox put her hair in a high ponytail. We went into the kitchen and found aprons, and put them on.

Before we started, I ran upstairs and grabbed my speakers and my phone from the living room. "First step: Play Music. Done." I say as Sing by Ed Sheeran comes on, Lox laughs. We dance around getting the mixing bowl, mixer, measuring cups, measuring spoons and cookie sheets out.

Lox has the recipe book and she's looking for the Chocolate chip cookie one,"Okay so we need 2 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 1 cup (2 sticks) of butter, 1/2 granulated sugar, 1 cup packed light-brown sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract, 2 large eggs and 2 cups of chocolate chips. But first preheat the oven to 350 degrees." she said heading over to the oven and preheating it. As she did that the song Ride by SoMo came on. We both sang and danced to it. As we did that we managed to mix our ingredients into cookie dough. We also managed to get flour all over each other. I dipped my finger into the bowl of cookie dough and ate the cookie dough off my finger. Mmmhmm I want some cookies. Lox came up behind me and did the same thing. "Let's get the cookie sheets." She said and as soon as she turned around I got another bit of cookie dough. I love cookie dough more than the actual cookie. When Lox handed me a cookie sheet I grabbed a spoon and started scooping cookie dough onto the sheets. I kept spooning cookie dough as did Lox and once we finished we had 4 sheets of cookie dough and a little bit in the bowl both of us fought for the last of the last cookie dough in the bowl, both of us laughing as we did this. Once the bowl was legit almost empty, me and Lox had enough cookie dough and the cookies are baking, so we turned up the music and sang and danced to like every song. At the moment Problem by Ariana Grande was playing and we were trying to hit the high notes while we do the dance moves Ariana does in her music video, we defiantly failed it though. The next song that came on was Go On Girl by Sky Blu (aka our brother). Once again we danced around and sang around the kitchen as the cookies baked. After the song we checked the cookies and they were ready to come up so we brought them out of the oven and put all the cookies onto cooling racks and continued to sing and dance around the kitchen.

At 9:12pm the cookies were cool now and both of us had a few already - they were delicious - and they were already put away so at the moment we are chilling in the living room on our phones, I'm playing Piano Tiles - the game I am addicted to - while Lox is on her phone probably on some type of social media. And soon we both head upstairs, me to my bedroom and Lox to her room and we both go to bed after our crazy, hate / dancing / singing / tiring / delicious cookies making day.


Hey guys! Here's Friday's update! Now all I need is today's update and I'll be caught up! Remember, Magcon is coming soon so be ready for contests! Thanks for 48 reads and 12 votes!

Thank y'all - I love all you guys,


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