Chapter 39

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I woke up the next morning, to the horrible sound of my alarm clock. Then I remembered it's Friday, which made it slightly not as bad. I got up and went over to the closet, and I picked out a pair of high waisted jean shorts and a grey, long sleeve shirt. I took my hair out of the braids and my hair looked so cool. I touched it up without ruining the waves and curls. I did my makeup, then went downstairs and ate some cereal for breakfast. Afterwards, I brushed my teeth and then put my black skate-highs with the white stripe on and by that time it was time to head to school.


Today was the usual, boring school day. We got slightly less work because it's Friday, but we still got some. At lunch we talked about going to the mall Saturday and we'll all get dropped off then meet up at one of the entrances. The bell rang, dismissing us from school for the weekend. I grabbed my stuff and found Mom's car and hopped in shot gun and turned to expect to see Mom, but instead I see Mahogany.

"Hey how was school?" She asks, starting to move the car.

"Boring. So why are you picking me up? Not that I mind, I just mean is everyone okay?" I ask.

"Yeah everyone is fine. I asked if I could pick you up so we can have a sister day." She smiles.

"Oh okay. So where are we going?"

"I'm thinking we get some food, maybe pizza, then get our nails done, then penny board on the boardwalk?" She suggests.

"I like the food, the nails not as much, but I'll go, just for you, and penny boarding sounds fun, especially on the beach."

"Yay! Let's go." We start heading to a pizza place.

Soon we arrive at the pizza place and order one slice each because the slices are huge. For drinks we both got water, and once our pizza was ready, we sat down at a booth across from each other.

"I know we're eating, but this whole time was to catch up. We see each other everyday but don't have long conversations. So tell me about school." Mahogany says, then takes a bite into her pizza.

"School is school. Boring subjects. Annoying teachers. Tons of work." I say, eating my pizza.

"I see, I see. What about your friends? Aren't you guys going to the mall or something tomorrow?" She asks.

"Yeah we're going tomorrow. And they're good. Without them, school would be worse than it is now."

"Tell me all about them, I need to make sure you're not hanging out with drug dealers or something." She laughs and I join in.

"They're not drug dealers, don't worry. Riley, the first person who talked to me is really nice, she helps me out with where to go and school stuff, but she has her own friend group. She recognized me from Magcon." I stopped to take a bite of pizza. "Steph was the second person I met and she's awesome. We like a lot of the same things and she let me into her group of friends and introduced me to all of them. That's who I'm going to the mall with."

"Ohh cool. Steph's friends, what are their names?" Mahogany asks.

"Jenna, Brendon, Jake and Lance," I say.

"They all sound nice. I'm happy they're not drug dealers." Mahogany laughed.

"Me too. Now, tell me, have you made any friends here, any of them stand out more than the others.." I try to get something out of her.

"Mollie!" She yells, then tries to quiet her voice down after receiving glances from other people. "Yes I have made friends. I might have my eye on someone." She looks down at her food smiling.

"Spill. Tell me all your friends and who this special someone is." I lean forward, needing to know this information.

"Karina, she's from San Diego, I still talk to her even though Magcon is over. I recently met Zak, Carlos, Marco, Colette, Brandon, and Evan. There's a lot of them because some of them were friends before, and then they introduced me to their friends." She paused. "Zak's pretty chill, he's a really good singer and has really cool hair. Carlos and Marco are twin brothers, they act and they're cool. Colette is really sweet, she's an amazing artist and her hair is so rad, she also sings greatly. Brandon is really cool and funny and he sings really well. Evan is an amazing photographer and he's really nice. So yeah." That was a lot, but I'm happy she made new friends.

"So which one of these new friends do you have your eyes on?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"Guess." I started thinking. If she's all smiling about it and doesn't want to talk about him much. And the way she said his name is important. Zak she seems pretty fine with, but maybe there was something. Carlos and Marco seemed kind of rushed, let's leave them. Brandon's description was normal, no special voice or anything. And Evan's description was short and the same voice as Brandon. So either Zak, Carlos or Marco. Hmm..


Day 2 of this every other day updating done! Hi luvs!

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ily Hallie shippers,,
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