Chapter 48

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*Beginning of College*

"Yes Mom, I'm sure I got everything." I say, closing the trunk of the car.

"Did you double check? And check around the house?" My mom comes closer to the car, a worried tone in her voice.

"Yes I did. It's only college mom, I'm not like moving out. Well I sort of am but it's into a dorm room, not a house. And if I forget anything you can always send it to me in the mail."

"I just don't want you to go, honey. After you leave, the house will be empty except me and your dad. Where is he? He should be out here by now." On cue my dad walks out, followed by Mahogany and Sky.

"I'm gonna miss you so much. We're gonna FaceTime all the time and text everyday, right?" Mahogany says, hugging me tight.

"Right. I'll be texting you whenever I can. We'll FaceTime too. But we have to keep in mind the time zones, I'll be 3 hours ahead of you."

"Oh yeah. I'm going to try my best to remember." Mahogany says giving me one last hug.

"I'm gonna miss you little, little sis." Sky says hugging me.

"I don't think you can call me or Mahogany little anymore, we're both 18+." I say, hugging him back.

"Well you're both still younger than me." He says. "Good luck at college, stay away from them boys unless you want me flying over there." He says.

"Yeah I know, I know. I'll be focusing on my studies." I give him one last hug before joining my dad in the car. We'll say our goodbyes at the airport. The ride there consisted of my dad giving me lectures on college. I'm the first of the Gordy children to go to college. Mahogany and Sky decided to stay in LA and focus on their music. So my dad gave me lectures about college parties, boys, drinking, drugs, boys, etc. I told him I'd never even think about drinking and drugs, and I most likely won't be attending any parties. But I did tell him that boys will be apart of my everyday life, and I'm old enough to date and be friends with boys. Speaking of my friends, most of them are already in college or packing for it. Sadly, none of them are attending the same place I'm going, which is the University of North Carolina. When we got to the airport, my dad helped me get my bags and suitcases out.

"My littlest girl is all grown up now." He pulls me into a big bear hug.

"Aww, Dad." I hug him back.

"Alright I'm going to let you go so you won't miss your flight. Make sure you remember everything I told you." He says and gets back into the car. I wave and put my backpack on, then start dragging my suitcases behind me. I have two of them plus my backpack. The rest of my things were shipped to the college days ago.

I walk in to the airport, immediately checking in my suitcases so I can be free of them, well at least until I get off the plane. After that was done, the lady told me the terminal number, which was A6. I went through security then found terminal A6. My flight was at 5:00pm and it was 4:30pm. That was really cutting it close on timing because sometime the planes are early. Or if I wanted to get food. Speaking of food... I see a food place. It looks like it has cold food and other stuff. Maybe I should wait because the airplane just pulled in. Or maybe I should get food instead of the airplane food. Yep I'm gonna get this food. I grab my backpack and walk to the place, which wasn't that far. I grabbed a gold peak green tea, a small bag of chips, some cookies, and a granola bar. I put it all down at the cash register and the cashier gave me a look after looking at my food. I just ignored it because I don't need any drama before getting on the plane. My flight is more than 4 hours, I'm going to get hungry. I pay for the food and hurry back to the terminal where they're about to start boarding. As soon as I enter the terminal the lady at the desk announces that flight 635 was about to start boarding. I walk over to the crowd of people when they call first class up to the front. I get in line, then hand my boarding pass to the lady and walk down the pathway to the plane. I enter the plane and find my seat. Yes! It's a window seat! I did a mental happy dance in my head because I love window seats. I sit down on my seat, then place my backpack on the floor. I pull out my phone and take a photo of the window on snapchat and put the little airport filter on it, the time filter, and add it to my story. I turn my phone onto airplane mode, put my seatbelt on and then wait for the plane to take off. An older woman sat next to me but she didn't say anything.

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