Chapter 5

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I was just walking around the big garden in my house and thinking about everything. My parents and my aunt were in the house and Philip and Nate weren't home. Every time Philip was around Nate and they were alone I was feeling a bit worried. I didn't want Philip to get hurt. I was still not trusting Nate. At the end he wasn't the same Nate like before. He was half animal now. It was hard for me to get used on that and trust him. 
I sat on the ground and started playing with the grass around me. When I was a little girl I wanted to collect flowers and later destroy them, but now I was only destroying the grass. Suddenly I saw my hand and instead of green from the grass it was a bit purple. I looked to see better and there were some purple flowers that seemed like...
Omg. Wolfsbane. It cant be.
I saw the pictures from my phone and when I compared them they looked the same. I couldn't believe that the thing I was searching for in the woods was in my garden. I collected some and rushed into my room. I locked the door and I put it on my desk. I started thinking how to use it. I saw my face on the mirror. I was smiled. I chuckled. I was feeling much better because I knew the wolfsbane will be my weapon against the werewolves. I could defend myself and even find a way to kill them.


The next few days I spend all the time thinking about the wolfsbane. I needed to find a way to use it now and see if it really effects on them.
We were with Maria in my room and we were just looking stuff on Internet and talking.
"Hey are you up to for jogging?" Maria asked me in one moment. 
"Yeah of course. I am boring anyway" I said to her and she smiled.
"So, 6 PM in the park" she said and I nodded.

Suddenly the door from my room opened. My mum came in.
"We are going out with your aunt. Can you take care of the boys downstairs, not to make a mess." She said and I rolled my eyes.
"So send them to play somewhere. They are kids anyway" I said to her seriously.
"Not Philip's friends. Nate's" she said. "Please. They are crazy. They can set the house on fire" she added and I got nervous immediately. Maria laughed. 
I couldn't say no to mum and we went downstairs. 
"I hate this house" I said to Maria and mum heard too.
"Vanessa" mum gave me a warning look
"Next time when you say me to babysit 18 years old boys make sure to tell them not to flirt with me and not to try to get in bed with me. OK mum?" I said with louder voice. It was true. All of Nate's friends were flirting with me.
Maria laughed so hard.
"Vanessa" mum gave me another warning look and she left.
"So I am leaving too" Maria said to me
"No. Don't leave me" I prayed her. I didn't want to be alone with five guys around me. I wanted her by my side. 
"Sorry but I can't even see those boys." She said and left too.
"Fuck you Nate, I hate you" I said loudly and got into the living room.
I got shocked from what I had seen.
Nate and the werewolves were sitting all around the room. Nate and the alpha guy Taylor were playing FIFA.
"Oh these Nate's friends" I said and they all turned toward me and laughed. 
"What's so funny?" I asked a bit confused.
"We heard your problem" one of them said. I still don't know their names. Except for Taylor's.
"What happened Vanessa? Did someone of the boys..." Nate wanted to ask me something but I interrupted him
"OK so rule number one. No wolf abilities in this house. Act like humans" I said ignoring Nate. They heard our talk.
"So stay here and watch us playing FIFA" Taylor moved his look from the screen and looked at me.
"But first bring me some cola. Nate said there is some in the fridge." The blond one said. He was the most rude one.
"She is not your maid. You can take it by yourself" Taylor said to him. Wow what was that. The guy shut up and stood up. They are doing everything that Taylor says to them.
"Its OK. I'll bring it. You'll make mess anyway" I said and went toward the kitchen.
Actually I stopped him because I came up with an idea. I decided to put a bit wolfsbane in the cola and see what's going to happen.
I did that and I gave the guy the glass with the cola. I just waited for him to take a drink. In the moment he did that he dropped the glass immediately. He couldn't breath and he had his arm on his chest. I can bet he couldn't take a breath even a second. All looked at him and Taylor stood up.
"Jackson, what's happened?" He asked him trying to help him. The guy couldn't breath so he couldn't say a word either. After a few minutes he looked a bit better so he started mumbling something. At the end we all heard.
"Wolfsbane" he said and and everyone looked at me. I was looking at them with no fear. I did it. I found a way to make them weaker. I didn't say a word. 
"You bitch" Jackson barely stood up and came close to me. He wanted to punch me or slap me, but Nate catch his arm and stopped him.
"Don't or.." Nate looked at him with warning look.
"Or what Nate?" He asked Nate with nervously voice. "She is going to screw us" he said "and we don't wanna lose time for stupid thing." He kinda yelled.
"Jackson out" Taylor yelled at Jackson.
"But Taylor.." Jackson tried to explain something.
"Get out to calm down" Taylor repeated and he left. The other boys left too. In the room were just me, Nate and Taylor. They were both looking at me.
"So I'll leave you guys to continue with the game." I said and turned around and started going toward the door.
Suddenly from nowhere Taylor showed up in front of me. He somehow jumped over me.
"Vanessa" he spoke my name and looked me deeply on the eyes.
"Nate, Vanessa is going to be our guest for a few days" he said to Nate but he was still looking at me. I froze. My bones were trembling. I felt weak in one moment "Can you help with explaining this to her parents. You'll find some excuse" he added
"I am not going anywhere" I said to him with trembling voice. I suddenly got scared.
"Taylor she won't do that again" Nate said to him.
"Of course she won't." Taylor said "now go and take some clothes" he said to me and finally looked away.
"I won't do that" I was still complaining about it.
"OK then you'll be in the same clothes more then one day" he said and took my arm.
"Let go off me" I yelled
"When you realize we are not your enemies I'll gladly do that." He said
"Nate please" I looked at Nate. He was my last hope. He just looked away.
" I hate you." I said and started going behind Taylor.
We got in his car and he started driving. I didn't tell a word during the whole ride and he didn't talked too.
We arrived at the old house and we saw the boys sitting in front of it.
We got out of the car.
"Vanessa will be our guest a few days" Taylor said to them.
"Isaac go and show her the room upstairs." Taylor said the other guy with the black hair. He was the only one that didn't say anything to me and he seemed like good boy.
I followed him and we got in the room they were fighting before and we went toward the second floor in the house. There was a few doors and we entered in one. There was a bed and a big window. It was a bit dark and empty. It was creepy.
"Nate sleeps here when he comes" the boy said to me. His name was Isaac.
"Good for him" I faked a smile.
"You hate us a lot right?" He asked me.
I just looked away through the window. I didn't answer the question.
"You'll see we are not like you think we are" he said and got out.
I left alone in creepy room in some creepy old house in the woods and with four werewolves in it.
I felt like screaming and destroying things. I was furious and nervous.
This is not my life. I an not living my life. It shouldn't be like this.
I wanted to break something. In the room there wasn't nothing to broke. There was only a bed with blanket in it and some small table.
I couldn't break the table so instead of breaking it I took it and threw it toward the window. I broke it and the table finished out.
What the hell am I thinking. If they didn't killed me before they would kill me now. This is the end of your life Vanessa.
I was kinda regretting for throwing the table but I felt good and relieved in some way.
"You'll sleep in that room anyway." I heard Taylor's voice from out and I got closer to the broken window and I saw him down looking at the broken window. "And its cold at night you know" he said seriously
"I am going to jump from here you know" I yelled back
"I'll catch you. I am fast." He said
"then I'll jump when you are inside the house" I said
"Thanks for telling me. Now you'll have guardian too" he said and smiled.
"Your betas wants me dead anyway" I said
"Who said they are going to keep eye on you?" He asked
"You can't be without sleep all night." I said to him. I was provoking him all the time.
Shut up Vanessa. Keep tour fucking mouth shut if you wanna survive.
"I can" he said and sat on the ground.
"Just call me when your bored." He said
"Fuck you" I said and sat in the bed.
Enjoy in this hell Vanessa as much as you can.

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