Chapter 12

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The next few days passed peacefully thanks god. I was going to school with Nate and he seemed OK. I was like always spending my time with Maria. It was all normal for a few days and I really hope nothing's going to happen.
I saw Taylor two times. He was still trying to make some plan for defence or something.
I was in my house with Maria and we were watching some TV show and eating chips. We spend hard day at school with exams and we were just relaxing after it. I was wearing some shorts and some of Nate's shirts and laying on my stomach on the sofa. Maria was laying on the other side.
"What's happening with Taylor?" she asked me in one moment.
"I didn't heard him for two days." I said with my mouth full with chips.
"Don't be so relax. He is hanging out with Nate and he can turn him into idiot" she said
"I don't think so. I think Nate is changing too" I said
In that moment I heard someone getting in the house. I turned around to see Nate, Jackson and Taylor getting into the living room.
I stood up immediately. I was real mess.
"I'll kill you. I am sick of you wearing my shirts. Yoy have more then enough. Why are you wearing mines?" Nate looked at me nervously. He hated when I was wearing his shirts.
"Nate its just a shirt" I said trying to defend myself.
"You say that every time" he said and sat on the sofa.
I looked at Taylor and he was kinda laughing on our 'fight' with Nate. They both sat on the sofa too. They took the chips immediately and started eating it.
"I'll go to bring more" I said and went toward the kitchen. I opened the onee of the drawers and took some. In the moment I turned around I saw Taylor standing behind me.
"Hello" he smiled and I couldn't not to have that smile on my face.
He came closer to me and kissed me.
I couldn't stop him. I wanted to kiss him too.
"Vanessa bring me the chips" I heard Nate's voice from the other room.
"Idiot" I mumbled
"Vanessa" Nate yelled again. He heard me when I called him idiot and that's why Taylor laughed.
I took the chips and went toward the living room. Taylor was going after me. I put the chips on the table and sat on the sofa next to Maria.
Suddenly my phone buzzed. It was my brother Philip. I answered it.
"Better place for a date, zoo or eating ice cream?" He asked "but quickly please" he added and I couldn't not to laugh.
"Are you having a date?" I asked
"Pick one Vanessa" he kinda yelled
"OK. Ice cream" I said and he hung up.
"Wow I didn't know" Nate said looking at me when suddenly his phone buzzed. It was Philip. He put him on speaker.
"Nate should I kiss her on the first date or just kiss on the cheek?" He asked and I couldn't not to laugh. Everyone laughed but trying to be quiet.
"Yes" Nate said with laughing. "Kiss her" he said and I looked at Maria immediately.
"Why you didn't asked me that?" I asked Philip and acted like I am offended. I was just kidding.
"Because Nate hooked up with 25 girls not you." Philip said and hung up without even saying bye.
"High five" Nate said to me. We were always helping Philip to date someone and we were waiting for this moment for a long time.
"How old is he?" Taylor asked us
"15" I said "too young and started following Nate's steps" I added.
"Philip is not going to be like Nate. He is much better." Maria said
"Hey I am here too." Nate said and waved with his hand.
We were there a bit more and talked about things. Later Maria left and the boys too. They said they need to do something. Nate and I left in the house and just laid and continue watching 'How I met your mother'.
"When are Jess and the others getting back?" I asked him in one moment.
"In a week I think" Nate said. I was wondering why they are waiting for so long. Everything can happen in a week. I didn't asked Nate nothing though.
"Are you scared?" I asked him
"No" he said "are you?"
"Yeah. But not if something happens to me. I am scared for you and..." I stopped before I tell the name Taylor. "And Taylor" I said. I knew he was in bigger danger then everyone and I was worried. I didn't want to lose him before having him.
We watched like three seasons and after that we went to asleep.


"Vanessa" I heard some voice waking me up "wake up" he said and I felt his breathing. It was Taylor.
"Taylor" I said barely seeing him. I was sleepy.
"Get up" he said and took my hand to make me get up from the bed.
"Where?" I asked him and I looked through the window. It was dark.
"Let's go. Surprise date" he said and my jaw dropped. I thought i was dreaming. I was still sleepy but somehow I went to my wardrobe and took some jeans and a shirt. I took off my pajamas didn't carrying that Taylor is behind me and probably watching at me. But I was like freaking zombie because I had so much sleep.
"Wow" I heard him and I couldn't not to laugh.
"You'll pay me for waking me up" I said with still sleepy voice.
"Let's go back to sleep." I said after a dressed up. I went closer to him and leaned on his chest. "We'll have date some other night" I said
"It can't be other night. Its a full moon tonight" he said and I wasn't sleepy anymore. I remembered how was Nate on full moon and I thought about him immediately.
"Oh my god Nate. Is he OK?" I asked him with louder voice.
"He can control himself. Don't worry" He said "let's go" he said and started going toward the balcony. He planned to jump from there.
"I'll take the stairs" I said and went toward the door from my room.
"I'll catch you." He said and I saw him jumping.
I got out at the balcony and I looked down. I saw him looking at me.
"You are kidding me right" I rolled my eyes.
"Come on." He said "you'll not be sleepy anymore after that" he said and smiled.
"Oh god" I said and got ready to jump. Finally I did it. I jumped and tried not to yell. I found myself in Taylor's arms.
"Hey" he said smiling and gave me a short kiss on the lips. I similed or blushed. Yeah I definitely blushed. "Let's go" he said quietly and put me down. We started going.
"If you don't get her back in a hour that's going to be interesting" we heard Nate talking and we turned around. He was sitting on the balcony in his room.
"Nate go to sleep" Taylor said to him
"I'll be here, waiting." He said
"You'll wait" I said and turned around. Taylor laughed.
"Get in" he said pointing in the car that was in front of us.
"Is it yours?" I asked
"Yeah." He said and we got in. He started driving.
"Where are we going?" I asked not stopping to look at him.
"You'll see" he looked at me and smiled.
He was driving and in one moments stopped. I looked and I saw we were on some hill.
We got out of the car and Taylor took my hand. I followed him and he took me close to some stone. He sat on it and I sat between his legs and leaned on his chest. I was seeing just a lot od trees down. I though I could've see the city but no. It was dark and I could've see the full moon on the sky.
"Vanessa?" Taylor called me in one moment.
"Yeah" I mumbled looking at the moon.
"Do you wanna be with me?" He asked and I turned around.
"How do you mean?" I asked him confused.
"Like be with me." He said
"I am with you now" I said and smiled
"I didn't mean on that." He said "together like girlfriend" he said and I made laugh on my face. He was so trembling while he was talking.
"Are you asking me for a relationship?" I asked a bit confused.
"I know its too early, but I am serious" he said "I didn't asked anyone for relationship and I don't really know how it works but..." He started talking but I couldn't listen to him anymore. I just wanted to kiss him. I do that. I kissed him and I felt his arms around me.
After a while I needed to take a breath and say my answer to him. Suddenly I saw his eyes weren't black they were red. I couldn't not to smile on it. I caressed his cheek with my hand and looked at them. Then I kissed him again.
"So the answer is yes" he mumbled
"Yes" I said and he kissed me again.
That's how we spend the next fee hours, kissing and hugging under the sky. When the sun started showing we decided to get back. Taylor drove me home.
In the moment we arrived and got out of the car we both saw Nate on the same position like before, sitting on the balcony. He saw us.
"And what should I do now?" he asked looking at the sky.
"Well the sun is out. You can go for a morning walk if you want or you can just go inside and clean your messy room" I said to him seriously.
"Vanessa" I heard him and suddenly he jumped from the balcony and got closer to us.
"Taylor watch out what are you doing." He said to Taylor. "Even a tear will be enough to break your bones" he said death seriously and touched Taylor's shoulder.
"I'll get it Nate." Taylor said and I laughed.
In that moment a girl started going toward us. He was confidentially smiling. She was beautiful.
"Nate, love" she said and hugged him. I saw Nate rolling his eyes and pushing the girl off of him.
"Nice to see you Khlo" he said and I saw he didn't want to see that girl in that moment.
"And where is my alpha" she said and hugged Taylor. He was making the same reaction like Nate.
Who is that girl?
"And this is?" She looked at me.
"Vanessa" I said and politely smiled.
"Nice to meet you. I am Khloe. The boys probably told you about me" she said and I made confused face. They didn't tell me nothing about any girl named Khloe.
"I can't believe they didn't tell you." She said " shame on you" she said and looked at them "and we had so much fun" she said and winked at them.
"I can just imagine what kind of fun you had" I said rolling my eyes.
I connected the things. She was pretty and tough. She was literally flirting with both of them in front of me and Nate and Taykor were making awkward faces all the time. She said they had fun. That kind of fun is getting wasted and sleep with hoes.
Great job. And its my first day in relationship with Taylor.
"Is she a werewolf?" I asked a bit nervously.
"No I am human" she said still having that bitchy smile on her face.
"Well I am letting you to continue with the fun you had" I said and made step back.
I turned around and got inside the house. I wasn't jealous. I just didn't want to know what happened.

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