Chapter 7

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I didn't ask Nate anything during the ride to home. I didn't want to talk. I was just looking through the window and thinking of what just happened. Actually I didn't want Nate to explain me things that I should hear from other person and that person was Taylor. I couldn't talk to him because he literally said he is going to kill me if he sees me again.
I wasn't feeling good. I wasn't scared of him, it was something different that I could not describe.
"What did you tell home?" I asked Nate when we arrived in front of the house.
"That you stayed at Maria's for some project at the school" he said
"And what did you tell her?" I asked because I was sure she called me for the jogging and I also wasn't on school.
"That you went somewhere with some guy" he said and my eyes widened "with Liam actually" he added and I slapped him.
"How can you be so stupid. Now what?" I yelled at him
"I am sorry" he said laughing. "I didn't come up with some other idea." He added and still laughing.
"Liam won't deny it anyway so be calm" he said and opened the door from his side
"He treat he is going to kill us both. How can you be so relax?" I asked Nate and he closed the door back.
"He won't do that. Taylor is not a killer. He said that in anger." Nate said
"You trust him so much" I said and ironically smiled.
"And I not even thinking of not trusting him" he said without any debuts
"I don't know Nate" I said and opened the door. I got out of the car.
I went to my room immediately and closed the door behind me. I took my phone and saw I had so many missed calls from Maria.
What the hell I am going to say now.
I called her.
"Did you really hooked up with Liam?" She asked me in the moment she answered the call.
"Oh god" I took a deep breath "yes" I said. I couldn't believe I was lying my best friend because of some people I just met.
"Tell me everything now" she screamed
"I hooked up with him, just simple making out. The first and the last time. I won't make our with him one more time" I said "nobody knows and nobody will know" I added
"Uh I relieved. I don't like him anyway" she said
We talked a bit and hung up. I laid on my bed and didn't even felt when I fell asleep.


After two day I didn't see any of the boys and Taylor.
I went to school with Nate and when we got out of the car on the parking I saw Jackson and Chuck with school bags in front of one car on the parking.
"What are they doing here?" I asked Nate while we were going toward the school building.
"They are starting with school from today" he said
"Great" I mumbled.
He stopped and stood next to them. I just passed them and went to my classroom.
I spend the day like usual school day.
After the classes were over me and Maria got out of the school. We still didn't have plan where we'll go.
In the moment we got out I saw familiar car in front of the school stairs. It was Taylor's and he was right there standing in front of it. He was leaned on it and he was looking toward the stairs. He saw me and we were looking each other. I was looking at him and he was looking at me.
"Hey Vanessa are you even listening to me?" I heard Maria's calling me in one moment.
"Sorry I was thinking of something" I said and looked away from Taylor and looked at her.
"Your birthday is in three weeks. Did you plan something?" She asked me.
Yeah I was always having a parties or some dinners. This year I wanted party too.
"I think so" I said to her and looked again at Taylor. He wasn't alone now. Nate, Jackson and Chuck were with him.
I turned around and continue my way with Maria.
"Vanessa" I heard Nate in one moment calling me. I turned around and I saw them all looking at me.
"Can I ask you for a favor?" Nate yelled because we were a few meters distance.
"I don't have time Nate. I have so much to study. Later OK?" I yelled back. I didn't got closer to them and I wasn't planing too.
"Why are you lying?" Maria whispered to me and I saw Jackson laughed. They heard. They can hear everything.
"Shut up" I said to her
"Vanessa please" Nate prayed one more time.
"I gotta go Nate." I said and turned around.
I continue walking and Maria too.
"What was that?" She asked me
"I am not in am mood to fix his love problems" I lied. She laughed.

After that I went home and just went on my balcony and watched outside. I was there whole day til the dark. I didn't even go downstairs for dinner. I was listening to music, sitting and watching the stars and the moon.
I was looking at the darkness in the back of my garden. There were a lot of trees and it was dark like hell. When I was a little I was scared of it, but now it somehow remind me about the woods and that night I spend in the house. I saw two red points in the dark and they immediately remind me of Taylor and his eyes. I don't know why I wanted to see them again. I wanted to see him again.
God what's happening to me? I can't stop hate them. And I am. I am not afraid of them anymore. I don't feel the same anger and hate I was feeling before. I don't hate them anymore.
I couldn't stop thinking of it. In one moment I looked at my phone and I saw that midnight passed so I stood up and got inside. I went to sleep.


The next morning when I woke up I got ready for school and went downstairs to join my family for a breakfast. Everyone were there except for Nate.
"Where is Nate?" I asked and waited for an answer.
"He went in our old house for a few days" my aunt said "he said he missed it" she added
"And school?" I asked
"He said he has credits enough and the school is not a problem." My aunt said.
I didn't believe that Nate's is there because he misses the house and stuff. On my way to the school I decided to call him. His phone was off. I tried to call him a few more times that day but he had his phone off all day.
After school I decided to go at the house in the woods and ask Taylor or the boys of they know something about Nate. I knew Taylor must know where he was. I took a risk somehow. Taylor clearly said he don't wanna see me there but I wanted to find out about Nate so badly. Or it wasn't only Nate thought. I wanted to see Taylor too.
Wait Vanessa what are you thinking?
That's nonsense.

I arrived and I started getting closer to the house. I was in front of it and I saw there wasn't nobody around. I got in. It wasn't locked. I went all around the house and there wasn't nobody.
I waited there for about an hour and nobody came. I decided to go home and get back here the next day.
But the next day was the same. There wasn't nobody too.
I was going there every day after school and still there wasn't any sign of Nate, Taylor or the boys.
Nate was still not having his phone turned on.
A week passed and I stopped going. I realized they all went somewhere and I don't know where. I asked my aunt few time did Nate call her and she said he didn't. She said me to give him space to be alone and that he needed it.

I was sitting in front if the house in the woods and I was just looking around. I saw the window that I broke and I laughed. I remembered how I broke it and how much I hated being in that house.
I went upstairs and went in the room.
I tried to find a way to fix it but I didn't have idea how so I decided to get back the next day with the stuff I need and try to fix it.
That's how I did. I get back after school and took everything I need. I watched how my dad was fixing thinks in our house so I thought I can do it too. After a few hours I finally did it. It was shit of a work and it could've fall every second but the important thing was that I did it. I was feeling a but tired and I laid on the bed in the room. I fall asleep.
I fall asleep in the house without any problem. I wasn't scared and I was feeling so free in it.
I didn't care that I am alone in some old house in the woods. I didn't care about all those animals in the woods that I was scared of before. I just knew one thing. I missed Nate. But not the Nate I knew. I missed Nate and his werewolf side. I missed Taylor. I missed him and I admitted it to myself. I missed the whole pack. I missed the thing I thought I would never miss.

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