Chapter 34

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We were practicing everyday. We were all getting stronger as much as we all could. I was stronger and ready to fight and save my life.
I didn't want that night. I wanted that full moon never happens and I wanted the time to pass very slow, but that didn't happen. The days passed like minutes. I didn't even realized when we were so close to that night. 

We were all having for me the last peaceful day in our lives. The next day were all going to be upset because of the that could've happened that evening. That didn't mean that we were upset all the time. We were all scared for our lives. 

I was laying on the bed when suddenly my phone buzzed. It was Maria. 
"Hey" I mumbled when I answered it. 
"Are you sleeping?" she asked me.
"No. I am just laying on the bed." I said to her.
"Nice, get ready we are picking you up in 20 minutes." she said to me.
"Where?" I asked confused and with louder voice.
"Just hanging out. Come on, it's gonna be fun" she said
"Ok" I said and hung up. I was feeling a bit down and I was like without energy. I was still thinking about that night.

 But anyway I got up from the bed and started getting ready. I dressed up some T-shirt, my black jeans and my jacket. I put my hair in ponytail and put a bit make up. I took one of my bags and went downstairs. 
"Where is Nate?" I asked my aunt. She was in the kitchen eating cookies. 
"I am here" I heard Nate's voice. He was getting down the stairs. "Come on let's go" he said to me after he took one of the cookies on the table. 

"You are going too?" I asked him. 

"Yeah" he said while he was eating. "Double date" he winked at me. I couldn't not to laugh.
"Double what?" my aunt kinda yelled. "Nate who is the girl?" she asked. I couldn't believe he said that, neither could my aunt.

"I am dating Maria." Nate said and my jaw dropped. He told her literally everything and he seemed so relaxed. That was surprising. 
"Maria. Vanessa's friend?" aunt Jess asked him and I saw how excited she is about it. 

"Yup. She is my girlfriend. We are in relationship" he said and took another cookie. "now let's go" he said to me and went toward the door. I just followed him and after we said bye to aunt Jess, we got out of the house. Taylor and Maria were waiting for us in front of Taylor's car. I first got closer to Taylor and kissed him, as Nate went and tried to kiss Maria. 
"Hey we are in front of your house" Maria said after she stopped him and departed from him. 

"I told my mum so..." Nate said casually and kissed her. 

I just laughed. We all got in the car and Taylor started driving. During the whole ride we were listening how Maria was complaining because Nate told they were dating. She was kinda ashamed and she was scared of meeting my aunt like Nate's girlfriend. 
We arrived in front of the bowling center and I got a bit surprised. 

"Bowling, really?" I asked and chuckled. 

"Perfect thing for double date. Let's be human for a while" Nate said from the back seat. 
"OK, I am not complaining." I said.

We got in. Me and Taylor against Maria and Nate. It was interesting to play. I never liked bowling but this time it was different. Me and Maria sucked in it, but that time we weren't so bad. After hours of playing we finally finished. Nate and Maria were the winners. They beat us in most of the games. 

After that we all went to eat something in one Fast Food restaurant. 
"This is really good actually" Taylor said while he was eating his hamburger.
"I am feeling like some teenager" I said and I heard them all laughed.

"And what are you?" Maria looked at me.
"I am not some" I said
"You are 17 remember?" she said.
"I am everything but teenager" I said "we are different"  I said and looked at Maria.
"Yeah sure" Nate said rolling his eyes.
After the big fight about all that teenager stuff we started talking about some usual things that we didn't talked before. It was interesting and we were having fun. 
Taylor drove us home. We were all four in the car parked in front of the house. We were all quiet and we were all thinking. 

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