Chapter 1

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Hi this is my first fan fiction so please go easy on me, the chapters are short at first because I am going to be doing this on my phone but I am going to get my laptop on Friday. I will update once a week. KellicXxForever gave me this idea.

Kellin's POV

It has barely been three days since I moved to Los Angeles with my mother. We were still getting settled in and my mom decided it was a great idea to get to know the neighborhood. I hated walking but, I do not like going against my mother's wishes so I just did as she said. Now, Im stuck with the sun shining brightly on my face and body making me sweat and also giving me a headache. The back of my feet were hurting because I have been walking for a little bit over an hour. I had no idea where to go and nothing looked familiar to me. I continued walking till I passed by a white house with a gray fence surrounding it. It wasn't the house that interested me but the girl that was running around in the yard. There was a girl around my age with long and wavy brown hair. She had nice brown eyes and tan skin, much like the guy playing soccer with her.

They both had similar features making me believe that they were related; I felt like a creep staring at the girl but those thoughts were soon forgotten when I saw a soccer ball coming my way. It was coming way too fast so I had no time to dodge it. The last thing I remembered was the soccer ball hitting me on the head painfully. I started to see black dots surrounding ky vision before I passed out.  

My eyes fluttered open before I started to paying attention to my surroundings. I heard two voices, one that belonged go a female and the other to a male.

"I hope he is okay." Their voice was a bur high but they sounded like a guy.
"Yeah me too he looks hot." I feminine voice said making me smirk.
"I guess," The guy said again, I sat up quickly and looked over at the people who were just outside playing soccer. What happened to me?

"What am I doing here?" I asked feeling really confused.
"Oh good, you are awake." A guy with brown shoulder-length hair said.
"Yeah I am, who are you?" I asked.
"Oh yeah, let me explain," He said.

"Okay well, we were playing soccer when you were walking by and I kicked the ball too hard. It hit your head really hard and you passed out. Oh, and my name is Victor but you can call me Vic, this girl next to me is Michelle she is my cousin." He explained, oh so I was right they are related.

"Okay," I said trying to process everything he said, which was pretty hard because I had a huge headache.

"Yeah so do you want me to take you home so you can rest?" Vic asked.
"Yes please," I replied.
"Okay, what is your address?" He asked.
"2130 Maple street" I answered.
"Okay, that is like 5 minutes away let me go get my car keys" He said. walking out of the living room.

"Hi," The pretty brunette said.
"Hey beautiful," I said making her smile.
"Can I like, get your number so we can hang out sometime?" I asked.
"Sure," She answered, giggling at my awkwardness. Awe her giggle is so adorable.

"Okay, can we go now?" Vic asked from behind me looking a little irritated. What the hell happened to him.
"Yeah hold on," I said.

"Here give me your phone." Michelle said reaching for my phone, I gave it to her and she typed in her number.

"Okay bye," I said and winked at her she just giggled and blushed.

"Now we can go." I said to Vic, I walked outside and got inside his car. He started the car and started driving.

"So since you hit me on the head with the ball, can I get to know you a little better?" I asked.

"Sure, how about we hang out tomorrow? I'll come and pick you up." He asked.

"That's fine, I'll see you tomorrow." I said getting out of his car.

I got the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door.

Hey the next chapter I'll do it in Vic's point of view. Comment and vote. Tell me what you thought of this chapter. :)

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