Chapter 6

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Kellin's Point of View

"Kellin, why did my cousin get so mad about you taking me out?" Michelle asked. I turned to look at her "That's what I would like to know." I said. "He is just overreacting he'll get over it sooner or later." She said and smiled, I guess she's right so I will just enjoy my time with her and forget about her.  

"Okay let's go I wouldn't want to waste anymore time thinking about your fag of a cousin." I said and she giggled.

"Okay well let's go out to eat, " She said and I nodded.

"Where do you want to go beautiful?" I asked and she blushed, I love making her blush she is so adorable.

"Let's go to Subway it's healthy." She said, I didn't really like Subway, but I didn't want to tell her that.

"Alright to the car we go." I said and grabbed her hand. We went to the car and I opened up her car like a gentleman. I let her get in and I closed her door, I walked over to the other side and I got in and started the car.

Vic's Point of View

"DAD WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" I shouted at him and they jumped apart.

"Oh god, it's not wh-" He said but I interrupted him.


"Please just let me explain son, please don't tell your mom I don't want her to leave me." He pleaded I tried to calm down but I couldn't I cant believe he just told me not to tell my mom, he is cheating on her.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN NOT TO TELL MY MOM?! OF COURSE IM GOING TO TELL HER YOU DICK!" I said and punched him right on the face, the whore had already left the house. I would've kicked her out anyway. He looked at me and he punched me back, he grabbed me by my shirt right when my mom walked in.

"What the hell are you doing to my son?" She asked when she saw him grab me by the shirt.

"It's not what it looks like Vivian." He tried to explain.

"Explain now!" She said to him.

"Do I tell her or will you?" I asked, turning to look at him and he glared at me.

"Vic, what do you mean? Tell me about what?" My mom asked, with an irritated expression on her face.

"Don't, please, Vic" My dad pleaded, I could really care less if he begged me, my mom is going to know what just happened.

"I walked in on my dad kissing another woman." I said and looked at my mom, she looked hurt and pissed of at the same time.

"Is this true?" She asked my dad with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"No honey, he doesn't know what he's talking about." He said waving me off.

"Don't lie to me Victor! My son, would not lie to me about this!" She said her voice breaking, tears steaming down her cheeks.

"Ok, yes, it is true but please forgive me I lo-" She interrupted him and slapped him.

"YOU DO NOT LOVE ME! IF YOU DID YOU WOULD NOT GO TO ANOTHER WOMAN!" She shouted at him. "Vic honey go to your room I need to talk privately with your father." She said.

"Are you sure mom?" I asked.

"Yes go honey I will be fine" She said and gave me a sad smile. I nodded kissing her cheek. I walked up to my room and when I left the kitchen I hear them, my mom shouting at my father and him begging for her forgiveness. I hope she doesn't forgive him he does not deserve her forgiveness at all. My mother was always there for him when he needed something. I never thought he was a cheater, I don't even think I can call him a father anymore. I went into my room and laid down just thinking about everything. I just have to forget about my feelings for Kellin and I'll be fine. I have to focus on my mom. I have to make sure she is okay, I know she is going to kick my dad out so I have to protect what's left of this family. Mike is never home and he doesn't give a shit about anything besides drugs and his friends.

Kellin's Point of View

After we ate at subway I went to go drop Michelle off at her house. Of course I gave her a goodbye kiss and it was not on her cheek. I want to get to know her a little better before I ask her to be my girlfriend. I think I might spend tomorrow with her and then I'll ask her out. I started thinking about Vic and the way his chocolate brown eyes shine in the sun, or how his shoulder length brown hair moved in the air. Wait what the hell?! I am not gay, but his lips are so plump they look so kissable. Okay Kellin, snap out of it. I laid in my bed and I just stared at the wall it was late and I had to go to sleep because I had school tomorrow. Ugh school, I hope I don't have to face Vic tomorrow. I kept thinking of possible ways to ask Michelle out and I just fell asleep with a smile on my face.

I woke to the sound of annoying birds chirping and the sunlight shining on my face. I really need to get new curtains. I looked at the time and it was passed seven. I had to be at school before 7:30 I am going to be late. I got up quickly and I put on some random skinny jeans and a random band shirt.

I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. I got my phone, bag, and I walked out of my room. I walked down stairs and I saw my mom cooking.

"Bye mom" I said.

"Bye honey" She said and I walked out the house. I wonder what today is going to bring me? I walked to school for about ten minutes and I was five minutes late. I ran to my class and the teacher was sitting at the desk talking about I don't know what. I saw Justin with his head down and it looked like he was sleeping. I looked around and I saw Michelle, I didn't see her at my homeroom yesterday! I walked over where she was at and I sat at the desk next to her.

"Hey beautiful," I said and kissed her cheek.

"Hey handsome." She said and smiled. "So I was wondering if you want to hang out with my group today?" She asked. I didn't really want to because she was in the popular group and I didn't want to get in that again but just once wont hurt anyone right?

"Sure," I said and we kept flirting the whole class. The bell finally rang and I walked out of the class holding Michelle's hand.

"Alright well I'll see you at lunch," I said to Michelle and walked to my next class.

Lunch finally came and I walked to the cafeteria. I walked inside seeing Michelle wave me over while Justin saw me and was motioning to go sit with them. I felt bad but I ignored him when I saw Vic walk over to there table. I walked over to Michelle and I sat down.

"Guys this is Kellin he is my friend." She said and I gave a shy wave.

"Hi Kellin, I think you will fit in quite nicely here," one of the guys said. I just smiled at him. The whole lunch they were talking about the loser group which was Justin and his friends. They never picked on them but they didn't like them.

"Kellin you can't be friends with them," A girl said from the group. This is really stupid isn't Michelle Vic's cousin and she isn't doing any effort to defend him.

"Do they know you're Vic's cousin?" I whispered in Michelle's ear.

"No and it is going to stay like that okay," she said to me.

"Okay" I said and she smiled.

(After school)

I was walking out of my last class when I bumped into someone.

"Oh so-" I stopped mid sentence when I saw who it was. "watch where you're going fag," I said to Vic and he looked at me with a hurt expression. Oh well, I walked away from him to go look for Michelle I was finally going to ask her to be my girlfriend.

Hey thanks to the only person who voted hope you enjoyed this chapter. 1 comment and one vote for the next chapter.

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