Chapter 7

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I was walking through the halls happy, that it was the end of the day. I was fast walking and someone bumped into me. "Oh so-" I looked up and it was the one and only Kellin Quinn. He stopped mid-sentence when he saw who I was. "Watch where you're going fag," I looked at him with a hurt expression. He didn't know I was gay, I never told him so why would he call me that. I guess Kellin isn't who I thought he was. He is just like the other assholes in this school. He walked away and I was just left standing there. After a while I figured what's the point of just standing there thinking about Kellin he isn't worth it at all. I walked out of the school halls and started walking home.

Some people aren't who they seem to be. I mean if you look at Kellin you would think he is some nice, shy, and innocent person. Well he isn't the reality is he is some selfish asshole who I have to stop thinking about all the damn time!

"Hey Vic," A British accent said to catch my attention. I turned to look at him and he was motioning to go over to him. I walked over at him wondering what he wanted. "Hey Oli," I said and gave him a small smile. ''What are you doing looking some glum lad?" He asked looking over at me with an adorable smile. Wait did I just say adorable smile. Yes I did, I mean Oli is attractive I used to have a small crush on him before Kellin came along. Well I guess since I am going to stop thinking about Kellin might as well try with Oli.

"Just thinking about stupid stuff I guess." I said shrugging. "Well how about I take you out to a dinner date and you could start thinking about something else." He said and gave me another one of his charming smiles. Wait did he just say date. "Date?" I asked him. "Yes date, I kind of like you Vic and I would love to get to take you out." He said blushing lightly. "Okay it's a date," I said and gave him a big smile.

"I'll pick you up at 7:00" He said. "Okay, but don't leave me hanging" I said to him. "I wouldn't dream of it," He said. I kept walking to my house and the time went by surprisingly fast.

I walked inside my house and I found my mom crying on the couch. I felt really bad for her, she didn't deserve what my father did to her. She was so in love with him and my dad just had to go cheat on her. I went close to her and crouched down to become eye level with her.

"Mama?" She looked up with tears running down her face. Her face was blotchy and swollen from her crying so much. "Hi sweetheart you hungry?" She asked already getting up from the couch "No mama, thank you, come on I'll take you to bed you need to rest." I said to her and picked her up. I went upstairs and I laid her on the bed. She looked worn out from all the crying. When I laid her down, I put the covers over her and kissed her forehead.

"You'll be okay." I whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek and walked out of her bedroom. I don't want her going through all of this pain. When you get married to someone you commit to being trustworthy, respectful, and loving. If I ever get married I will always be there for them. I will treat them right and not disrespect them at all. I went downstairs because I was actually hungry I just didn't want to bother my mother. I opened the fridge and looked around until I find nothing. I closed the fridge and walked to the kitchen cabinets I saw some pop tarts and I got a blueberry one. I popped it in the toaster and went to go serve myself some milk.

There was barely any left so I figured I would have to go grocery shopping later. I served myself the milk that was left and went to get my pop tarts. I got a plate and went to go to my room. For some strange reason I hate eating in the dining room. I walked into my bedroom and went to sit on my desk.

I finished eating and I looked at my digital clock next to my bed. It was already fiveI had 2 more hours to kill so I went to the living room to watch something. I turned on the tv and I found spongebob who does not like spongebob. I wasted the time I had left for my date and when I looked at the clock it was 7:50. Shit.

I ran upstairs to take a quick shower. Once I got out I looked through my clothes and found some black skinny jeans and a black vans tee. I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked fine.

I found my black vans near the door from my room and when I was putting them on I hear the doorbell. I started feeling nervous but I reminded myself it was just Oli we have been friends for a while. There was no way this date could go wrong. I got my phone, wallet, then ran downstairs, I opened the door and it was Oli smiling at me with a bouquet of red roses. "These are for you beautiful," He said and handed me the roses.

I thanked him and went to the kitchen to look for a vase, I put some water in the vase and put the flowers in there. I went back to the door and saw him waiting patiently. "You ready?" I asked and gave me a gorgeous smile.

"Yeah let's go," I said. He led me to the car and he opened the door for me. "Thank you kind sir" I said in a fake British accent and giggled.

"You're very welcome Ma'm"He said in his real accent and bowed. I started giggling even more and he started chuckling. He closed the door and I got to thinking this isn't so bad this will get me to stop thinking about Mr. Dickhead. He opened his door and stepped in. "So what are we going to do?" I asked and looked over at him.

"I'm not telling you Vic, it is a surprise." I pouted and just decided to wait for us to get there. We drove for about 20 minutes just talking about any random things we could think about. He stopped and I looked around we were at the beach. "What are we doing here it is too cold to get in the water." I told him. He smiled at me "We aren't here to get in the water," He said. "Well then what are we here for." I asked him.

He opened my door ignoring my question completely and he took my hand, I didn't feel anything. I thought some people said they felt sparks or electricity. It might be because this is our first date. We walked to the sand and I saw rose petals leading towards somewhere. I kept walking until I came upon a blanket that was set on the sand. Around the blanket there was red rose petals. There was a basket full of what I'm guessing food. There was some candles that weren't lit up yet. Oli got down on his knees and with his lighter turned on the candles. Everything here had me amazed, it was beautiful, it was just such a sweet thing to do.

"Wow," I said to Oli pretty much speechless. "You like it?" He asked looking nervous and looking down at his fingers. "This is amazing, did you do this all on your own?" I asked him.

He looked up and smiled at me happy that I liked it, "Well I'm glad you like it but, I didn't do everything on my own. I had some of my mates help me out." He said.

"Well you guys did a wonderful job it looks gorgeous." I said and kissed his cheek. I looked at him and he was blushing madly. "Aww are you blushing?" I asked and pinched his cheeks. "No what are you talking about? I never blush." He said. "Well that's not how it looks like right now." I said teasing him.

"Okay fine, I'm blushing now let's get to our date." He said and took my hand again and made me sit down.

The date was amazing, Oli was nice to me the whole time. He was driving me home now and we were holding hands. His hands were actually really soft. I didn't think about Mr. Quinn the whole date so I'm grateful for that. We got to my house and opened my door. "So how was the date?" He asked me.

"It was perfect Oli." I said and gave him a wide smile. We were looking into each others eyes for a while until we both starting leaning in. He was so close to my lips and I was getting impatient so I just connected my lips with his. His lips were so soft and I was finally starting to get more feelings for him. I felt butterflies in my stomach and I was happy about that. We kissed until both of us were out of breath. We didn't use tongue and I was grateful for that. "Well that was-" "Amazing" He said cutting me off. "Yeah" I said giving him a light smile. He pecked my lips once again and took my hands in his. "Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked. "Yes." I said and kissed him once again.

We were both smiling throughout the kiss and it was the most perfect thing ever. We both pulled away and I let go of his hands. " Well I have to go because we both have school tomorrow." I said.

"Okay babe, I'll see you tomorrow" He said and walked to his car. I went inside and walked to my room. I think Mike was here but I wasn't sure. My mom was laying down most likely. I went to my room took a quick shower and got my clothes ready for tomorrow. I went to my bed and laid down falling asleep very quickly.
1,766 words. I hope you liked it.

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