Chapter 1 - Where is Your Boy Tonight?

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A/N: WARNING, this story will contain violence and a physically abusive relationship. If that bothers you, I would suggest not reading it. Those of you who do read it, I hope you enjoy it; I've put a lot of work into this story, and I'm really excited for you to read it. As always, I love my readers and I love hearing from each and every one of you. Leave a comment if you can, and I hope you enjoy the story!


I woke up to my phone ringing, and my boyfriend of three years groaning in bed beside me. "Ashley," he whined, pushing my arm as I rolled over sleepily. "Answer the damn phone. I'm trying to sleep." He rolled back over to face away from me, and I rolled my eyes at him. I reached for the phone and answered it as I slid out of bed.

"Hello?" I said, walking out of the bedroom in nothing but my panties and an oversized t-shirt.

"Good morning, little sister," my brother, Pete, answered happily. I shook my head at him, smiling to myself as I settled down on the couch in the living room of the tiny apartment. "The guys and I were wondering if you wanted to come and hang out with us tonight. We're going to dinner, then hanging out at Andy's place. You up for it?"

I hesitated, glancing towards the bedroom. Josh was snoring loudly, obviously already asleep again. "I'll have to see what Josh has planned today," I told Pete.

"Okay," Pete said, cheerfully, "Well let me know. I can pick you up. I'll talk to you later, Ashley."

"Talk to you later, Pete," I replied, hanging up the phone and setting it down on the coffee table. I got up to start breakfast, so it would be ready by the time Josh woke up. I hoped that by making him breakfast, I could make up for my phone waking him this morning. I made him a large stack of pancakes, with a side plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and some hash browns. I was just finishing up when I heard him padding barefoot into the kitchen, and he quietly slipped his arms around my waist.

"Something smells delicious," he mused, reaching around me to swipe a piece of bacon off his plate. I smiled at him and handed him his two plates, then scraped what was left of the scrambled eggs and once slice of bacon onto my own plate. I sat across from him at the breakfast table and we ate in silence, something that was becoming more and more common for us. When he was finally finished eating, he looked up at me and grinned. "That was good, baby," he told me, "You should make me breakfast more often."

He stood up and left his plate there, stalking off towards our bedroom again. I forced a smile as he glanced back at me, then got up and started washing the dishes. When I finished, I wandered to our bedroom to see him pulling his clothes on for work. He looked up as I walked in, his eyes not moving any further up my body than my ass. He stared as I bent down to gather some clothes from my dresser, and a towel form the closet. "Taking a shower?" He asked, as I wandered towards the bathroom.

"Yeah," I told him, stopping in the doorway in case he had anything else to say.

"I'm leaving in a few minutes for work. I'll probably be gone before you get out. What are you doing today?"

"Nothing," I said, "But I might go visit my brother for dinner tonight."

Josh rolled his eyes and scoffed as he walked over to me. "As long my dinner's on the table when I get home," he reminded me, smiling as he leaned down to kiss me. I kissed him back and smiled, promising that I wouldn't forget his dinner, and then he was off, slamming the door carelessly behind him.

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