Chapter 10 - Someday I'll Appreciate in Value

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            It was nearly two months after the incident that I finally had my court date. One of my casts were off, but the other still needed to heal a little more. My right leg had been broken much worse than the other, so I was confined to crutches now, rather than a wheelchair. Still, Pete insisted on carrying me around the house whenever he could, like I was just as helpless as a baby. Bronx, of course, thought it was absolutely hilarious every time it happened, including right now. I was in my room, the guest bedroom, just as Bronx came running in. "Hey bud," I said, smiling as he climbed onto the bed beside me to look at the phone I was holding.

            "Uncle Patrick is here to pick you up, Aunt Ash," Bronx said, giggling as Pete walked in the room.

            "I can walk on my own, Pete," I warned, quickly shoving my phone in my pocket to hold my arms out defensively.

            "Don't care," Pete stated, grabbing me around the waist as I tried to fight my way out of his arms. He slung me over his shoulders and straightened up, walking out of the room with me laughing and hitting his back. Bronx laughed and followed behind us, my crutches in his hands. Pete carried me out to the living room and set me back on my good foot, right in front of Patrick. He was chuckling as I took my crutches from Bronx and turned to face him.

            "Good morning, Ash," he said, smiling. He was dressed for court, in a suit and all, with a black fedora. He looked absolutely amazing. Not that I was staring.

            "Morning, Patrick," I said, blushing as I situated myself on my crutches.

            "I want to know how it goes," Pete said, glaring at each of us in turn. He couldn't go with me because he had an important meeting today with their record label, but Patrick had offered to go instead. I was insanely grateful that I would have him with me, especially when I had to face Josh today.

            "I'll call you as soon as we hear the verdict," Patrick promised, placing a hand on my back to gently escort me out the door. We said our goodbyes to Bronx, and Pete waved us off, closing the door behind us. Patrick walked to the car with me and opened the door, helping me inside before he closed it and went to the driver's side. "Ready?" He asked as he started the engine.

            "As I'll ever be," I sighed, nervously running my hands over my thighs. I wasn't looking forward to seeing him.

            Patrick reached over and placed a reassuring hand just behind my knee. I looked up at him and he smiled, squeezing my leg gently. "It'll be okay. I'll be right next to you."

            "I know," I said, smiling back at him before he retracted his hand and backed out of the driveway.


            I answered truthfully. I shook in my seat as they pestered me with one question after another. I kept my eyes locked on Patrick. I didn't look at Josh once, but I could feel him staring at me. I could feel the grin on his face. Worst of all, I could feel his hands around my throat.

            When it was over and the jury left to convene and decide his fate, Patrick immediately took my hand and all but dragged me out to the hallway. He pulled me away to a secluded corner of the courthouse and wrapped me in his arms, stroking my hair and kissing the top of my head as I cried into his shoulder. "It's okay," he whispered, "It's almost over. You did so great, Ash. I'm so proud of you."

            "I felt him looking at me," I whimpered, my voice muffled by his jacket. He held me tighter and kissed my head again.

            "I know, sweetheart. I know."

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