Chapter 8 - I'm Still Trying

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I arrived home to find my house surrounded by police and an ambulance. Immediately I thought the worst and panicked, jumping out of the car and sprinting for the door. I was stopped before I could reach it by an officer who tried to ask me questions. "Where's my sister?" I asked, ignoring him, "Where is she?"

"Sir, I need you to calm down," he told me, "Are you the owner of this property?"

"Yeah, I'm Pete Wentz," I stated, running a shaking hand through my hair. I glanced behind the officer to see through my front door. There was a hospital gurney and a number of EMTs pushing it out of the house, making me literally weak in the knees. "Oh my God," I breathed, stepping towards the door only to be held back again. Once they got the gurney out the door, I realized that it was Patrick. He was conscious, but he was pale and barely able to keep his eyes open. I followed the gurney to the ambulance, leaning over Patrick. "What happened?" I asked him, gently grabbing his hand to help him focus on where I was. He rolled his head weakly towards me, his mouth lolling open lazily.

"Pete," he breathed, eyes rolling up to meet mine before they closed again. "I'm sorry."

"Where is she, Patrick?" I asked, my heart racing. I already knew exactly where she was.

"He...He took...Pete, I'm...."

"I know, Patrick," I whispered, "It's not your fault. We'll find her." I stepped back then, letting go of his hand as he was pushed into the ambulance. They left immediately, and I was questioned by police for a long while. There wasn't any evidence left behind, so I was told that until they had a warrant, they couldn't go to the apartment. I didn't care though, because I already had a plan. I left the police to finish up their search of the house and called Megan to let her know what was going on. After that, I called Joe and Andy.


Within an hour, Andy was driving the three of us to Ashley's apartment. I was sitting in the passenger seat, sweating bullets and shaking in fear of what was happening to my sister. He could have done anything to her by now, and I know it would have been bad if he assumes she had run to us out of her own free will. I felt responsible, in a way, because I had brought this on her. I knew now that holding her in my house was not the best way to get him away from her.

As we pulled into the parking lot of her apartment building, I was the first one out of the car, barely waiting for Andy to put it in park. Joe followed immediately after, with Andy running up the path behind him. I marched right up to the apartment and knocked as loud as I could, slamming my fist roughly into the door. I listened carefully, hearing nothing from within the apartment, and no one answered the door.

"Would he be dumb enough to bring her back here?" Joe asked, shrugging like it was obvious when I looked at him.

"Where else would they go?" I asked, hoping she was still here as I racked my brain for possible places he might have taken her. I leaned against the door, pressing my ear to it, and Andy did the same beside me. There was nothing happening inside, not a sound. My heart raced, and I quickly motioned for Andy to move before I threw my shoulder into the door. It didn't budge, but heard the splintering sound of the wood, so I did it again, crashing into the room loudly. There was nobody here, but the apartment was a mess the three of us walked in slowly, carefully listening in case they were here. I walked into the living room, followed by Andy while Joe branched off to the kitchen. I stepped in something wet and looked down, my stomach turning when I realized that the carpet was splattered with blood. "Shit," I breathed, glancing back at Andy as Joe walked back into the room. I turned forward again, my eyes landing on the closed bedroom door.

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