Chapter 11 - I Wrote This For You

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The next morning, I was in the car before Pete could even come outside to help me. I watched him walk out the door and kiss Meagan goodbye, with his bass in its case slung over his shoulder. He jogged to the car and popped the truck to throw his equipment into, then got in the driver's seat beside me. "Excited to see your boyfriend?" He asked, winking at me as the engine roared to life. I glared at him and he giggled.

"He's not my boyfriend," I complained, blushing bright red as I turned to look out my window.

"Not yet," Pete teased, playfully reaching over to poke me in the side. I smacked his hand away and rolled my eyes at him. It was a short drive to the studio, and the other three guys were just arriving as we pulled up. Patrick was walking out of the studio to help Joe and Andy carry their things in, but when he saw Pete parking his car, he quickly set down the guitar case he was carrying to run over to us. I sat patiently in my seat, waiting for Pete to hand me my crutches that I had thrown in the back, but Patrick beat him to it by opening my door.

"Good morning," he said, smiling as he leaned into the car to kiss my cheek. I blushed and smiled back at him.

"Morning, Trick."

"Come on, I've got a seat ready for you." Without another word, he slipped and arm under my legs and the other around my back. I giggled as he lifted me out of the seat and began to carry me inside. Joe and Andy were making faces at us as we walked by them, but I didn't have eyes for anyone other than Patrick as we walked in the doors. As soon as were out of earshot, I pressed my face into his neck and laughed.

"You know, I'm not supposed to baby my legs, Trick. The doctor wants me to walk whenever I can."

"Nonsense," Patrick sighed, "You're hurt." I giggled and he carried me to a chair he had set up right in front of the microphone. It was more comfortable than the stool I usually sat on. As he set me down, he hung onto the arms of the chair and leaned into me. "Or," he breathed, his lips dangerously close to mine, "I just wanted an excuse to hold you."

I smirked and leaned towards him, pressing our foreheads together. "I don't think you need an excuse, Trick." And with that, I closed the distance between us, slowly molding my lips to his. He sighed softly and moved a hand to my hair, pulling me closer if it were possible. All too soon, however, we heard the door to the studio open and Joe's and Pete's voices filled the air. Patrick pulled away with an agitated groan and rolled his eyes, making me laugh quietly.

"Save that thought," he teased, straightening up to walk back and start setting up his equipment. The three boys all walked in to see Patrick pretending to be busy, while I sat blushing and smiling in my chair. Joe and Andy congratulated me on sending Josh to jail yesterday, and I found that I had almost forgotten about it. I thanked them, glancing past Joe as he gave me a hug to see Patrick absolutely beaming at me. Pete was watching him with a smile, but a suspicious one at that.

Rehearsal went well, as usual, and before I knew it, three hours had already passed. The boys all broke for lunch, Pete calling for a pizza about a half an hour beforehand. We sat on the floor in the recording room and ate together, Pete beside me and Patrick sitting directly across from me. Once we were finished and cleaned up, the boys started packing their things up. Patrick went outside with Pete first, talking quietly to him as they walked outside. I waited in my seat, assuming one of them would return for me, and Andy gave me a hug goodbye. Joe lingered, smiling at me as he packed his things up. "What are you smiling about, Trohman?" I asked, laughing lightly as he grinned at me.

"Nothing, Miss Wentz," he joked, "I just think it's funny how Patrick can't keep his eyes off of you. He's been staring at you all day; It's a wonder he hasn't burned a hole right through you yet."

"Stop it," I laughed, blushing, "He was not staring that much." Joe looked at me like there wasn't even an argument there.

"You don't have to hide it, Ashley," Joe said, smiling again, "It's obvious. And you deserve someone like Patrick."

I blushed even harder, but grinned at him. "Thanks, Joe," I muttered, just before the door opened again. Patrick walked back in quickly, blushing and slowing his pace as he realized that Joe was still there. He busied himself with putting the microphone stand away while Joe said goodbye to both of us and left.

As soon as he was gone, Patrick walked to me and leaned down quickly to press his lips to mine. He hummed happily against my lips, pulling away only to lift me in his arms. "I've wanted to do that all morning," he whispered to me, kissing me again as he began to carry me to the door. I smiled happily and curled into him as we walked outside, pressing my face into his warm neck. I didn't pay attention to where he was carrying me, but I looked at him quizzically when I found that I had been placed not in Pete's car, but in Patrick's. He chuckled and leaned in to kiss my cheek. "You didn't think I wasn't going to spend the day with you, did you?" He asked, winking at me as he shut the door and walked around to the other side.

When he got in, I watched my brother's car drive past off, back towards his house. "My crutches –"

"Are already in the back seat," Patrick stated, smiling as he started the car. He drove us to his house quickly, holding my hand over the gearshift and humming quietly to the radio. When we arrived, he again helped me onto my crutches and followed me into the house. He insisted that I sit down, taking my crutches for me while I sat on the couch. He sat beside me and immediately turned on Netflix. "What do you wanna watch?" He asked, holding my hand again. I smiled at him and shrugged.

"Whatever you want," I said. Patrick grinned and turned on Supernatural, a show he knew I enjoyed, and scooted away from me to lean against the corner of the couch.

"Come here," he stated, opening his arms and laying his head back while he waited, I moved carefully to situate my legs up on the couch and leaned back against him, smiling as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I snuggled into him, barely even paying attention to what was on TV. Every so often, Patrick would drop a soft kiss on my head, or on my cheek. After three episodes ended, I sat up and turned to face him. Patrick grinned, a little confused and looked up at me.

"Will you sing to me?" I asked, scooting closer to him and swinging my casted leg down to the floor so I was more comfortable. He smiled and sat up, bringing his face closer to mine.

"Of course I'll sing to you, Ash," he whispered, gently brushing a strand of hair away from my face and leaning in for a short kiss. "What do you want me to sing?" I simply smiled at him, and he smiled back when it came to him. "Wait right here," he breathed, slowly standing up to walk to his bedroom. He came back with an acoustic guitar in his hands, and sat down beside me again, facing me. I relaxed against the couch, and Patrick made quick work of tuning the guitar, then suddenly began the song, looking right at me. "When I wake up, I'm willing to take my chances on the hope I forget that you hate him more than you notice. I wrote this for you...." His eyes sparkled as he finished the first verse, biting his lip as he looked at me and continued to play.

I sat silently through the whole song, admiring his voice like I always did, and when he finished, he looked up and smiled at me. I moved toward him and he quickly set the guitar on the floor, gathering me in his lap and looking up at me with the expectation of a kiss. I only hugged him, but he was content with that, holding me tightly and rubbing his hand up and down my back. "Thank you," I whispered, making Patrick turn his head into my neck. He didn't respond, and I could tell that he knew I was thanking him for more than just the song.

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