Chapter 9 - When I Wake Up

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            I woke up in the middle of the night, opening my eyes to a dark room. I looked down and saw my legs in casts, and there were tubes all over, an IV in the back of my hand. I was in a hospital, I realized. I looked down again, feeling movement beside me, and found a head of light brown hair, all messed up from sleeping, and a hand wrapped around mine. It was Patrick. I almost burst into tears just looking at him when I remembered what had happened. I couldn't recall anything after I left Pete's house, but I know I was in this hospital because of Josh. I gently slid my hand out of Patrick's and ran my fingers through his thin hair, lightly brushing it back from his forehead. He stirred slightly, turning his face towards me and sighing. I smiled, but it hurt to do so. I let go of his hair and brought my hand to my face. I could feel the swelling, and it was sore to move too much. I slowly returned my hand to Patrick's hair, gently playing with it.

            He stirred again, lifting his head slowly as he blinked his eyes open. He looked up at me curiously, and I forced the small smile I was capable of. Immediately, his eyes lit up and a huge smile broke across his face. "Ash," he gasped, springing to his feet and enveloping me in a hug. I hugged him back as best as I could; I was still a little weak. He hugged me for a long while, not saying anything, until I gently tried to pull him away. "Not yet," he sighed, his voice sounding strained. "I shouldn't have gotten up so fast."

            "Are you okay?" I asked, finding that my voice was hoarse and my throat sore, like I had been screaming.

            "I'm fine," Patrick chuckled, "Just a...minor concussion." He finally lifted himself off of me, slowly lowering himself back into his chair.

            I looked down at my legs again, my smile fading. "What did the doctors say about me?" I asked, reaching a hand down to touch one of my casts. I wouldn't be walking for a while.

            "Well, your ankles were both broken," Patrick said, reminding me of what Josh had said as he snapped my bones. So you can't run away again. "He also gave you a black eye," Patrick continued, "And your face is pretty badly bruised. Your arms have marks all over them, and your neck looks like he tried to strangle you. But you're going to be okay, Ash. You won't have to stay here too long."

            I nodded slowly, letting memories of that night flood back to me. I stared absently across the darkened room for a while, unaware that tears began to slide down my cheeks. Patrick grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles consolingly. "Patrick," I whispered, looking down at my lap.


            I finally looked at him, and my face immediately scrunched up as I burst into tears. "Will you...will you sit...up here...with me?" I sobbed as I spoke to him, but in an instant, he was slowly lifting himself out of his chair and onto the bed, leaning back against the headboard and letting me lay my head on his chest. Her wrapped his arms around me protectively, letting me cry as he gently rubbed a hand up and down my arm. He kept telling me that it was okay and I was going to be fine, and for a moment, I believed him. Nothing else existed in that room besides Patrick and I, and I knew that Josh was behind bars right now. How long he stayed there would probably depend on a court date that I hadn't yet asked about, but it didn't matter. For the first time in years, I was being held by someone who genuinely cared about me; Someone who would never hurt me the way Josh did.


            "Today's the day, Ashley!" Pete beamed at me as he walked into my room, his arms spread out wide in excitement as he announced that I would be leaving the hospital, finally. I had been here for two weeks already, and I was ready to get out and just relax. Patrick was released just two days after I woke up, but he visited every day, without fail. I knew I wouldn't see him today, though, because he was with the rest of the guys, rehearsing. Pete and I would be joining them as soon as my paperwork was finished.

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