Chapter 13 - My Brand New Fashion

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Six months had passed, and I was currently sitting on a tour bus, driving through the middle of California. My brother was sitting across from me, his feet up on the breakfast table, with Joe on the other side of the table. Patrick was lying beside me on the couch, his head in my lap and his feet in Andy's lap, on the opposite side of the couch. It was nearly four in the afternoon, and Patrick was napping before the show tonight. The rest of us were watching TV, except I was barely paying attention. I was too focused on my boyfriend and running my fingers through his impossibly soft hair.

I was staring at the way his chest rose and fell with each breath, when the bus suddenly hit a bump in the road. Patrick jumped, but as soon as I smoothed my hand over his hair, he relaxed again, turning into me to bury his face against my stomach and wrap and arm around my waist. I smiled down at him, and heard a scoff from across the bus. I looked up to see Pete rolling his eyes at us. "I'd appreciate it if he didn't feel my sister up right in front of me," he grumbled, crossing his arms like a child.

"You're just jealous because Meagan had to stay home with Bronx," Andy stated, not even looking away from the television screen.

Pete glared at him as Joe and I watched in awed silence. "Fuck off, Hurley," Pete whined, flipping him off. Andy simply smirked while Joe cracked up instantly, and I tried not to laugh too hard so I wouldn't wake Patrick up. Finally, Pete got up and began to storm off to the bunks, pausing in front of me to playfully shove Patrick's shoulder, waking him up.

"Pete!" I snapped, running my fingers through Patrick's hair once more as he looked around in a daze. My brother only chuckled as he walked away, but Patrick rolled onto his back and groaned, rubbing his eyes. "Sorry, Trick," I whispered, "You can go back to sleep if you want. Pete's just being a big baby."

"No, it's fine," he mumbled, his arm still thrown over his eyes. "I'm up." He sat up slowly, swinging his feet down off of Andy. He rubbed at his eyes again, then turned to smile at me. He leaned over to kiss me briefly.

"Get a room," Joe mumbled from the table, smirking as we both glared at him.

"Come on," Patrick laughed, taking my hand as he stood up. I followed him into the bunk room where Pete was laying in his bunk, but Patrick continued to drag me towards the very back of the bus.

"Where are you taking my sister?" Pete asked, suddenly intrigued as Patrick pulled open the door to the lounge.

"To Narnia, Pete," Patrick teased, rolling his eyes as he ushered me inside first and glared at my brother.

"Stump, I swear to God, I will rip off your di-" Patrick shut the door behind him before Pete could finish that statement, and I giggled as he slowly pulled me into his arms.

"I had to be alone with you for a bit before the show," he whispered, tilting his head down so that his lips were dangerously close to mine. "I hope you don't mind," he added.

I bit my lip, looking up to meet my eyes with his beautiful blue ones. "I don't mind at all," I whispered, and just like that, his lips were on mine, moving painfully slowly and with agonizing passion. He always kissed me like this, without any rush or hurry. He always kissed me like he had all the time in the world, taking his time to make every little movement perfect. When he finally pulled away, I was almost breathless.

Patrick smiled at me, kissing my nose lightly. "I love you so much, Ash," he whispered.

I grinned and began to tug him toward the sofa with me. "I love you too, Trick," I whispered, pulling him down to sit beside me. As soon as we were seated, he was kissing me again, slowly sliding his lips across my jaw and down to my neck. Even after six months, I wasn't used to being treated so carefully. I shivered as he pressed towards me, gently lying me on my back so he could hover over me. He kissed down to my shoulder, tugging at my shirt to expose more skin. He lifted his head for a moment and looked down at the light, flowery purple mark his lips had left there the night before. He'd never hurt me, and he never purposely left a mark on my body. This bruise was different, one I was not used to receiving, and it made me smile when he looked at me and smirked.

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